The Knowledge Of The One Percent [Pt 6]

If you remember in school the definition was explained as the law of conservation of energy is a law of science that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form into another or transferred from one object to another.


The name of God, WHWH in the Hebrew language or Jehovah in English means he causes to become anything he choices to fulfill his purpose.

So the only difference in the laws of energy and God is that those who believe in God believe God is a loving God.

Now as we stated at the start of this article that you know how to work for money, in other words, exchanging time for money, however, in order to earn money, you must have some basic understanding of these invisible laws that scientists call as quantum physics.

As we started in this article you know how to work for money perhaps making a certain amount per hour but in order to earn money and have the faith, you will be successful; you have to understand some of the basic laws of nature.

Sounds complicated huh? Trust me it is, however, you only need to understand some of the basic laws of physics or another way to explain it is mother nature.

There are mathematic patterns that are repeated over and over all over our world and all over the universe that mathematicians call as the Fibonacci sequence and you can see a video that explains this at >>

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So one of these basic laws of quantum physics, as explain by Jim Rohn, is once you do something often enough an average will start to appear.

Rolling dice is something that seems pretty random, however, There is a FREE government education website for 3rd graders that address your chance of rolling a particular number in dice which the website says: What many people refer to as ‘good luck’ can actually be explained by a little knowledge about the law of probability. Our dice game allows you to see how increasing or decreasing the number of dice rolls affects an outcome. So give it a try, choose the number of rolls you would like to make… You can see this website at

Throughout history, there were times when certain types of math formulas would get you arrested it you taught it. There is an old book in the Lankland, Florida library I believe was called dangerous math.

I have tried to find it but I can’t even find it on Amazon and it talks about certain mathematical formula being illegal to use because of how powerful it it.

I have a friend who is a high school teacher and I asked her about the fibonacci sequence, and other mathematical formulas and she did not have a clue what I was talking about.

I am not a conspiracy theorist however, many people believe that these mathematical formulas are not taught in school because if this knowledge became public knowledge they would have no reason to go to college because most people go to college to get a job not to get an education.