Group Marketing – Control The Media

If you owned Facebook, Google, and Youtube do you think that you would have any trouble finding customers? If you owned any of these media channels you could broadcast your message to these audiences and grow your business by increasing sales.

If you want to dominate your market. You will want to adopt the idea from Walt Disney which is known as “Group Marketing:” We’re gonna start off with the first stage of group marketing which is to control the media.

Companies spend over a trillion dollars a year to advertise their products however, the customers these companies are trying to attract are also the customers of someone else.

So if you can find a way to get access to the customers by partnering up with the companies your ideal customers spend money with you’ll never have to worry about money again.

For example, We made a deal with Dian Hardin whose family owns a dental practice. We made deals with several other businesses who distributed around 32,000 pieces of marketing material to their clients which because of the type of marketing we used, roughly 10% of them redeemed the offer at an average of $2,000 per patient doing a million dollars in the first 90 days and a total of $6.5 million dollars over the next 12 months.

Disney has been using group marketing to control the media since at least 1950’s they started out with the Wondferful World of Disney which was basically an info commercial for the opening of Disneyland.

Later Disney bought ABC, ESPN, and started buying up games, blogs, websites, and Youtube channels to promote their products and services.

So instead of spending money to advertise their products and services. Disney partnered up with different media channels to broadcast their message to gain more customers by controlling the media.

Let’s look at a recent example, of how Disney is doing this. 

Disney controlled the media by making an agreement with Netflix, which gave Disney access to Netflix user base and allowed Disney to control their message through Netflix’s platform.

In the next module we’re gonna look at how to control the media to make a million dollars in as little as 90 days.