
Enhance Your Health and Waistline with Mindful Eating

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There are very few people that eat mindfully, and it shows. What is mindful eating? In a nutshell, mindful eating is eating only when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full. It is also putting your full attention on the eating experience. The following are habits that lead to overeating and weight gain.

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11 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier on a Tight Budget

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Eating in a way that supports good health doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, healthy food is often less expensive than unhealthy food. Even if you’re on a budget, you can still follow an extremely healthy diet. There’s no reason to resort to unhealthy food just because you’re not flush with cash.

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Reducing the Everyday Stressors in Your Life

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While life occasionally throws some significant curveballs, it’s often not the big stressors that rob you of happiness and productivity each day. It’s the little annoyances and stressors that never seem to let up. Often, it’s only when you remove these stressors from your life that you can realize how much stress they were causing. Reducing everyday stressors can be a big relief! Read on to learn more.

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8 Hobbies That Build Self Confidence

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Hobbies are optional activities, so they should be fun. But hobbies can also provide other benefits, such as greater self-confidence. Imagine an activity you enjoy that also has the potential to enhance other parts of your life. That’s a powerful activity! Of course, any activity that builds your self-confidence could also stretch your comfort zone a bit. But that’s what life is all about: increasing your comfort zone a little each day. The best hobbies will challenge you in new ways and help you to learn more about yourself.

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Learn to Influence Others and Gain More Control Over Your Destiny

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With enough influence, you can do nearly anything. Some people are seemingly born with the ability to get others to do their bidding. The rest of us have to learn this important skill. Those with the most influence are the real movers and shakers in the world. You can become one of these people. Having influence over others is largely a skill that can be

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6 Skills That Will Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence is considered a much better predictor of success than pure intelligence. In many cases, it doesn't matter how intelligent you are. You know plenty of people that possess average intelligence that are very successful.
The struggling genius is quite common. There’s more to life than being able to do calculus in your head.
Making good decisions, communicating effectively, having positive relationships, and managing yourself well can be far more valuable and powerful than a genius-level IQ.

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Have You Made Any of These 10 Big Career Mistakes?

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Have You Made Any of These 10 Big Career Mistakes? Your mom told you it’s okay to make mistakes, but that’s not always true. Sometimes success is more dependent on making fewer mistakes, rather than doing something spectacular. Mistakes can matter, and they can matter a lot. Career mistakes can be just as costly. There’s a big difference between losing a job and being promoted.

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Do You Know The Secret to Pursue Your Own Vision of Career Success?

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Having a rewarding career depends upon pursuing your own vision of professional success. Otherwise, you’re likely to spend your days trying to live up to the expectations of others or mindlessly drifting from one job to the next. Of course, success itself means different things to different people. Make your work life more satisfying and build accomplishments that you can be proud of. Use this checklist to plan your future and put your plans into action.

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Do You Know These 14 Habits That Make You a More Valuable Employee?

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Making yourself more valuable to your employer leads to a more successful career. More opportunities open up when you have an impressive resume and a reputation for being a team player. You’re likely to enjoy more job satisfaction too. Take a look at this checklist of habits that make you a valuable asset on the job.

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