Christopher Brown

What Small Businesses Can Learn From 1930s Magazine Ads!

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According to a survey of 350 small and medium business (SMB) owners, 50% do not have a marketing plan.

Small business owners are stressed, overwhelmed, strapped for time, and have limited budgets however, this would not be true if they understood more about marketing and how to make money.

Many business owners understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of the business like cash flow, raising business capital, and marketing.

Marketing is not just letting people know what you do but understanding how to use the proper combination of words, shapes and colors that will motivate a person to do business with you over your competitors.

The things we do online are not new, it may be new to you but what modern entrepreneurs are doing online today is no different from what companies were doing through print in the 1920s, '30s, and '40s.

One the back cover of this 1932 copy of Cosompolitan magazine is an advertisement from Bisquick where someone fills out a coupon and sends it into for a Free copy for a cook.

The cookbook then highlights the importance of why a person should want to cook with Bisquick.

Many sophisticated companies are following in the footsteps of what companies were doing during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s with a simple one page website known as a landing page, where instead of mailing in a coupon they collect a email subscriber and send them a FREE digital product.

Fisher Investments are one of the largest financial firms in the country where they send out a FREE E-book by providing a email address.

The E-book highlights the importance of why a person should do business with them and booking an appointment with Fisher Investments.