Month: October 2023

Turn 1000 Social Media Followers Into A $100,000 Per Month Income!

The Purpose Of Advertising

Many people overcomplicate social media. They think they have to build a following of hundreds of thousands of followers. However, you can build a million-dollar income from just 1,000 followers.

The purpose of advertising is, once you have built a large enough following, you can send a message. You only need a small percentage of that following to reach your income goal.

What is 1,000 x 1,000? It's a million, correct! Making money has always been about relationships.

You can't build a relationship with a million people, but you can build a relationship online with 1,000 of your followers multiplied by 1,000 of their followers, resulting in a network of a million people. You are just one person away from a million followers and two people away from a billion.

Don't Forget About The "Social" Part Of Social Media

On social media, it's not about the number of followers you have but the relationship you have with your followers.

Because of the overabundance of content on social media, CHI published a report stating that people need to see your content about 500 times before they will remember you. Due to the algorithms that many social media platforms use, only 2-5% of your followers will see your posts. However, if you regularly like, comment on someone's posts, send messages to them, and post your content when you do, you are more likely to be noticed, and people will take action on your content.

Only 2% of sales are done on the first contact, so if you make a second attempt, you are doing better than 73% of your competitors. However, 80% of sales are done between the 5th and 12th contact.

Most people treat social media the same way as companies did with TV by blasting out a message to their audiences. However, for this to work, you have to have audiences of at least hundreds of thousands of people. Marketing data shows that one-on-one relationships have the highest closing rates.

One On One Marketing

This is how people like Brian Tracy, Chet Holmes, Jordan Belfort, and Grant Cardone built names for themselves, selling over the phone. However, people like Gary Vaynerchuk built his $100 million a year empire starting out using social media the same way that people used the telephone, by building one-on-one relationships.

If you have 200,000 followers on social media, it is not that building a large social media following does not work, but rather, if you are starting out by working together as a team, you can build a million-dollar income through social media with just 1,000 followers.

We use this knowledge to help you assist medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies in their growth efforts.

Build A $100,000 Per Month Income

In the worst-case scenario, you will only need to send 10,000 requests to build a following of 1,000 people. Then, out of those followers, 100 will buy your product. However, there is a referral strategy we use where those 100 customers will bring in an average of 200 new customers per year. The breakdown is as follows: 1/3 will do nothing, 1/3 will bring in some referrals, 1/3 will do even more, but you'll have about 5-6 where you'll make the majority of your money.

It would be impossible for you to fully understand how this works in just a few minutes. So, I've provided you with some additional resources below this video.


It would be an impossible task for you to fully understand what we're going to do for you in just a few minutes.

I'd like to extend an invitation to visit because I want to pay you to help local businesses such as medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

Many of you already have a sufficiently large following on social media to reach your first 100,000. Find out more at

One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and I'm glad I could assist you."

Think & Lose Weight: The 17 Principles To Successfully Losing Weight!

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Well, you're in for a wild ride, folks, 'cause we've got a mystery that's stumped dudes for ages. I'm talkin' about the secret to swimming in piles of green, cold, hard cash. This puzzle even boggled the noggin of a fella named Andrew Carnegie. Now, Carnegie, he was no stranger to the hard knocks of life.

So, when he was just a spry young lad, he set out on a quest. He wasn't looking for treasure buried in some desert island; he was on a mission to figure out how to end the misery of poverty for good.

Following some sage advice from his mentors, Carnegie penned down his life strategy. He decided to spend the first half of his life stacking up the Benjamins and the latter half giving it all away. And the twist? He wanted to spread this wisdom far and wide.

You see, Carnegie didn't want anyone else to go through the wringer. But, you know how it is, most folks out there ignored his pearls of wisdom. So, he went all out and recruited a guy named Napoleon Hill. Yep, the big shot Nappy Hill was tasked with studying 500 of the world's savviest tycoons.

For 25 whole years, he cracked that code, and in 1925, he beamed out his findings in a course through snail mail – like a series of secret scrolls for success. And in 1928, he released the motherlode, the "Laws of Success." You heard me right, 17 principles to unlock the secret vault of success, 33 reasons why folks either sink or swim, and 6 ways we like to trip ourselves up.

You see, what usually goes down is folks get fixated on one or maybe two aspects of their lives, and the rest? Well, it's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. But if you wanna roll with the big leagues and live a life full of unicorn giggles and rainbows, you gotta keep it all in balance.

