Month: July 2017

How To Live A Balanced Life: Health, Wealth, Happiness, Romance & Success!

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Maintaining balance in life is crucial for overall fulfillment, focusing on health, wealth, happiness, and success. Prioritize physical and mental well-being, financial stability, positive relationships, and setting goals. Optimize your brain by addressing personality traits, healing past trauma, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and staying open to new discoveries. Romantic relationships are vital, as brain chemicals play a role in attraction. Health issues can affect love chemistry, leading to dysfunctional marriages. Getting health, money, and relationships right contributes to a happy life. Remember, everyone's definition of fulfillment may vary, so reflect on your values to achieve balance and satisfaction.

The Good Life:

If you could fix any area of your life what would it be? Health, wealth, happiness, or success? Most people focus on one or two particular areas of their lives, and the rest of their lives end up in shambles.

In order to live a truly happy and fulfilled life, you must live a balanced lifestyle. What you will notice when you do find balance is, once you get one area of your life handled, the rest of your life tends to balance out as well.

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One primary area of focus for many people is their finances. If you listen to people like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardone they will tell you that you need to get your money right! Because money impacts so many different areas of your life.

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The first area of your life you should focus on is your health. Not only your physical health but also your emotional and mental health too. Dr. Daniel Armen from the Armen Clinic, who has conducted over 83,000 brain scans, found those with healthy brains are happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, more creative, and more innovative.

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If you are struggling with any of these issues it is because of having a toxic brain.

Charles Eugster, a 93-year-old bodybuilder in his TED TALKS speech, explains that, at the current rate, 50% of the US population will be obese by 2030, when we are obese in the front part of the brain, called the pre-frontal cortex, shrinks.

Charles goes on: "The prospect of the most powerful nation in the world by 2030 having a shrinking brain is frightening. What's worse than being broke? Being fat, broke, and dumb."

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If taking better care of your health to look good is not enough to motivate you; than perhaps for the sake of your finances it is, because how successful can you be with a shrunken brain?

The people who join programs like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardon fail not because their programs didn't work, but rather because their brains are not healthy, and thus they procrastinate and engage in self-destructive behaviors.

For you to be successful you need to optimize your brain, to lose weight, to get healthy, and to make more money. 

By optimizing your brain to make more money we will:

1) We will address how to cultivate the personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

2) How to heal from past trauma that can cause us to self-sabotage ourselves.

3) Lifestyle, As you have already seen because of poor lifestyle choices this can cause our brain to shrink and hampers our brains ability to perform.

4) Because we don't know what we don't know. Every month, new discoveries about the brain are being made and we may yet not know what we are about to discover to optimize your brain to make more money.

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Nothing brings us as much joy or suffering as our romantic relationships, which is another very important area of our lives.

Love is not as simple as "boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl." There are a series of brain chemicals that attract us to certain types of people, who have a complimentary brain chemical, and thus causes us to fall in love. This is why scientists use the expression of "chemistry" to describe romantic relationships.

However, if either the husband or wife is unhealthy, they will not be able to properly produce these love chemicals at the adequate level. This will create a dysfunctional marriage. In addition, the #1 Cause for divorce is money problems.

#2 Reason for divorce is neglect, due to overworking.

Many marriage counselors have the lowest success rates of any counselors because they teach you how to get along with each other not the biology and what makes you attracted to each other.

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#1 Get your health RIGHT!  #2 Get your money RIGHT! #3 Get your romance or your marriage RIGHT! #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

#1 Get your health RIGHT! - By getting your health right you will be in the proper state of mind to #2 Get your money RIGHT! And when you get your money right you will #3 Get your marriage RIGHT! because by getting your money right you will reduce the risk of the major cost of divorce you might otherwise have.

And by getting your marriage right you will have a happy life and #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

This is the key to The Good Life is your Health, Wealth, Happiness, and Success Before we address how to optimizing your brain. We will address the keys to living a happy and successful life. 

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In his 25-year study of the most successful people, Napoleon Hill's classic writings revealed 17 principles of success and 33 reasons why people fail. If you have ever failed to achieve something in life, it is likely due to one of these 33 reasons. Additionally, there are six factors that cause individuals to self-sabotage. Psychologists have discovered two personality traits that not only greatly predict wealth but also influence other areas of our lives, such as health, leading to increased joy and happiness. I invite you to take a performance-based personality test to determine if you possess these two personality traits, which are strong indicators of success. If you don't have them, don't worry, as most people are not born with these traits. We will guide you on how to cultivate them at

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