
Top 10 Tips To Prevent Sabotaging Your Diet

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Everyone who starts a diet will feel the need to cheat from time to time. Dieting can be tough, but there are ways to make it easier. We often stack the deck against ourselves and don’t even realize it. Since sticking to a diet can be so challenging, it only makes sense to give yourself every possible advantage by removing, or planning for, the most likely obstacles.

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A 3-Step Formula For Slimming Down With Less Stress

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While losing excess weight is good for your health, taking off those pounds can be stressful. The pressure can come from external sources. Your doctor may be telling you that you need to lose weight to help manage medical conditions. You may compare yourself to images you see in the media and feel like your body comes up short. You can reach your weight loss goals with fewer distractions and less discomfort! Read on to learn more.

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How Much Do You Read? 9 Reasons to Read More

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Some people love to read, while others would rather rub salt into a wound than read. However, everyone should read on a daily basis. Time and time again, studies show that the most successful people are regular readers. Reading is a great way to learn, reduce stress, and improve yourself.

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Can You Really Have it All?

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Of course, everyone wants to “have it all,” but is that even possible? There are a lot of opinions on the topic. Some people believe it’s entirely possible. Others insist that you can’t even come close. Like many things in life, the most reasonable answer is, “It depends.” You can certainly have a lot if you’re willing to make enough of a sacrifice.

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16 Empowering Morning Rituals

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What you do in the morning can set the tone for what happens until you go back to bed. Start your day with rituals that make you feel powerful and alive. The specific habits you choose will depend on your values and goals. Start small and have fun experimenting. Consider these ideas for morning rituals designed to help you thrive.

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11 Quick Tips to Add Hours to Your Day

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You can’t wave a magic wand and make the day longer. But there are things you can do to save time. And there are things you can do to maximize what you accomplish with your time. In essence, you can add hours to your day.
This will require a change in your habits, but many of these strategies are self-rewarding. Once you see the benefits to be gained, you’ll be motivated to continue.

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8 Tips for Thriving in Your 30’s

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Your 30’s are a pivotal time. There’s still time to make some big changes in your life without it being excessively challenging. You’re probably still in pretty good shape physically. Financially, you can still make adjustments to have a great retirement. Avoid the tendency to coast through this time in your life. This is an important time and can have a great impact on the rest of your life.

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7 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid Doing

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Just as some people are destined to be physically strong, it’s probably fair to say that some people are naturally mentally strong. However, even if you’re not one of those fortunate people, you can certainly learn to be much mentally stronger than you’ve been demonstrating. Good mental habits and a positive view of life allow mental strength to develop. You can become much stronger than you think you can.

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Do You Know How to Build a Wonderful Life?

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Of course, you want to have a wonderful life, but maybe you’re not sure how to make it happen. It’s not easy to admit that your life isn’t everything you’d like it to be. A wonderful life will be different for everyone. Your vision of a perfect life will be different from someone else’s. Avoid chasing after someone else’s dreams. Too many people are worried about being impressive rather than being happy.

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Do Your Routines Serve or Sabotage You?

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Routines are important and powerful. They allow us to save time by not having to make decisions. We all have routines, but few of us actually choose our routines. We just seem to fall into them, and we keep our routines unless they’re obviously failing. Your current routines might be okay, but are they bringing you closer to your goals? Do they support your values and priorities? Even a small alteration in a routine can make a big difference because they’re performed consistently. Over time, these actions add up.

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