
How To Be Happy In Life!

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So, we're diving headfirst into the whole pleasure vs. happiness debate, but trust me, this isn't your average bedtime story. We're getting into some deep stuff. You know, the kind of stuff that makes you question your existence.

First off, we've got to get our brains in check. It's all about those brain chemicals, people! Pleasure gets our buddy dopamine all fired up, while happiness is like serotonin's playground. Scientists call serotonin "the happiness hormone," which sounds like a party, right?

This article is like our treasure map to happiness, and it's pointing out six big X marks on the spot. We're talking income, health, generosity, tolerance, social connections, and trust. These are the keys to unlocking the treasure chest of happiness.

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Bio-Chemistry Of Happiness

Think of life as a big car chase, and we're all trying to escape suffering. We chase after cars, money, new love, you name it. But here's the kicker: those things give us pleasure, not happiness. Pleasure tickles our brain's dopamine button, while happiness lights up serotonin like a shooting star.

Alpha Lifestyle Academy dropped some knowledge bombs in their article about "The Bio-Chemistry Of Success." They found that super successful folks have serotonin levels through the roof. So, we should be doing whatever it takes to boost our serotonin, right?

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Blue-Zone Of Happiness

Ah, National Geographic, those fine folks who funded the research quest for the world's happiest peeps and the secret sauce to their life satisfaction.

Guess what they found? Six key areas that are like the Avengers of happiness predictors. It's like assembling the dream team for happiness, folks!

But wait, there's more! The top five places on the happiness charts? Costa Rica, Denmark, Singapore, and the mysterious Blue Zones. Yeah, I said "Blue Zones." Dan Buettner even made a YouTube video about it – "Learning from 'The Blue Zones Of Happiness.'" It's like a treasure map to the secrets of joy.

So, what's the deal with these places? Well, they've got something in common – they're all living life the way nature intended. Dr. Brian Clement, the wise sage from the Hippocrates Institute, spilled the beans. When we thought we could outsmart Mother Nature, that's when things went south faster than a speeding bullet.

Now, think about this: ancient cultures have been living by these principles for centuries. And as society advanced, we got grumpier. So, there's something to be said for sticking to our roots, folks.

But fear not! You don't have to ditch your modern conveniences to find happiness. It's all about embracing those time-tested principles. We've got historical writings to guide us. Take the Bible, for instance. You don't need to be a holy roller to see the wisdom in there. It's like the original self-help book, and it's got tips for happiness, getting along with others, handling family drama, and even money matters.

And don't think that advice is old news just because it's been around for 2,000 years. 

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Matthew 5-7, we read advice that Jesus gave how to be happy, how to get along with others, family matters, and money issues. Although this advice is 2,000 years old, it is just as powerful and helpful today

Isaiah 48:17 says of our creator, that I am the one teaching you to benefit yourself, the one guiding you the way you should walk.

Each of these locations there are environments, and laws that make their situation unique, however, by looking at the principles we will look at how to apply these principles into our own lifestyle to improve our own level of happiness.

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GDP & Income

Now, money makes the world go round, they say. It's not everything, but it's sure something. Being broke is like stepping on a Lego – it hurts like hell! Couples argue about money more than anything else, and it's the number one reason for divorce.

But here's the kicker: after you hit $75,000 a year in the good ol' USA, more money won't make you happier. It's science, folks! So, chase your dreams, but don't get too greedy.

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Health & Life Expectancy

National Geographic went on a wild goose chase to find the happiest, healthiest folks on Earth. Turns out, health and happiness are like two peas in a pod. You can't be happy if you're are not healthy.

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Happiness and generosity are like the best buddies at a party. When you're happy, you're more likely to share the love. Some parts of the world practically breathe generosity. It's in their DNA.

As Luke 6:38 says: Practice giving, and others will give to you. When you live in a culture of giving, everyone in the environment is more giving to each other. Not only helping those in need but also giving because they feel the joy of giving.

There is more happiness in giving than in receiving - Acts 20:35

America is known to have an independent spirit however, there are subcultures in America that are very that are giving of each other.

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Ah, let's talk about the happiest place on Earth. No, it's not Disneyland, although I bet they're pretty darn happy there too. We're talking about a place that's not just happy, but also super chill when it comes to differences among people.

