What Is Happiness And How Can You Find It?
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Stress, anxiety, and depression are warning signs from the body that something is not right! When people suffer most people try to escape their problems through please.
Most people confuse pleasure with happiness in the book” The Hacking Of The American Mind” Dr. Robert Lustig explains there are 7 differences between please and happiness.
If you do not not understand these difference you will feel lost in life.
1) Pleasure: Is short-term. (Like a junk food, and alcohol)
Happiness: Is long-term (Like a lifetime)
2)Please: Is felt in your body
Happiness: You feel it above the neck
3)Pleasure: Is taking (like steeling, and manipulation)
Happiness: Is giving (more happiness is giving than in receiving)
4)Pleasure: Is achieved alone
Happiness: Is achieved in social groups
5)Pleasure : Is achieved with substances (Like drugs, and alcohol)
Happiness: Isa not achieved with substances
6)Pleasure: Is achieved with certain behaviors (Drug, social media, or porn)
Happiness: Is achieved with certain activities (Like a hug)
7)Pleasure: Is anything that boosts dopamine
Happiness: is anything that boosts serotonin
We can be addicted to pleasure and can become an aholic. You cannot have too much happiness.
We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals the things that boost dopamine will also bring down our levels of serotonin. A thing that has become very popular is what they call dopamine fast where a person will avoid the things that boost dopamine.
There have been studies that show it only takes about 3 weeks to reset our dopamine receptors
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