
Do You Know These Top Snack Tips from Fitness Gurus?

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What do fitness gurus eat, and what do they recommend for others? Fitness gurus have mastered snacking before and after exercise. Just like everyone else, they face cravings throughout the day. Try their tips the next time you have a long day at the gym or at work.

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Do You Know What 12-Step Programs Can Teach You About Dealing with Chaos?

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Twelve-step programs have helped millions of adults who felt like their life was spinning out of control. Even if you’re not addicted to alcohol or gambling, their philosophy may help you when external events make your situation seem
unmanageable. Maybe your life has been disrupted by health issues or job loss. Maybe your relationships are strained, or you’re isolated from others. Your wellbeing depends on how you respond to challenging situations. Take a closer look at twelve-step programs and the lessons they contain. You’ll find wisdom that you can apply to any kind of hardship.

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A Woman’s Guide to CBD

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CBD products have become more popular with both men and women in recent years. A Gallup Poll found that women were more likely to take CBD for anxiety, while sleep issues were more common among men. Both sexes used CBD about equally for pain relief. Read on to learn more.

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A 3-Step Process for Figuring Out Your Next Big Career Move

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Whether you’ve just joined the workforce, graduated college, or have been in the workforce for several years and are getting bored, it’s always the right time to think about your career. The question of “What do I do now?” or “Where do I go next?” can be answered with a little introspection and time.

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Modern Rules for Team Building When Employees Work at Home

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Teamwork increases camaraderie and productivity, but how can employees work together when they’re rarely in the same place? With the increase in remote work, many organizations are looking for new team-building strategies.
Learn how to succeed with remote teams. Try these techniques for maximizing cohesion and cooperation.

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Do You Know These 8 Steps to Realize Your Full Potential?

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Most people look back on their life and wonder what they could have accomplished if they’d only been more decisive and committed. You can avoid that kind of regret by choosing to become the best you can be at something. What do you want to master?

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Do You Have These Top 10 Must-Have Communication Skills for Life and Work?

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Communication skills are a better predictor of success than intelligence. Your boss, coworkers, and clients are all subjected to your communication skills. We all have to communicate with the people in our lives. The only way to develop communication skills is to make them a priority and begin teaching yourself. Read on to learn more.

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Do You Know These Top 15 Ways to Protect Your Well-being by Being Kind to Yourself?

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How do you react when you’re faced with circumstances beyond your control or you fall short of your own expectations? You might be tempted to become harsh with yourself. You try to whip yourself into
shape, thinking that will help you to overcome the obstacles in your way. In reality, treating yourself with kindness and compassion is more likely to build your resilience and clarify your thinking.

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5 Essential Elements for Running a Successful Home Business

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Running your own home-based business is not for everyone, but most people at some point in their life have given the idea some consideration. The biggest challenge in running your own business is not in the actual running of it.
Where most people struggle is in choosing what kind of business to run! With that being said, there are still important aspects of any business that need to be dealt with effectively in order for your business to become successful.

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Assertive or Aggressive: Which one are you?

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Are you assertive? Aggressive? Are you even sure? Most people are familiar with the terms, but many can’t clearly articulate the differences between these two qualities. It’s important to understand the differences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both. Only then is it possible to make a wise decision about which best suits your situation?

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