Now, here's the kicker: tolerance doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone. Nope, not at all. You can still spread the love like confetti at a Deadpool party without giving a thumbs-up to their beliefs.

Oh, and here's a golden rule: no shame, no easily offended feelings allowed. It's like having a superpower – you let things roll off your back like water off a duck's feathers. Instead, you show love and respect to all the different folks out there.

So, remember, folks, in the quest for happiness, it's all about that love and respect, even when you don't see eye to eye!

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TV, the internet, and social media – they're all double-edged swords. Too much screen time can make you as happy as a kicked puppy.

Sure, they've made us more connected, but they've also got a dark side – social isolation.

Now, don't get me wrong, technology's a handy sidekick for productivity, but it's got a happiness timer. After just 30 minutes of TV, your happiness levels start doing a nosedive. Same goes for social media, but for the first 45 minutes, you're riding high like a unicorn at a rodeo.

But here's the kicker, after a full hour of social media, it's like you've stumbled into a room full of wet blankets – your happiness is toast. The more time you spend on social media, the less happy you become. It's like trying to dance the Macarena in quicksand – not gonna end well.

Now, let's talk about the happiest corner of the world. Family and friends are their VIP guests. Unlike us Americans who wear long working hours as a badge of honor, our pals in Denmark see it as a weakness. They're all about efficiency, so no work socializing or running errands on the clock.

They've got their priorities straight. Free time is their golden ticket, all so they can hang out with family and friends. It's like they've cracked the code to happiness.

But here's a little reality check: money problems are the number one cause of divorce, and guess what's the runner-up? You got it, long hours at the office. Overworking is like a one-way ticket to divorce court.

Now, here's a juicy tidbit – the US Travel Association spilled the beans. Seventy-nine percent of couples who travel together say their relationship gets an upgrade after a trip. It's like a relationship booster shot, people.

And if you want a high-level satisfaction ticket, you've got to clock in six weeks a year of vacation time. It's like a happiness prescription you can't ignore.

Oh, and if you're itching for insider travel tips, check out They've got a secret loophole in the travel industry to score the best deals or even get 110% of your money back. It's like finding a unicorn in the wild – rare, but oh so worth it.

So, there you have it, my fellow adventurers. Remember, balance is key, and spending quality time with your squad is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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Trust is the magical ingredient that makes the world go 'round. It's like the secret sauce in your favorite chimichanga recipe. You see, ethics in business? They're like the holy grail, and trust is the sword that guards it.

Take Warren Buffet, for example. He's got a rep for being as trustworthy as a golden retriever. This guy seals multi-million dollar deals with nothing more than a friendly handshake. 

Now, let's talk about the happiest societies on the block. They've got trust oozing out of their pores, like maple syrup at a pancake breakfast. They trust their government, and they trust each other. It's like one big, happy family picnic.

But here's the kicker: trust is a rare gem in our society. You might not trust your business or government leaders as far as you can throw them. But guess what? There are these cool sub-cultures lurking in the shadows, where trust is the name of the game.

And now, hold onto your chimichangas again because we're going to the Happiest Place on Earth – Disneyland and Disney World. Inside those magical walls, trust and respect are like the official currency. You can leave your iPhone or even a diamond ring on a table, and you won't find it magically disappear like a Houdini act. Nope, they'll mail your stuff back to you faster than a speeding bullet.

Outside of those magical walls, people might be as selfish as a greedy leprechaun, but inside Disney, they're considerate superheroes. They'll give up their seats for an older person faster than you can say "Mickey Mouse."

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The more people chase happiness the harder it is to achieve. When we look at the blue zones where populations have the largest number of people living past 100. They don’t try to live healthily or live a long life. They live a longer life because of the way their life is set up.

Our mission is to ease suffering by sharing the life-changing advice from some of the far most experts in their field.

Stress, anxiety and depression is a warning sign from the body is not working. We've talked about 6 of the 7 traits of happiness. So, I want to invite you to visit where we'll dive deeper into these 7 traits.

Where you will discover how to set up your life to live by increasing your happiness.

You may not be as happy as you want to be, but if you lived in another part of the world however, in your current situation we can apply these principles into your life.