Funny thing is, when you get one slice of the pie sorted, it's like the universe decides to throw you a bone in the other areas of your life. So, remember, don't just focus on one shiny object – aim for that whole pot of gold.

Law #1 Definite Chief Aim & Lifes Purpose

Hey there, you bunch of wanna-be life champions! So, you're all wondering why some folks can't shed the pounds. Well, it's because they want it, but not bad enough. Yeah, they want that beach bod, but not as much as they want to Netflix and chill or keep loungin' in their comfort zone. They just can't let go of their bad habits, and that's where they stumble.

You know, this Tim Grover dude, he coached legends like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He had this gem to drop: "To be so obsessed with the results that the work becomes irrelevant." But guess what? Most people are more obsessed with their cozy, safe spaces than making their dream life happen.

Creating a life plan is a journey, my friends. You don't start out being obsessed with it. It takes time to figure out what you really want. Some folks just follow the crowd, take their cues from friends, family, or the neighbors. But there are the lucky few who stumble into a bigger world or get smacked by a life curveball that shakes 'em enough to make big changes.

Families tend to have this 'tradition' of obesity because they're all stuck in the same old lifestyle rut. It's not until one of 'em has a heart attack and kicks the bucket that someone finally says, "Hey, let's change this legacy of health doom."

Now, if you're over 30 and not overweight, trust me, you've felt some real pain that made you say, "Screw this, I'm changing my life!"

Napoleon Hill, he said desire is the kickstart for anything you want to achieve. But you know what? Desire alone won't cut it. You gotta nurture that desire until it's like a supercharged rocket propelling you into action – that's obsession, my friends!

James 1:14-15, in Bible lingo, talks about how the brain works. You have a thought, it leads to a feeling, which kicks off an action, and finally, you get what you want. That's how we roll.

Neuroplasticity, a big word for something pretty cool, says that the more you think about something, the more your brain builds new habits, emotions, and skills. So, keep thinking about what you want, and boom, it becomes a habit!

Back in the 15th century, the Medici family had no clue about this brain stuff. Fast forward to today, and science is finally catching up with this secret knowledge.

The History Of Education

Now, let's talk history. The Church, they had this wild power trip. They'd barbecue people for owning a Bible! Then, they realized they could keep folks in the dark by saying, "You're too dumb to understand this Bible stuff." So, they could keep their power intact.

Fast forward again, and stuff like certain math formulas and Charles Haanel's Master Key System were off-limits.

Medicine had its turn, too, convincing people they're too dumb to get their own health. But in recent years, some folks stepped up, educated themselves, and took control.

Billionaire Reveals How To Get What You Want

You're not just one-dimensional, and losing weight is just one piece of the puzzle. Warren Buffett, that rich dude, says make a list of 25 things you want to rock in life, then narrow it down to your top 5. In that list, you'll find your chief aim in life, the thing that'll let you conquer your priorities.

But guess what? People waste precious time not figuring out their chief aim. Side projects? They're just shiny distractions that mess with your purpose.

As kids, our folks had a say in our choices. And how we look today, well, it's partly their doing. But you've got choices, too, and they've likely shortened or extended your lifespan. The sooner you pick the healthier route, the bigger the impact on your life.

At 17, I decided to kick the unhealthy habits my parents passed down. My mom bit the dust at 59 due to her eating choices, and I've grown more disciplined as I get older. So, what's your excuse?

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Cultivating Your Definite Chief Aim

let's dive into some ancient wisdom from the Bible, Joshua 1:8. It's like the Bible saying, "Keep this Law stuff close, don't let it go AWOL. Mutter it day and night. Obsess over it, like you're on a quest to get that coveted wisdom badge."

Now, here's a juicy fact: millionaires, yeah, those guys rolling in dough, they spend a full 60 minutes every single day soaking up business and financial knowledge. So, if you wanna rock any part of your life, you better follow suit. Devote 60 minutes daily to sharpening your skills.

Let's talk fitness and weight loss. If you're aiming to get ripped and drop some pounds, you better be in that study zone for 60 minutes every day. Get your hands on diet and fitness knowledge like it's your secret weapon.

Now, let's hit you with a reality check. The average Joe spends a whopping 6 hours parked in front of the TV, and another 4 hours glued to their phones, most of the time doing nothing productive. It's like they're trying to escape their problems, not tackle 'em head-on.

But here's the kicker – successful folks, they're different. They're the problem-solving superheroes. They tackle problems before they even show up to the party. So, your main life goal should be running the show inside your noggin.

