In order to stay Looking younger longer, you have to understand how we age. The food we eat gives our bodies what we need to stay alive and stay looking longer however, in this part of the world our bodies are malnourished because we have enough food but the food many of us choice to eat is processed foods that lead to obesity and lacks much of the basic building blocks our bodies need.

Obesity doubles the rate at which we age on a cellular level however, we may not see results until years down the road. Obesity shortens you life by 7 years and server obesity by 14 years.

-70% Lack enough Vitamin D
-60% Vitamin E 
-45% Magnesium 
-38% Calcium 
-35% Vitamin K 
-34% Vitamin A
-24% Vitamin C
-8% Zinc
-8% Vitamin B6
-8% Folic Acid 

These micronutrients keep us alive. The main function of these micronutrients keep us alive, however, we may have enough micronutrients to keep us alive but we may not have enough to keep the body working properly.

For example, 45% of Americans are deficient in magnesium which is found in green leafy vegetables which is responsible for feeding 300+ bodily functions which over time is what leads to brittle bones, kidney issues, diabetes and causes our bodies to age prematurely which is know as DNA Damage

The more damage is done to your DNA the more you age. So the younger you make these lifestyle changes the better.

What gives green leafy vegetables its color is magnesium, magnesium also binds to enzymes which give us energy, magnesium binds with your cells and repair damage to the body preventing the cause of life-threatening illnesses like cancer.

The article “Dieting Without Going Hungry” found at explains A major flaw in today’s diet and fitness industry is that most diets require you to make drastic of a change too quickly which makes it difficult for your brain to adapt. You can become discouraged. So you soon slip back into your same old destructive habits.

We recommend you use what we call a transition diet. This approach has you making small changes over time that will give you drastic results.