



The One Skill Every Husband Needs To Change His Unhappy, Critical Wife Back Into The Woman He Married!

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There are a flood of men that have been raised with either no or a lack of masculine role models. I was raised to feel loved by both my mother and father however, my father did not teach me the qualities of being a man.

I constantly try to reassure my father that he did the best he could for who he was at the time. My marriage ended in divorce because of not learning the skills of being a man however, instead of making the excuses and blaming my parents it is my responsibility to learn the skills of being a man.

This is a generational problem, my grand father abandoned his wife and 8 kids including my father. However, my father did not have a masculine roll model to learn how to be a man.

Raising a child is a two parent job balancing the nurturing female qualities with the leadership of the male.

Many men have grown up without a father however, Even if you have both parents your father, or perhaps grand father was raised without a positive male role model.  This can impact your manliness.

Many women who were also raised without a masculine role model feel they don’t need a man and take on masculine responsibilities.

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However, If she is in a relationship with someone that is not a masculine role model she will start nitpicking, become irritable, less interested in sex,sarcastic, unappreciative of all the things you do, tell you what to do and or how to do it, less fun to be around, and become emotionally abusive. 

Many men do not understand how dangerous of a place the world is for a woman. Your average man can over power even the toughest woman.

There have been studies that have shown from the age of 18-23 the average attractive woman has been hit on around 7,500-10,500 depending on the size of the city.

At its core a woman is looking for a man that can lead her that she can fully give herself to.

If you can’t lead her you may find yourself scrambling to please her, suppress your feeling to avoid making her mad, hesitant to initiate sex, use work, internet, videos games, or certain escapes to avoid spending time with her, asking her permission to spend time with others, or doing things you enjoy, deferring decisions to her in hopes that will make her happy, jokingly ( but passive aggressively referring to her as the boss, feel nothing you do will make her happy, longing for me excitement in the relationship.

When men are raised without a father, or have a nurturing father who plays the role of a second mom they lack the ability to lead their families. However, once you start taking on this leadership role your woman will relax into your leadership and revert back into the woman you remember.

Many men believe she should just start making these changes that will make both of your lives better. You can rant, rave, and complain how unfair it is or you can give in and start living by the rules nature intended us to live because she needs to feel led for her to feel loved. if you want to win you have to start by playing the role of the game and become a masculine role model. 

Another problem is that the media wants us to believe that men and women are the same. Dr. Helen Fisher author of the book why him, why her says that men and women are so different from each other they should not even be considered the same species.

We are complements of each other but we bring different things to the relationship.

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Dating After Divorce

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The pain after a breakup up and divorce can be devastating for a man. Psychologists show that men often have a harder time dealing with divorce than women do. You may be excited to get back out there to help get over the pain of your loss but that is unhealthy.

Part of the problem for many men is they made women the priority in life. Your wife was attracted to you because of your drive but when you feel you got the prize (her) you lowered your standards and she lost attraction for you, problems crept in and you are where you are now DIVORCED!

Many men are not happy with themselves and use women to give them the validation to fill in the gaps of their insecurities. They may have loved her but in many cases, men become more in love with the way she made them feel, and the admiration they received because of her beauty than the love they have for her.

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Habits Of Romantic Couples

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[audio mp3="https://alphalifestyleacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Habits-Of-Happily-Married-Couples.mp3"][/audio]

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Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

The dream of every classic Disney fairy tale is that the Princess and Prince Charming will live happily ever after. Walt Disney is great at SELLING all of us the fantasy that everybody wants! However, how many people get the HAPPY EVER AFTER they dream about?

Some of us understand how to have a great career, save or invest money, have a great body and know how to keep it, but how many of us put in the effort to learning how to have a great marriage.

Will Smith lays out the principles of success.

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Will Smith at the Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards said: "There have been millions and gazillions of people who have lived before us and there is no new problem that someone has not written the solution down in a book."

No matter what issues you face in your life there is someone whom you can learn from that has figured out the solution.

As we have stated before, the average millionaire spends 60 min. each and every day educating themselves on business and financial matters, which aligns with what the bible says.  It says in Joshua 1:8: This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely.

So if you want to get in shape, you should spend 60 minutes each day educating yourself on fitness and reading nutrition materials. If you want to have a great marriage, you should spend 60 min. each and every day educating yourself on Relationships. We created the "Alpha Lifestyle Academy Community" as a shortcut. Providing you the tools and resources, so you can experience the same results for yourself. 

My background is as a business consultant working with the ultra-rich. I wanted to combine my business and relationship experiences to help others. Most people go into a career trying to figure it out as they go along which is also how most people go into marriage. However, the truly successful people hire consultants and advisors trying to find out everything they can on their chosen vocation.  This can also be helpful in a marriage.

Over the years, the government has used a portion of our tax dollars trying to see what all successful people have in common. What we know is that the most savvy people do not try to figure it out on their own.  They follow a proven path to success by following a business plan.

In the same is true in marriages, the government has also spent billions of dollars researching what all successful marriages have in common. Now you can build a relationship plan similar to a business plan.  You will see that the qualities all successful couples have in common. 

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