So, there you have it, straight from the Bible and straight from me – spend your time wisely. Educate yourself, be a problem-solver, and don't be that guy binge-watching TV all day. Get up, get out, and get on that path to success!

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Concentration Of Effort

Hey there, wise-guy readers! Let's talk about what that sneaky Napoleon Hill calls "concentration of effort." He's all like, "Write down your ultimate life goal and slap it where you'll see it every freakin' day and night." But, this ain't just any goal; it's your Definite Chief Aim in Life. So, what's that, you ask?

First question: What's that one big thing you want outta life? You know, the thing you'd wrestle a rhino for. That's your Definite Chief Aim.

Next up: Why the heck do you want this as your life's ultimate goal? Don't tell me it's 'cause your Aunt Sally said so. Your reason better be hotter than a chimichanga fresh outta the fryer.

Third question: When are you gonna make this life-changing magic happen? Not next year or "someday," but when, precisely? Give me a date!

And finally: How the heck are you gonna make this Definite Chief Aim a reality? Get into the nitty-gritty, my friends. Talk about the sights, the sounds, the colors, and how it'll make you feel like you just discovered the secret stash of chimichangas. Be detailed like it's a "Where's Waldo" book on steroids.

So, get that pen and paper ready and write down your game plan for world domination. Your Definite Chief Aim is your treasure map, and those questions? They're the X marks the spot! 🎯🗺️

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Hey there, you goal-chasers! Let's dive into Principle #12 of the 17 Laws of Success. They call it "form a mastermind alliance," which basically means, find your squad of awesome people. In the words of Proverb 13:20, "Hang with the wise, get wise. Deal with the stupid, and, well, you're in for a rough ride."

You see, your life, your moolah, your health, and your problems, they're like a mirror reflecting the top 5-8 folks you hang with the most. If you're kickin' it with the couch potatoes, the cough-drop lovers, and the "I'd-rather-eat-a-pizza-than-a-salad" crew, guess what? You're in danger of becoming part of the 'Overweight, Sick, and Unhealthy" club.

On the flip side, the fit and healthy crowd, they like to roll with their kind. But, hey, we've all heard the saying "misery loves company." So, here's the million-dollar question: are you spending more time thinking about your epic wins or your epic fails?

Now, remember this: the folks who drag you down are like anchors on a speedboat. They remind you of your past screw-ups, they lose faith in your big goals, and they might just lack loyalty. But, here's the cool part - time, that sneaky master worker, can heal the scars of past failures.

So, here's the deal – you might need to do some friend spring cleaning. Swap out or cut down time with those who don't vibe with your big mission to get fit and healthy. Find your mastermind alliance, 'cause you're the captain of your own health journey. Time to kick some butt and take some names! 🦸‍♂️💪🥗

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It's time to spill the beans on the diet and fitness industry. They've been playing a little trick on you, serving up limited solutions for shedding those extra pounds. But guess what? I'm here to blow the lid off a diet secret that's been around for thousands of years and has only recently resurfaced.

You ready for this? You can chow down on what you want, never go hungry, and still shed those pesky pounds. Yep, you heard it right. It's like having your cake and eating it too, without all the guilt!

So, say goodbye to those restrictive diets and hello to a more satisfying and sustainable way to lose weight. It's time to make history and rediscover the wisdom of the ages at

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How Tony Kelsi Earned-$543,390 Sending Post Cards!

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In today's technology-driven world, some individuals still rely on traditional methods. Signs, flyers, and postcards have been overshadowed by social media. A survey conducted by ActiveRain, which included 1,758 professionals, unveils the secret to high earnings: an upfront investment of 10%. If you're earning $100,000, that translates to $10,000 invested in marketing. But for those who are considered experts in their field, those who earn a million dollars, they are willing to invest a whopping $100,000. Trust is not built overnight, especially when it comes to expensive products.

Times Change People Don't

Well, well, well, look who's still holding onto the old-school tricks in this modern, tech-obsessed world! Times may change, but some folks don't budge an inch. For eons, we've been slinging signs, flyers, postcards, and magazine ads to lure in the customers. But today, it's like everyone's fallen head over heels for the internet and social media, forgetting the timeless methods that got us here in the first place.

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The 10% Rule

ActiveRain, that sneaky little survey-loving bunch, decided to peek behind the curtain(1). They grilled 1,758 professionals to figure out what separates the high rollers, raking in over a hundred grand a year, from the folks scrapping for less than 35K. And you know what they found? The big guns, the ones making the big bucks, are investing a cool 10% of their yearly haul right out of the gate.