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How To Drive A Ferrari For The Same Price You Would Pay For A Honda

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This story highlights the dream of driving luxury cars like Lamborghinis and Ferraris, even though most people end up driving practical cars like Hondas. The key is to understand car depreciation and how the ultra-rich preserve their wealth through “exchanging” cars strategically. By selling a car at the right time and using the proceeds to buy another, they avoid losing money. Additionally, learning from mentors can help navigate the car market and secure the dream car without breaking the bank. 


Well, well, well, my fellow car enthusiasts, listen up because I've got some car wisdom to drop on you. Back in the day, when I was a young and spry 15-year-old, I had a poster of a wicked black Lamborghini above my bed. You betcha, no boring Honda poster for me, 'cause who wants that, right?

But guess what? Here's a secret sauce that's not so common knowledge: you can live the dream without breakin' the bank! Yeah, you heard me right. The ultra-rich have some money-saving tricks up their sleeves. They don't just blow their dough like confetti at a party. Nah, they educate themselves on the biz and financial stuff for about 60 minutes each day, way better than binge-watching some soapy drama on TV. 

And that's where we come in, with my squad of mentors. We're learnin' the tricks of the trade, so you can too! I got business mentors, money mentors, health and fitness gurus, the whole shebang! We're working on snaggin' that Ferrari without breaking the bank, just like a pro.

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Alright, now let's talk about depreciation. We all know new cars tank in value faster than you can say "chimichanga," but there's more to it. That sweet Lambo of yours will depreciate too, no doubt about it. But, here's the catch, once it hits that sweet spot, the value stabilizes like a skilled sharpshooter.

So, my fellow dreamers, the rich got a clever trick called "exchanging." It ain't just about buyin' a Lambo for $200,000 'cause you can. They get smart by buying and sell it at the right time for the same price, then bam! You want to buy your exotic car around year 7 because as you notice in the graph depreciation starts to level off around year 7, then then you want to sell it before it depreciates and invest in another exotic. This way you don't lose money and in some case you will actually make money.

And don't you dare think it's impossible to get the car of your dreams! The car market's a jungle, but once you know the ropes, you can score your dream ride. Remember, patience is key, just like waitin' for the perfect taco.

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90 Day Rule

Oh, and there's the legendary 90-day rule. Car dealerships hate it when a car sits on their lot like a couch potato. So, once that baby hits 90 days, they're charged interest faster than I can whip out my swords. You savvy? Findin' high-end cars near that mark is your ticket to a sweeter deal.

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$0 Down Financing

Now, I bet you're wonderin', "How the heck am I gonna afford an exotic ride?" Fear not, amigo! Financing's the name of the game. Ninety percent of those beasts are financed, and it ain't 'cause they can't afford it. It's 'cause the money-savvy folks know their money can make more money, like me and my chimichanga stand.

So, buckle up and join me on this wild journey. We'll be tearin' up the roads in our dream cars, all without emptying our wallets. You'll be cruisin' like a boss, just like me, Deadpool, with my crimson suit and wit to match.

So, grab the wheel of your dreams, hit the gas, and let's ride into the sunset together! Chimichangas for everyone!


the key to buying exotic cars without breaking the bank lies in timing and smart strategies. Acquiring a well-maintained exotic car between 3 to 7 years old is the sweet spot. Utilizing exchanging techniques allows you to avoid losing money and, in some instances, even make a profit. Keep your eyes peeled for automobiles near the 90-day mark on the lot; dealers become more motivated to sell, presenting better opportunities.

Furthermore, buying an exotic car opens doors to additional financing options, often with zero money down. This makes owning your dream car more feasible than you might think. But remember, there's much more to learn in the world of money-saving secrets of the ultra-rich.

If you're hungry for the lifestyles of the rich and famous on a middle-class income, whether it's driving Ferraris, living in Hollywood mansions, or exploring the world practically for free, you're invited to claim your copy of these secrets at Empower yourself with knowledge and transform your aspirations into reality. Live life in the fast lane, because you deserve it!

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How To Live In Mansions, Drive Exotic Sports Cars, & Live The Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous Without Being Rich!

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Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

You may be familiar to Tai Lopez’s legendary Youtube commercial, I’m here in my garage with my Lamborghini.

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In today article I’m gonna explain Tai Lopez’s business model and how he is able to live in mansion, drive luxury sports cars, and surround himself with beautiful women, that he does not share in his Youtube videos or programs.

