
Communicate More Effectively: 7 Tips to Increase your Vocabulary

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There are a lot of words in the English language that you don’t know. Unabridged dictionaries contain over 400,000 words. Imagine how much you’d impress your friends if you knew a few more words. Not
only that, but with a larger vocabulary, your exact meanings of whatever you’re talking about will be clearer. Your feelings and opinions will be better understood. Learning new words isn’t easy, especially if you don’t see or hear them regularly. But you can successfully increase your vocabulary if you choose. Read on to learn more.

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7 Ways to Create Momentum in Your Life

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Momentum makes it easier to create change. It’s much harder to find the first client than to find the 10th. If you have to lose 50 pounds, the second 10 are easier to lose than the first 10. It’s just hard to get started when you’re trying to change something in your life. It’s easier to keep a boulder rolling than it is to get it started.

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Why Taking Action is the Thing That Matters

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Do you spend all of your free time reading and gathering information? Are you a self-help junkie that never seems to make any meaningful progress in your life? Are you trying to take your life to the next level by using the power of your mind alone? How is that working for you? Nothing changes until your behavior changes. Sure, you might feel better about your life after all of your mental gymnastics, but is anything actually happening in your life from all of these intellectual efforts? Take action and watch your life change before your eyes!

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7 Reasons You’re Lazy and What You Can do About It

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Do you ever feel lazy? Are you ever accused of being lazy? Today is the day you can learn about laziness and how to address it. Everyone knows what it’s like to feel lazy. Even the most successful people have lazy days. The occasional lazy day isn’t an issue. But, when you’re constantly feeling lazy, you might need to take steps. Life is too short to waste. You’re not making the most of your time if you’re being lazy on a regular basis.

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The Secret to Strengthening Your Concentration

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If you’re having trouble concentrating, you have plenty of company. Strengthening your concentration requires training your mind much like you train your body. Enrich your personal and professional life by making it easier to absorb and retain information. Find out more about mental habits and lifestyle changes that will help you stay on task. 

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Self-Awareness and Why It Matters

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Having self-awareness means that you have knowledge of yourself. You understand your habits, likes, dislikes, the way you view the world, and your needs. You know what you want in life and have an understanding of your emotional responses. Having self-awareness doesn’t solve your challenges in life, but it gives you an accurate starting point and allows you to develop a game plan for solutions. Self-awareness takes time to develop, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

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Who are you? 14 Self-Knowledge Questions to Ask Yourself

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The greatest blind spot we all have is ourselves. We don’t know ourselves that well. We certainly don’t see ourselves the way others do. Truly knowing yourself might be one of the greatest challenges you’ll ever face. But it’s a challenge worth pursuing. Knowing yourself better has so many benefits. You become better at managing yourself and your life.

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How to Stay Motivated When Nothing is Happening

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Motivation can be hard to come by when you’re not seeing the results you desire. The ability to intrinsically motivate yourself, or to persevere in spite of a lack of motivation is a valuable skill.
Motivation is frequently in short supply, so learning how to manage yourself through this situation is important if you want to succeed. Doing nothing when you’re lacking motivation is a bad habit that can have significant negative consequences. There is a better way of navigating a lack of motivation.

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What Small Businesses Can Learn From 1930s Magazine Ads!

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According to a survey of 350 small and medium business (SMB) owners, 50% do not have a marketing plan.

Small business owners are stressed, overwhelmed, strapped for time, and have limited budgets however, this would not be true if they understood more about marketing and how to make money.

Many business owners understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of the business like cash flow, raising business capital, and marketing.

Marketing is not just letting people know what you do but understanding how to use the proper combination of words, shapes and colors that will motivate a person to do business with you over your competitors.

The things we do online are not new, it may be new to you but what modern entrepreneurs are doing online today is no different from what companies were doing through print in the 1920s, '30s, and '40s.

One the back cover of this 1932 copy of Cosompolitan magazine is an advertisement from Bisquick where someone fills out a coupon and sends it into for a Free copy for a cook.

The cookbook then highlights the importance of why a person should want to cook with Bisquick.

Many sophisticated companies are following in the footsteps of what companies were doing during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s with a simple one page website known as a landing page, where instead of mailing in a coupon they collect a email subscriber and send them a FREE digital product.

Fisher Investments are one of the largest financial firms in the country where they send out a FREE E-book by providing a email address.

The E-book highlights the importance of why a person should do business with them and booking an appointment with Fisher Investments.