So, let's break it down. You're pulling in a solid 100K, then you're tossing 10 grand into the marketing cauldron throughout the year. Now, if you're that million-dollar baller, you're slapping down a hundred grand upfront to dance with those seven figures. That's how the pros do it, kids.

22 Days To Close A Sale

But hold up, it's not just about tossing your dough around. People today want more than a quick commitment. The pricier your stuff, the harder you gotta work to build trust. Frank Kern, the marketing guru, found that from the moment someone gives a nod to your ad, it takes a sweet 22 days for them to make a move. But during those three weeks, they've had their senses bombarded by 32 touchpoints – emails, social media, texts, direct messages, and good old phone calls. That's where the real magic happens.

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In the real estate world, they've got a nifty little trick called "farming." That's where they send out postcards and flyers month after month. Why? Because when you're dealing with big-ticket items like houses, it takes folks some time to build up that trust. You're looking at 5 to 6 months of consistent postcard delivery to seal the deal. But if your gig doesn't require someone to sell their soul, you can expect results much quicker. Over time, you'll be rolling in deals like a high-stakes gambler.

Take Tony Kasi, for instance. He's in the real estate game, but this stuff applies everywhere. He threw down $50,626 upfront to pull in a juicy $543,390. And over seven years, he kept the hustle alive, investing around 10%, or $219,200, to haul in a cool $2,005,022.

His first deal took five months to close, and he didn't sit on his laurels. Nope, he poured his profits back into marketing, cranking out 168 leads and locking down 22 deals. The neighborhoods he targeted? Well, they saw a whopping 44 homes sold, and Tony snagged 50% of those deals. Can you imagine pulling in half the action in the neighborhoods you hit up? That's the power of persistence and old-school charm.

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Old School Marketing

So, in a world gone digital, remember, the classics never go out of style. You might have to adapt, but the core principles? They're timeless. So don't be shy, get out there and start slinging those postcards and flyers like a champ. Your trust-building journey might be a marathon, but when the deals start rolling in, you'll be the one with the last laugh. And remember, it doesn't matter if you're in real estate or some other gig – this game plan works, period. Now go out there, make the investment, and seize those opportunities!

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Once you've amassed this loyal audience, a simple message can be all it takes to achieve your income targets. The challenge lies in the time and investment needed to build that following. But imagine the ease of enlisting someone with a significant following to endorse your offerings.

In my own experience, I reached out to Joel Broughton, who sent an email to his customer base. In just six hours after he hit that send button, we clocked in 141 sales.

Rather than dipping into your own pockets, I'm here to reveal a smarter path. Learn how to leverage the advertising dollars already spent by other companies to carve out your income at

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How To Protect Yourself From Those Who Would Take Advantage Of You!

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So, there's this book, "The 48 Laws of Power." It's got a bit of a reputation, to say the least. Some folks call it manipulative, evil, even devil's work. But you know what? If that's what you think, it's probably because you haven't quite grasped the real lessons this book can teach us. See, I came across this book through some real pain I went through. It gave me insight into the manipulation tactics and the narcissistic tricks people use to take advantage of you.

Being Nice Is Not What Its All Creaked Up To Be 

Now, before I got into all this, I was what psychologists call a "highly agreeable" person. I was all about making sure everyone liked me. It seemed like a good trait to have, right? Well, not so fast. Being overly agreeable leaves you wide open for folks to walk all over you. It's a bit like opening Pandora's box of diseases because you end up bottling up your emotions, and those emotions can lead to all sorts of health issues. So, there are some real downsides to being that overly agreeable type.

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Being Nice And Being Good There Is A Difference 

These days, I see myself as a good guy, not a nice guy. There's a difference. Highly agreeable folks tend to be blind to people's darker sides, refusing to see them for who they truly are. And that's why some folks say "The 48 Laws of Power" is all about manipulation and evil. But here's the twist – it takes lessons from history and teaches us how to protect ourselves from those who might try to take advantage.

Arm Yourself From Being Manipulated 

Even the Bible drops some wisdom in Matthew 10:16, telling us we're being sent out among wolves, so we better be cautious as serpents and innocent as doves. It's like saying, "Hey, you gotta be street-smart."

