Month: July 2020

Dieting Without Going Hungry

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Attention!: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see, and 100% of what we are trained to do. Be sure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review today's model. Download Now >>

Eat What You Want, Never Go Hungry, & Still Lose Weight:

NEWS FLASH! A 3,000-year-old diet secret has been re-discovered - to be able to eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight! Read on to learn more.

A major flaw in today's diet and fitness industry is that most diets require you to make large changes too quickly which makes it difficult for your brain to adapt. You can become discouraged. So you soon slip back into your same old bad habits as they are comfortable for you. We recommend you use what we call a transition diet. This approach has you making small changes over time that will give you the substantial results you desire and the highest chance of reaching your goals.  It also makes it more manageable.  

Most people are constantly eating large meals throughout the day and don't allow their bodies time to digest their food to start burning fat. Any activity you do within the first 2 stages of your body's digestive process only burns the food and sugars you just ate. You will need to work harder to burn off your fat reserves. According to an article published on, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose 1 lb. This is why it is difficult for most people to lose weight because of the types of high-fat foods they are eating. However, by learning to eat in the proper stage of your digestion you will start burning fat more readily.

See article:

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Stage #1 Of Your Digestion:

The first step is eating what you want, never going hungry, and still losing weight is by postponing your eating at the beginning of your day for as long as possible. In other words, you skip breakfast. Fill up on liquids and when you do eat, you can eat anything you want with what is known in the diet and fitness industry as intermittent fasting.

Strategies such as eating later in the day may seem new at first, but by quenching your thirst throughout the day, you are more likely to lose weight. What many of you believe is hunger is thirst. Most people confuse the two! If you wait until you are thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink something.

Greg Gallagher of Kinobody suggests to fill up on coffee because it's an appetite suppressant. You can still get your morning Starbucks, however, I'm not a big fan of coffee so every morning I would go to McDonald's and order a large sweet tea at around 7:30 AM while I did my computer work online. I would get 4 or 5 cups of ice filled with tea that would fill me up for the day. Sometimes I would not eat until 8 pm when I became hungry and I would go to eat at Taco Bell or another fast-food restaurant. 

I’ve never been fat however, I do have what is called skinny fat. I look fine until I take my shirt off so I lost 20 lbs in 2 months not by dieting but by changing the patterns in which I ate. 

Ariana Grande is just one Celebrity who is reported to do intermittent fasting. When you look at what she looked like when she was on her Nickelodeon show and what she looks like now after doing intermittent fasting. There is a noticeable difference.

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How To Look Super Human:

When people are in great physical shape, others make negative comments that they are not normal people because they don't believe the average person can achieve a body like what we see above. There are so many typical people just like you and me that find, by changing the way we eat and when they look and feel like "superhumans". 

Chances are you are not trying to get in the same physical shape as a fitness model. You might just like to lose between 20 and 30 lbs and be a healthier person. The extra bodyweight you carry puts your health at risk. When you lose weight you can see a variety of health benefits. Some of these include Decreased risk of diabetes, lowered blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, decreased risk of heart disease, and certain cancers. You will see improved mobility, decreased joint pain and improved blood sugar levels to name a few.

Getting Back To Our Roots:

Skipping breakfast sounds scary to a lot of people however, YOU WILL NOT GET HUNGRY. The reason we feel hungry every couple of hours is that if you eat bread, pasta, and foods that spike your blood sugar, when it drops it makes you hungry. Remember, if you feel hungry you may just be thirsty. Throughout much of human history, we didn't have food around us 24/7 as we do in the American culture today. We had to hunt and gather for our food. Thus the strategy of the 3,000-year-old diet.

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Harnessing The Power Of Your Metabolism:

Now you may have heard that you need to keep your metabolism going by eating every 3 hours. In some cases, this works but most people are not eating a strict enough diet for this to be effective. Most people who believe they are eating healthy are eating what we call fake health food.  Food that is marketed as healthy may not be. When you read the labels carefully, you realize they are not what they seem. The most common unhealthy foods include highly-processed items “such as fast foods and snack foods,” says Vilma Andari, M.S. “Highly-processed foods tend to be low in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) and high on empty calories due to the content of refined flours, sodium, and sugar.”

