Alpha Lifestyle

When We Suffer We Seek Pleasure, Not Happiness!

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Dr, Gabor Mate suggests that addiction is something that we use to escape pain in the moment but we regret almost instantly but we repeat over and over again no matter how bad it makes us feel.

We are in pain and so we seek dopamine boosting activities however, the problem as Dr. Lustig explains the more we boost our levels of dopamine. Chronic over activity of certain neurons will kill the cell. So what does the brain do?

There are nature sources of dopamine and synthetic sources of dopamine. It is the synthetic sources of dopamine that can really get ourselves into trouble.

Synthetic sources are sugar, caffeine, social media, drugs, alcohol, and porn.

To get the same level of dopamine we need more intense levels of dopamine. So what one brownie did for us before we now need two, what 1 hit of cocaine did for us before, we now need 2 hit, what romantic porn did for us before, we now need hard core porn.

Which can lead to over dosing, and relationship and legal troubles.  

There is also a balancing factor! The higher our levels of dopamine are the lower our levels of serotonin which is the brain chemical of happiness. So the lower and lower we push our serotonin levels seeking pleasure. The more dopamine we need.

So as you can see how easy it can be to become addicted to these dopamine boosting activities. We need dopamine to survive! If you have ever felt to lazy to get out of bed, or do house work. This is because of a lack of dopamine. (That is for another discussion)

But we are here addressing “How To Build A Happy Life” and you must understand how to have a balance of dopamine and serotonin. 

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How To Be Happy Even If Your Life Has Fallen Apart! 

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Author C Brooks of Harvard Business School studies happiness! Why does

Research found that nearly 50% of your happiness comes from your genetics and your upbringing. There are certain personality traits that make you more predisposed to negative, or positive emotions. 

Anxiety and depression is a warning sign from the body that something is not working right! On the other hand, some say I’ll be happy once I get married, or once I become a millionaire, or some other life goal. 

Once you achieve some major life goal, this only makes you happier for about 6 months then your mood returns to your baseline level of happiness.

We know that your circumstances only impacts about 25% of your happiness. The research shows that you are in control of the remaining 25% of your happiness.

You lose your retirement in the stock market! It sucks but it does not have to define you because you are in control of 25% of your happiness. In the 1929 Great Depression it was reported the stock brokers who lost everything jumped out of the skyscraper killing themselves. says that 10 men a day end their life after a divorce which is 3x higher than divorced women. 


People give up and end their lives because there is an equation for happiness these individuals do not understand how to control the part of the happiness they are in control of. 

Professor Dan Gilbert that our circumstances only have a limited impact on your overall happiness. The research looked at a group of people who got into an accident and were put into a wheel because they could not walk on their own anymore, and then they looked at a group of lottery winners. Who do you think is happier?

We have a baseline of happiness so when something goes really bad in life like losing the ability to walk we may get really depressed, or if things go really good for us like winning the lottery we get really excited however, our circumstances only impact our happiness for about 6 months in most cases. This study found that after 1 year the lottery winner and those who lost the ability were just as happy as each other which shows in most cases, no matter what happens to us we will return to the same level of happiness.

There are four things that have the biggest impact on your overall happiness. They are 1) Faith 2) Family 3) Community and 4) Work! People waste their time on dopamine-boosting activities trying to chase happiness but these things do not give you fulfillment. 

Research shows that when we focus on the 4 areas of our life that we have control over. We gain greater control of our overall life and have greater control of our circumstances and end up in control of 40% of our overall happiness.

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16 Ways to Fit More Fun into Your Day

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Playtime isn’t just for children. Having fun is essential to your health and well-being at any age. When you’re enjoying yourself, you’re also reducing stress, increasing your energy levels, building stronger relationships, and promoting learning. Be proud of your decision to goof off on a regular basis. Take a look at these ideas to help you bring more recreation into each day.

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Do You Know These 9 Tips for Weathering Hard Times?

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Life isn’t always easy. When times are challenging it can be tough to see the bright side. Life is harder to enjoy and appreciate when everything feels like it’s going wrong. But you’ve weathered hard times before, and you’ll successfully do it again. While nothing can make a hard situation easy, there are things you can do to make it easier. Use these tips to overcome challenging times and get your life back to normal. Read on to learn more.

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8 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Want to be Lazy

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There are going to be days you don’t feel like doing much of anything. The occasional lazy day is fine, but when they become a regular occurrence, something needs to change. Successful people do a good job of motivating or inspiring themselves to take action each day.

Whether this is just luck of the draw or a learned skill for those lucky few is debatable. However, there is no debate that anyone can learn to be more productive. Try these techniques to motivate yourself and increase the odds of success in your favor. Read on to learn more.

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What Is Happiness and How Can You Find It?

What Is Happiness And How Can You Find It?

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Stress, anxiety, and depression are warning signs from the body that something is not right! When people suffer most people try to escape their problems through please.

Most people confuse pleasure with happiness in the book” The Hacking Of The American Mind” Dr. Robert Lustig explains there are 7 differences between please and happiness.

If you do not not understand these difference you will feel lost in life. 

1) Pleasure: Is short-term. (Like a junk food, and alcohol)
Happiness: Is long-term (Like a lifetime)

2)Please: Is felt in your body
Happiness: You feel it above the neck

3)Pleasure: Is taking (like steeling, and manipulation)
Happiness: Is giving (more happiness is giving than in receiving) 

4)Pleasure: Is achieved alone
Happiness: Is achieved in social groups

5)Pleasure : Is achieved with substances (Like drugs, and alcohol)  
Happiness: Isa not achieved with substances

6)Pleasure: Is achieved with certain behaviors (Drug, social media, or porn)
Happiness: Is achieved with certain activities (Like a hug) 

7)Pleasure: Is anything that boosts dopamine
Happiness: is anything that boosts serotonin  

We can be addicted to pleasure and can become an aholic. You cannot have too much happiness.

We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals the things that boost dopamine will also bring down our levels of serotonin. A thing that has become very popular is what they call dopamine fast where a person will avoid the things that boost dopamine.

There have been studies that show it only takes about 3 weeks to reset our dopamine receptors

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Joint and back pain relief

Joint And Back Pain Relief Without Medication OR Surgery!

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When we live outside of the way nature intended us to live things go bad for us. 

These minor health issues are warning signs from the body that something is not right! And if we do not start making changes our bodies will start to degrade.

A new study entitled: “Effect of Diabetes on Tendon Structure and Function: Not Limited to Collagen Crosslinking” shows the anti-aging treatments we use might prove themselves to be worthless because our bodies are not healthy enough to see results from these treatments” shows poor blood sugar weakens the tendons and changes the structure of stem cells.

See link =>,Not%20Limited%20to%20Collagen%20Crosslinking

Being overweight is a warning sign from the body that something is not right! Have you ever noticed that those who complain about their knees and joint all have the same body type.

The study shows that 80% of out patient hospital visits are either diabetic or pre-diabetic because being overweight puts you at risk for diabetes and other life threating illnesses.

One reason many people fail to take control over their health is because the diet and fitness industry requires you to make to many changes to quickly which you brain can’t handle and you quit within days.

The key is to make small changes over time that give you drastic results I want to invite you check out a 2,000 year old diet secret that has only been recently rediscovered to eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight!   

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Do You Know These 9 Things to Give Up if You Want to be Happy?

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It’s not always easy to find happiness, but there are things we do to make happiness even more unlikely to occur in our lives. Happiness isn’t just about doing the right things. Happiness is also about not doing the wrong things. You might not even realize the things you’re doing to sabotage your chances for happiness. Avoid these things that can keep happiness away. Read on to learn more.

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