And 2 Cor 2:11 reminds us not to be ignorant of Satan's schemes, because the Bible equips us with knowledge to avoid falling into his traps. The same goes for "The 48 Laws of Power" – it's designed to arm you with knowledge so no one can take advantage of you.

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Human Behavior Is Predictable

Human behavior is, believe it or not, pretty darn predictable. In Robert Greene's book, he lays out 48 laws that people use to manipulate others. Even seemingly good people can employ these tactics. You need this knowledge to distinguish a genuinely good person from someone just acting that way.

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The Golden Rule

Now, you've probably heard of the golden rule, right? Well, it's not exactly spelled out as "the golden rule" in this book, but it's kind of like "he who has the gold makes the rules." And I want to help you harness the power of money to protect yourself.

When you're lacking money, people can have a hold on you. They can get you to do things you might not want to do – working long hours away from your family, paying way too much to creditors, all because of that money struggle. There are two personality traits that are huge indicators of not only wealth but success in all areas of your life. Most folks settle for less because they lack the courage or because they've got insecurities and anxiety from past traumas holding them back.

But here's the deal – if you want to make a comeback, if you want to heal from your past traumas and unlock your brain's full potential, I've got something for you. It's a performance-based personality test. Take it, see where you stand. And if you find you're not quite there yet, don't sweat it. Most of us weren't born with these traits; we've had to work on 'em, optimize our brains, and make more money. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

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How To Make $1,000-$5,000 A Week By Distributing Flyers!

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Times Change People Don't

Times change, but people don't! For thousands of years, people have used signs and flyers to attract customers. Today, people are so obsessed with the internet and social media that they have forgotten the tried-and-true methods.

Dani Johnson went from living out of her car, distributing flyers to sell her weight loss product to 24 customers, making $2,000 in her first 10 hours. Over the next 12 months, she turned that into a $250,000 income, becoming a millionaire in just 18 months.

There's A Lot Of Hype Regarding Social Media

Due to the overabundance of messages on social media, CHI published a report that shows it takes someone to see your post 500 times before they remember you. But when you compare that with print marketing, it only takes someone seeing 5 pieces of your marketing material before they will respond.

Research from DMA shows that cold calling and direct mail are way more effective at generating interest than anything you could be doing online, at about 3.7%.

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The power of the internet and technology is that once you generate interest, you can use technology to nurture those leads, turning them into customers and building customer loyalty so they will buy again and again.

According to research published by Marketing Charts, email and text are the best ways to nurture these interested prospects.

Let Me Explain How This Works

The first time I did this, I posted flyers at crosswalks. I spent $9 on paper, tape, and started posting them on crosswalks. I generated my first lead in just 15 minutes. From that $9, I generated 512 leads.

At that time, I was doing all the sales myself. Now we use software that we call an ASCS. From the flyers, we send that traffic to a website where a person registers with their email. Or they call a number where we'll send them a link. From there, we send them a series of emails and/or texts, nurturing these leads and turning them into a sale.

We use similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use, including Dean Graziosi, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and many others. They have spent $100,000, earning them hundreds of millions of dollars. A major investment firm acquired it from LearnVest for $250 million. We call it an auto sales closing system that will:

  1. Generate interest
  2. Capture your leads
  3. Present your products to your prospects
  4. Close them right there on the spot, and if they don't buy, it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams.

I want to pay you to distribute flyers to help medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

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It would be an impossible job for you to understand exactly what we're going to do for you in just these few minutes. I want to invite you to because I want to pay you to help local businesses like medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

Many of you already have a large enough following on social media to make your first $100,000.


One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and I'm glad I could help you.

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Gaining Weight Is A Warning Sign From The Body Of An Underlying Health Problem! 

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Listen up, folks, I'm pretty darn sure this isn't your first rodeo when it comes to shedding those extra pounds and taking charge of your health. And if things haven't gone exactly as planned in the past, well, I'm here to tell you, it's not your fault – seriously.

You see, the world out there is chock-full of promises and opportunities, all swearing they can help you become the superhero version of yourself. But guess what? More often than not, those grandiose claims fall flat because the diet and fitness industry, well, they've got their priorities all mixed up. They're like that guy who's trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded – they're just not seeing the whole picture.

You see, when your body starts packing on the pounds, it's like a red flag waving in the wind. It's your body's way of saying, "Hey, something's not quite right here." It's a warning sign of some underlying health issues lurking beneath the surface.

Now, let me break it down for you – when we start stockpiling fat, it's not just because we had one too many chimichangas. No, no, it's your body's way of sending an S.O.S. signal, and we better pay attention.