If you are new to the “Alpha Lifestyle Academy Community” let me introduce myself.

My name is Christopher Brown, my last job I was hired as a business strategist to develop marketing strategies for many times, executives from multi-billion dollar companies.

While at that company I did an average of 60 consulting session over a period of 3 years, in which I got to see the different business models companies were using.

Tai Lopez is a lifestyle entrepreneur however, before we look at Tai Lopez’s business model, lets look at the late Hugh Hefner who was the ultimate lifestyle entrepreneur. he lived the lifestyle of the rich and famous without being that rich.

Hugh focused more on the lifestyle, rather than building wealth.

There are minimalist who build there businesses through Instagram and Youtube, who travel the world, and they want the enjoyment of their experiences rather than building a massive empire.

I spent a couple years living at a vacation resort, just about 3 1/2 miles outside the front gates of Disney World because I wanted to live my life like I was on vacation.

At the time I was married, and me and my wife wife at the time would go to Disney World, 3-4 times a week in which I'd write blog articles and film video for my Youtube channel as you see in the following picture.

We would also go to Miami, West Palm Beach, Key West, Crystal River, and visit different places around Florida, one -two times per month.

Making money online is really simple however, it does take a lot of work.

As a blogger, if you are not making enough money, it is because you have not written enough blog articles. My mentors told me in to write 2 blog a day for 2 years in which I would be making $30,000 per month at that point.

I had written enough blog articles, that got me between 15,000-20,000 visits per day, and from that traffic I generated an income from ad revenue, as well as products I offered from my blog.

In addition to that because I was an online entrepreneur I qualified for some government stimulus programs in which I received 20-45% cash back from my rent, utilities, food, clothes, as well as my travel expenses.

Be sure to download your workbook and action plans for more details on how I did this

I lived my life like I was on vacation for a couple of years however, Hugh Hefner was a different kind of lifestyle entrepreneur.

According to the following article from Fortune Hugh Hefner only made around a million dollars a year, which may sound like a lot if you don’t have a million however, it’s not that hard to make a million dollars being a entrepreneur.

However, when you consider the legacy of the Playboy brand for him to make a million dollars is not really that much money.

For Hugh Hefner is was not about the money but rather the lifestyle he could create for himself.

Hugh no longer owned the famous Playboy Mansion however, he still got to live there and enjoy all the perk of living their without having to pay rent or own the mansion.

There are a bunch of internet trolls who verbally bash Tai Lopez saying stuff he does not own the house he lives in but, you still got to have plenty of cash to live in a place life that.

I believe Tai Lopez took his business model from Neil Strauss and his partners who ran a seminar business in which they rented the home of the “Rat Pack” who was made up Frank Sinatra, Dean Martian, Sammy Davis JR, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop  in Hollywood for $50,000 per month in which their seminar attendees paid for the rent and living expenses.

Neil Strauss wanted to provide a unique experience that you could not get anywhere with his seminar business. Neil Strauss did not teach business success however, he still wanted to give his seminar attendees the feeling of luxury.

There is nothing unique, about Tai Lopez’s business model.

What is unique is how he copied the business model, that plenty of successful companies have used in the past to create his lifestyle.

1) Front End Product

Your job is to get your potential client to spend money with you, no matter how little that is.

A big mistake many companies make is not having a cheap enough product because the more expensive your product is the more trust you have to develop before they will trust you enough to buy from you.

So the key is to sell something inexpensive and when you deliver with that product those people will then be willing to spend more money for another product with a higher level of service.

Tai Lopez does this with his  “67 Steps” program which sell for $67 and once someone has spend money with him they are more likely to spend money with him again.

The income from this product in most likely used to finance his advertising this way he no long is REQUIRED to pay out of pocket for his advertising ever again.

We do this with our digital publishing programs.

Unlike what most programs are offering we offer more than just knowledge through our workbooks and actions plans. Yes, we provide the knowledge however, knowledge can only get you so far.

You need training! We give you the blueprint and action step you must take in order to be successful because research shows when you have journal or diary in addition to the knowledge you have a 70% greater chance you will take action in which we sell at the following link for $57.

2) Back End Product

Research shows it is 6X cheaper to sell an existing customer than it is to get a new customer.