Now let's look at the science behind why this works. We have enzymes in our body that digest our food however when these enzymes have no food to break down it can work on repairing our body instead. In the documentary "Eat, Fast & Live Longer" there have been 100's of years of proof and new scientific discoveries showing that eating this way is linked to a long life, along with other health benefits linked to fasting.


1) Skip breakfast and postpone eating for as long as possible.
2) Fill up on low-calorie liquids
3) If you are hungry it's because you're not drinking enough liquids and when you do eat you're eating the wrong foods
4) When you choose intermittent fasting you can eat what you want and still lose weight

Intermittent fasting also boosts brainpower, improves sexual performance, boosts testosterone, and helps you to live a healthier life for many years.

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How to make good friends

How To Find True Friends

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Attention!: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see, and 100% of what we are trained to do. Be sure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review today's model. Download Now >>

Making friends used to not be a skill, however, because we are more connected through technology than at any other single point in history on the other hand because of the lack of true connection, as a society, we are also the most lonely. 

The Book “Lose Connections” shows that years ago people had a group of people that they could turn to during a crisis, however, today when you ask who you could turn to during a crisis, most people have no one to turn to.

People share their life moments on Instagram, which makes you believe they have close friends. There is a difference between having playmates, someone you enjoy spending time doing things together with, and a friend who is there in the best of times and the worst of times.

In fact, it may be when things are going well for you, you will see who your true friends are because a true friend will celebrate your successes because a true friend is someone who wants the best for you. 

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Some people only have companions in their life when things are going bad for them because they are having a rough life and need someone to share their bad experiences with, but once you start to make improvements in your life the relationship changes.

Depression, anxiety, and emotional problems are a warning sign from the body that something is not right. We experience a series of emotional problems because we live outside of the bounds nature that has intended us to release the hormones of stress, constricting our blood vessels, increasing our chance of early death by 50%.

The book “Lose Connections’ bring out loneliness is as unhealthy as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Our society has convinced us that we should be able to do things on our own and have a spirit of independence but when you look in nature there are no species that can survive without the assistance of another species.

In nature, humans were able to take down spices larger and faster than us because we worked together in teams.

In order to find a good friend, we have to understand what good friends are. I don’t believe most people understand what it means to be and have a good friend because we have already stated that a playmate is someone who keeps the company and a friend is someone who shares your values.

In the bible at (Proverbs 17:17), it describes what a true friend is when it states that “a true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.”  

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You have probably found that you have befriended people who are false friends. The Bible even says (Proverbs 18:24) that “there exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces.” That might sound extreme. But consider: Have you ever had a “friend” who took advantage of you? What about one who talked behind your back or who would spread false rumors about you? Such an experience can shatter your trust.􏰀 Always remember that when it comes to friends, quality is more important than quantity! 

What traits in your friends do you find admirable? If only negative traits come to mind, it might be time to look for better friends! 

The more desperate you are for friends, the more likely you will be to settle for the wrong kind.

Nothing impacts the results of your life more than the people you spend the most time with. Science has proven that our life is a reflection of the 5 people we spend the most time with. There are studies that show if you have an overweight friend that lives 100 miles away from you, it can increase your odds of being overweight. 

Proverbs 13:20 says: “those walking with wise will become wise and those having deaths with the stupid one will fare badly.

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Your friends can make or break you! They can influence you positively or your friends can ruin your life. Daymon John from Shark Tank in his book “The Power Of Broke” Daymond friends caused him to start heading down the wrong road however, his mom took out a loan so she could quit her job so that she could help her son make the right choices in life.

Making friends is something that many people do not consider as a skill. You need to make sure you are picking the right friends. If you are having a hard time finding friends, there is a thing called the “Dunbar Number” that shows that typically people could know about 150 people and out those 150 people could have only 5 close friends.

But what if you have the wrong 150 people because there are people who do not want the best for you, or if you are like me you move to a new state where you don’t know anyone, you need to go out and meet new people.

Zig Ziglar said “if you go out looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scared. if you go out looking to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.”  
Where do people who share your common interest hangout? You could join a gym, join meet up groups, and look for local Facebook events.

You might not find your new best friends right away, however, the more people you get to know, this will expand your social circle and get to know new people, the more of a potential you will have to find your new best friend.