The Knowledge Of The One Percent [Pt 8]

I have a client who is a pretty sophisticated entrepreneur who put very little of his knowledge into action and said to me “We’ll I like to see the system”, “I like to do things my way”  he wanted to see and know every detail of the selling system before he did anything.

We looked at this scripture through a consulting session and said to me “Do not look be wise in your own eyes” he understood he did not understand quantum physics and either do I, however, 2 Thessalonians 3:2 says: “Faith is not a quality of all people”

Sales and marketing is the highest paid profession in the world however, most people are scared off because they lack the knowledge that it does not matter their skill level because there is no if’s, and’s about it, if you play the laws of physics you will make money.


Romans 3: 3 says: What, then, is the case? If some lacked faith, will their lack of faith invalidate the faithfulness of God (Universe)? Certainly not! But let God (Universe) be found true, even if every man be found a liar, just as it is written: “That you might be proved righteous”.

It does not matter if you believe in these invisible universal laws or not. You will be rewarded if you have the faith and confidence to put this into action.

Galatians 6:7 says: For whatever a person is sowing (planting), this he will also reap (harvest).

If you don’t start planting and nurturing your crop by playing the laws of physics you won’t have a harvest.

Proverb 21:17 says: The one who loves having a good time will come to poverty; the one who loves wine and oil will not grow rich”.

Think of all the people who join those home based business, start selling insurance, real estate and all the things people do to better themselves financially, however, when it comes down to doing the work they put very little effort into it.

Take, for instance, Rick Engstrom who in over an 8 year period only talked to 7 people about his business, however, if you don’t have the confidence (because of your lack of knowledge) you will not put in the work.