So, stick around, 'cause we're gonna dive into what's really going on inside your bod when you start storing fat. It's time to decode the message your body's sending and become the ultimate health and fitness superhero you were born to be!

Weight Gain Is A Warning Sign From The Body Something Is Not Right!

Ah, those folks who can chow down on everything and still rock that lean look, they're like the superhero of metabolism – living in their natural state. But when you start packing on the pounds, it's your body's way of sending up a signal flare, screaming that your health is taking a nosedive.

Now, take a trip down memory lane, maybe back to those golden days of youth when you could inhale a buffet and not even blink. For some of you, this gluttony might have stuck around until you were all grown up. But here's the twist – it's not just age's fault.

See, many folks out there point the finger at Father Time, blaming him for everything. But let's face the music – it's more like you've been playing a twisted game of "Let's Mess with Our Body" by gorging on all the wrong stuff for way too long. And what's the result of that game? Your body starts clutching onto that extra weight like it's the last piece of pizza on Earth.

Now, hold on to your chimichangas 'cause here's the real kicker – only about 5% of the US population can brag about being metabolically healthy. Dr. Ekberg, he's got this whole sugar and starch spiel. When we gobble down those villains, they mess with our blood system, sending insulin on a rollercoaster ride. Over time, this wreaks havoc on our metabolism, like turning it into a supervillain called "Lipogenisis," and that's when you start having a love affair with fat.

You see, insulin's like the VIP pass for digestion, but when your body's been through the ringer, it can't do its job. It's like a Ninja without his katanas – totally useless. This, my friends, is what we call weight loss resistance.

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Weight Loss Resistance

Now, let's break it down - you might find yourself hopping from one diet to another, sweating it out at the gym, and still feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of frustration. And guess what? It's not your fault; it's those sneaky underlying health problems pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Okay, folks, let's get real here – once you start tinkering with your metabolism, if you don't put a stop to it within about 20-30 years, you're heading down the pre-diabetic road. But hold onto your chimichangas, 'cause depending on how fast you're wrecking your body, that train might come barreling your way way sooner.

Here's the kicker, though – it doesn't exactly sound like a screaming emergency, so most people just kick back and think, "I'll deal with it later." But here's the cold, hard truth – if you keep ignoring those warning signs, you're headed straight for the diabetes express. And if you're still giving those alarms the cold shoulder about five years down the line, well, it's a one-way ticket to the danger zone. We're talking life-threatening villains like cancer, kidney problems, heart disease, and a whole bunch of other nasties that could ultimately spell the endgame. It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when.

So here's the deal, my friends – why wait for a cosmic intervention when you can be your own superhero and get your health back in gear while it's still early? I'm here to tell you that now's the time to seize the day and kick those health issues to the curb! Get ready to rock that healthy lifestyle like a boss!

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Let's Break This Down

Alright, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. 1. You kick off this life journey with a body in tip-top shape. Then, 2. you start gobbling up sugar and starch like there's no tomorrow, and 3. that sends your blood sugar levels on a rollercoaster ride. Over time, 4. this bad habit morphs into insulin resistance, 5. which, if left unchecked, messes with your metabolism, slowing down the fat-burning process (that's called lipolysis). So, what happens next? 6.You start packing on the pounds, thanks to good ol' fat storage (liogenesis).

Now,7. if you don't rein in this health rollercoaster, things can take a turn for the worse. It's like a domino effect. First comes pre-diabetes, 8. then diabetes, and 9. after that, you're opening the door to some seriously nasty guests like cancer, heart disease, and other life-threatening illnesses. So, yeah, it's a rocky road from sugar and starch to the danger zone.


Ah, hold the phone, folks, 'cause the diet and fitness industry has been pulling the wool over your eyes for far too long. They've been giving you the ol' runaround, ignoring the real deal behind your weight gain and your frustrating battle with those extra pounds. Their answer? It's always the same old song and dance – diet this, exercise that, and don't forget the magic supplements.

But wait, there's a new sheriff in town, I'm here to spill the beans and introduce you to a whole new way of dropping those pounds.

Picture this: a world where you can eat what you want, never go hungry, and still see those numbers on the scale drop like it's hot. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it's not. Just head on over to and let's break free from the diet and fitness industry's mind games.

It's time to reclaim your natural state and kick those dieting woes to the curb. It's time to change the game, getting you the results you deserve.

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