With the feminization of men our culture has trained men to be the complete opposite of what women find attractive. But then when men have hardship they are told to man up!
There is a bio-chemistry of relationships where men and women work in harmoney with each other. When this is done properly their sex hormones work in balance with each other to bring out masculine and feminime qualities in each other. However, by working against this natural law your sex hormones are out of balance with each other, which causes stress, leading you to argue and fight which often lands you in divorce court.
If you can develop yourself into what women call 6,6,6 man you will have more options. There will be more women attracted to you, and the bigger likely hood the women you find attractive will find you attractive.
Women have what they call “The List” a list of qualities and traits their ideal man must have however, they put more emphasis on the 6,6,6 rule, six-foot tall, six-pack abs, and a six-figure income.
Do not let yourself be intimidated by any of the 6,6,6 rule qualities because there are many high-status men who do not possess all the qualities of the 6,6,6 rule.