Once someone has bought his “67 Steps” program, Tai can then upsell those customers to one of his other programs which range from $500-$1000.

We on the other hand do this with this with our Online Mentoring because knowledge alone is not enough to get you the results you need. Our training programs implement many of the same principles the U.S Navy Seals use to get the best out of their people. 

3) Lifestyle

If you like exotic sports cars, instead of buy a brand new car, you could buy a used Ferrari which as you see in the picture an 2002 low mileage Ferrari is going for around $1,375 per month.

This is where Tai can finance his lifestyle.

Tai also offer high end group training events at his mansion in which he charges premium prices which covers the cost of his lifestyle.

We do this with our Live Events.

For those that want to take their business to the next level we offer our luxury events which are small intimate events to give everyone the attention they need, plus give attendees a tase of what it is like to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous by attending our events at a Hollywood mansion.

These live events start a $2,997 and have no more than 50 attendees which generates an income to cover the rent of the mansion.

(Link:,mobile,land,townhouse_type/20799193_zpid/34.166505,-118.290911,34.078256,-118.411761_rect/12_zm/3_p/ )

If we do an event for 50 people once a month and pay a 40% commission to our partners, that would still leave $89,910 to over the rent and expenses of the mansion however, my dream is to get the place at 1894 N. Stanley Ave, Los Angeles, Ca which rents for almost $200,000 per month.

So would need to do 4 events per month to cover the expenses of this place. (Link:,mobile,land,townhouse_type/20795041_zpid/274049_rid/34.166505,-118.290911,34.078256,-118.411761_rect/12_zm/2_p/  )

4) Pretty Girls

Tai is part owner in a online company that sells sunglasses, he is also partners in a company that sells books online however, Tai also like to surround himself with pretty girls in which he started a clothing line in which the money from his clothing brand covers the cost of hiring the models.

The majority of Tai customer base is young dudes, who like fast cars, and beautiful women which boost views of his Youtube channels.

So the revenue from his clothing company might be what is called as a “Loss Leader” which is an business that loses money however, because of this part of the business, it boost revenue from another business.

So Tia might lose money on his clothing brand however, the girls boost the viewership of business, which allows him to make money.


5) Partnership

When developing this business model, I also wanted to develop a plan I could pay as high of commissions as we could to those helping us spread the word while also allowing this to finance our lifestyle which eventually would allow you to do the same thing.

As the number currently stand and the marketplace dictates; 10,000 email subscribers would earn you $720,000 in commissions.

Another strategy that is unknown by the vast majority of entrepreneurs, that is used by many successful people.

In fact Grant Cardone received a $250,000 home decorating project for his home in Miami without having to pay a dime.

You can use this to get luxury watches, sports car, homes, and vacations.

We partnered up with a company in which the gentlemen you see in the picture below earned after making less than 100 sales, because of the unique word of mouth marketing method he used.

I want to invite you to upgrade you membership where we will give you the step by step blueprints of the enterprenurs I have worked with who has built a lifestyle just like Tai Lopez has done and in addition to that you be qualified to win your choice of any $3 million dollar home.

That's right! One of you will win $3 million dollar home just because you upgraded your account!

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Pay Your Bills And Earn Rewards To Finance Your Next Vacation!

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Every time you make a purchase with your credit card, the business you buy from incurs a fee. Moreover, when you utilize various reward cards, you, as the customer, earn cashback and reward points, which are ultimately paid for by the companies themselves. Essentially, the businesses where you use your credit card end up indirectly financing your vacations. Similar to the concept of "EXTREME COUPONING," where individuals exploit coupon programs to obtain large quantities of items for free, there are "TRAVEL HACKERS" who leverage loopholes in the credit card industry to earn complimentary trips. These tactics allow them to take advantage of the system and enjoy free travel opportunities.

Stephen Paid His Bills & Earned 170 Vacations:

Let's consider Stephen, who has accumulated an impressive 20 million credit card points, resulting in 170 complimentary flights over the past year. Among these flights, many were luxurious private jet experiences. Additionally, Stephen has enjoyed free vacations at some of the world's most prestigious resorts. To encourage more people to sign up and use their credit cards, companies offer enticing sign-on bonuses. For instance, the Chase Sapphire card provides new cardholders with 50,000 points. Each point holds an approximate value of two cents, meaning that 50,000 points can be redeemed for approximately $1,000 worth of free flights and vacations.

