How To Protect Yourself From Those Who Would Take Advantage Of You!


So, there’s this book, “The 48 Laws of Power.” It’s got a bit of a reputation, to say the least. Some folks call it manipulative, evil, even devil’s work. But you know what? If that’s what you think, it’s probably because you haven’t quite grasped the real lessons this book can teach us. See, I came across this book through some real pain I went through. It gave me insight into the manipulation tactics and the narcissistic tricks people use to take advantage of you.

Being Nice Is Not What Its All Creaked Up To Be 

Now, before I got into all this, I was what psychologists call a “highly agreeable” person. I was all about making sure everyone liked me. It seemed like a good trait to have, right? Well, not so fast. Being overly agreeable leaves you wide open for folks to walk all over you. It’s a bit like opening Pandora’s box of diseases because you end up bottling up your emotions, and those emotions can lead to all sorts of health issues. So, there are some real downsides to being that overly agreeable type.

Being Nice And Being Good There Is A Difference 

These days, I see myself as a good guy, not a nice guy. There’s a difference. Highly agreeable folks tend to be blind to people’s darker sides, refusing to see them for who they truly are. And that’s why some folks say “The 48 Laws of Power” is all about manipulation and evil. But here’s the twist – it takes lessons from history and teaches us how to protect ourselves from those who might try to take advantage.

Arm Yourself From Being Manipulated 

Even the Bible drops some wisdom in Matthew 10:16, telling us we’re being sent out among wolves, so we better be cautious as serpents and innocent as doves. It’s like saying, “Hey, you gotta be street-smart.”

And 2 Cor 2:11 reminds us not to be ignorant of Satan’s schemes, because the Bible equips us with knowledge to avoid falling into his traps. The same goes for “The 48 Laws of Power” – it’s designed to arm you with knowledge so no one can take advantage of you.

Human Behavior Is Predictable

Human behavior is, believe it or not, pretty darn predictable. In Robert Greene’s book, he lays out 48 laws that people use to manipulate others. Even seemingly good people can employ these tactics. You need this knowledge to distinguish a genuinely good person from someone just acting that way.

The Golden Rule

Now, you’ve probably heard of the golden rule, right? Well, it’s not exactly spelled out as “the golden rule” in this book, but it’s kind of like “he who has the gold makes the rules.” And I want to help you harness the power of money to protect yourself.

When you’re lacking money, people can have a hold on you. They can get you to do things you might not want to do – working long hours away from your family, paying way too much to creditors, all because of that money struggle. There are two personality traits that are huge indicators of not only wealth but success in all areas of your life. Most folks settle for less because they lack the courage or because they’ve got insecurities and anxiety from past traumas holding them back.

But here’s the deal – if you want to make a comeback, if you want to heal from your past traumas and unlock your brain’s full potential, I’ve got something for you. It’s a performance-based personality test. Take it, see where you stand. And if you find you’re not quite there yet, don’t sweat it. Most of us weren’t born with these traits; we’ve had to work on ’em, optimize our brains, and make more money. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!