Think & Lose Weight: Law #1 Definite Chief Aim & Lives Purpose

The reason people fail to lose weight, is because they just kind of want it. They don’t want in more than they sleep in, or relax, they are not willing to give up certain habits to reach their objectives.

Tim Grover the performance coach of some of the world most legendary athletes like Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant put it this way: “To be so obsessed with the results that the work becomes irrelevant.”

Most people are more obsessed with their comforts than achieving the life they want.

Developing a life plan is a processes. We do not normally start out obsessed. 

It may it take time to decided on you definite heir aim. Most people do not decide what they want out of life. They look at their surroundings and follow the foot steps of friends, family, or those in the community however, there are those who stumble upon a bigger world view, or a major tragedy impacts a person life enough to make some drastic changes.

Obessity runs in families typically because they all have the same lifestyle standards however, it is not until one member of the family dies of a heart attack does someone decide to change that pattern of their health impacting future generations. 

If someone is over the age of 30 and non overweight there is some pain they have experienced that motivated them enough to change their life course.

Napolean Hill said that Desire is the starting point of all achievement however, desire is not enough! You need to cultivate your desire until your desire become fertile and inspires you to action to where you become obsessed.

James 1: 14-15 gives us insight into how the brain works when it says: But each one is tried out, being drawn out and enticed by his own desire, then the desire when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin when it has been carried out brings forth death.

1) you have the thought that leads to 2) a feeling, that leads to 3) action, that leads to 4) fulfillment of your objective.

In 1998 Neruoscintist discover nueroplasitisy where repeated thoughts build thicker and thinker neurological connections thus building new habits, emotions, and skills.

In other words the more you think about something the stronger your desire becomes however, at the dawn of the 15th century the medici family had no such knowledge of how the brain works and how to build desire.

The success principles of the writings of Nepean Hill have been passed on from one generation to the next throughout the ages through oral traditions in small groups and organizations of people down to our day.

It is only until recently that science has caught up with this secret knowledge.

The church once had the power to burn people at the stake because of possessing the Bible and then when the church started losing it power they convinced people they were to stupid to understand the Bible so that those in control could maintain their power.

the Bible, certain math formula, and the knowledge of Charles Hannels master key system were outlawed.

For generations the medical community has convinced people to leave their health to doctors and hospitals because they are too stupid to understand their health. However only over the last few decades have some people taken the responsibility of their own health by educating themselves on their health. 

You can have multiple chief aims in life. Losing weight and healthy is just one area of your life you need to get handled.

Warren Buffet, one of the world richest people says to make a list of the 25 top things you want to achieve in life! Then he suggest that you make another list of your top 5.

In that list you will find your definite chief aim in life. In your top 5 you may also find starting a family, and having kids. But you will find that your definite chief aim is what will enable you to achieve your priorities in life.

Napolean Hill says that people waste a lot of time by not defining their definite chief aim in life and not to waste time with side project because it distracts you with you purpose.

As a child your parents had a major influence on your choices. And the shape of your body is the result of the way your parents raised you. However, you have you choices have shortened your life span, causing your to prematurely age because of these choices.

The sooner you make these choice of living a healthier life the longer long term effect it will have on your life.

At age 17 I decided to live a healthier life than the life my parents lived. My mom died at 59 because of the eating choices she made and the old I get the more disicipined I have become.