Alpha Lifestyle

Small Business Marketing! Why Social Media Is Not Working For You And What You Can Do To Change It!

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In 2008 it would take a person 7 exposures to you, your brand and what you have to offer for them to remember you. Today that number is 500X. When you go on Instagram and Tiktok how many post do you see? Of those you see how many of them do you remember?

The beauty of the internet is you can expose massive amounts of people to your marketing message in minutes. I recently did a small campaign locally on Youtube and had over 5,000 people see my message in minutes. However, when it comes down to converting those people who see your message to interest. Many people use social media the way companies used TV in the early days. 

They build an audience that they can blast out a message to that following however, in order to reach their income goal many of these people need to build a following of 100s of 1,000s or millions of followers which is not possible for many people.

You grand father or for many of you your great grand father is better apt at building a business on social media than many of you are today. You may understand the technology however, business in your grand fathers time was about relationships. 

Because of the changes many social media channels have made to their algorithm only about 2 1/2 to 5% of your following will even see your message. You need to have a massive following for these people to see your posts however, through one on one marketing with your social media following you can build engagement and the more engagement you have with your follower the more of your following will see your posts.

Many people have forgotten the social part of social media. 

Have real conversations with your following. Do not pitch them! Find out what issue you following needs and see if they have a need with your product before you pitch them and even if they are not ready to do business with you today keep building a connection through conversations.

Some people will do business with you for no other reason than they like you!

Through one on one marketing with your followers you can build a million dollar a year business with just a 1,000 followers.

This is why joint ventures are so powerful!

What is 1,000 x 1,000? ONE MILLION!

So by using one on one marketing and building a relationships with 1,000 followers and setting up joint ventures with just 10% of your followers as joint ventures partners that is a $100,000 per month income.

10,000 friend requests = 1,000 followers = 100 customers and or joint venture partners who will bring you enough business for a million dollar a year income.

1,000 of your follower who use one on one marketing which will get your message spread to a million people! 

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Hobbies that Build Self Confidence

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Imagine an activity you enjoy that also has the potential to enhance other parts of your life!

Of course, any activity that builds your self-confidence could also stretch your
comfort zone a bit. But that’s what life is all about: increasing your comfort zone a
little each day. Read below to find out more.

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