Step #1: Fix Your Credit

If you have a poor credit report, you will not be able to qualify for the credit you need in order to travel the world for free!

Even if you think you have good credit, it is suggested that you check your credit because 90% of people have errors and misinformation on their credit reports, for which you may be paying for someone else's mistakes.

Be sure to check out our free "DIY Credit Repair Kit" because fixing your credit is really simple. However, if you decide you don't want to deal with it and would rather have someone else do it for you, we have provided some great resources of companies that will fix your credit.

Step #2: Lower Your Debt

One of the reasons it is so easy for many credit repair companies to fix your credit is because they use legal loopholes to increase your credit score. However, if there are no or limited legal loopholes they can use, then you may need to eliminate some of your debt to lower the debt you have on your credit.

Now, did you notice what I said? I did not say you have to pay off your debt, which may also be an option too.

We also utilize banking laws that the banks use against you to charge you fees and higher interest. However, we employ these same laws to eliminate your debt by as much as 50%.

Imagine if you had a debt of $250,000 and we could use these laws to lower your debt to $125,000! Just imagine how many years sooner you would be able to retire?

Step #3: Establish Your Credit

If you are young and have never had a credit card or if you are someone who has had to rebuild your life, perhaps after going through a divorce, we suggest that you use a loophole of the rich that we call the "Money Saving Secrets Of The Ultra Rich." This method can help you rebuild your credit in 60-90 days in most cases.

One of the ways we achieve this is by utilizing a network of individuals who have excellent credit. You can leverage their credit to build your own credit. For example, Stephen, who has earned 20 million points, was able to build a credit score that enabled him to obtain $3.2 million dollars in credit.

Most people imagine having $3.2 million dollars in credit as dangerous. And yes, it would be if Stephen were not responsible. However, your credit score is based on the amount of credit you have used.

So, if you only have a $1,000 credit limit but you spend $500 dollars, your credit score will be worse than Stephen's, who has $3.2 million dollars in credit, even if he spends $10,000 on his credit.

You can leverage our network to rebuild your credit in the next 60-90 days.

Step #4 Apply For Credit 

Once you have built up some good credit, it is now time to start applying for a credit card to start earning some free vacations. The Chase Sapphire card is the first card suggested for you to go after because Chase only allows you to get 5 cards in a 2-year period.

So, it is suggested that you go after the first 5 credit cards from Chase. However, if you do not qualify for any of the Chase credit cards due to this rule, don't despair because there is another legal loophole you can use in step #5.

We have resources for you where you can conduct your own research and look at reviews of some of the best credit cards for your situation.

Step #5: Business Credit 

Entrepreneur magazine has stated that 90% of people are unaware of business credit, and even those who are aware don't know how to obtain it.

Business credit is a separate form of credit that is not linked to your social security number. With business credit, you can begin establishing credit that was previously unattainable just 5 minutes ago.

While Chase imposes a limit of 5 credit cards within a 2-year period, if you establish business credit, you can repeatedly obtain the same credit cards over and over again. This is because the more credit cards you acquire, the more points you will earn, allowing you to enjoy more free vacations.

I personally know individuals who go on vacations every single month due to this strategy. Moreover, there are individuals who are even more aggressive in their approach. For instance, as mentioned earlier in this article, Stephen has taken 170 flights in less than a year, despite there being only 12 months in a year.

Step #6: Vacations Are Tax Deductible

By utilizing the points earned from your credit card, you can enjoy free or nearly free vacations. However, in addition to that, if you follow the following advice, your vacations can become tax deductible.

When you go out for dinner, purchase souvenirs, or visit theme parks, these expenses can be considered tax deductible.

You see, over the past couple of years, Congress has enacted a series of governmental stimulus programs. If you have a job, the government will add $300-$500 per month to your paycheck, as well as provide 20-45% cash back on your regular everyday expenses, including vacations.


The rich spend less than the poor and middle class on those things they need but hate to pay for so they will have more money for those things that make life really enjoyable like cars, homes, shopping an vacations that we call as the money saving secrets of the ultra rich.

So I want to invite you to watch our free video at where you use these exact same secrets to save hundreds, thousands each and every month.

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