Dating After Divorce: Becoming Mr.Right! [Pt 2]

Your life has fallen apart! You have the expense of the divorce, moving into a new place, moving on with your life, not to mention how unfair the court system is to men in divorce. 

Women are attracted to men with a purpose! When men make finding women their purpose women lose attraction for them. So you need to get your life back in order and when you have a mission outside of the role women play in your life women will become attracted to you. 

You will become the type of man that your ex-wife will regret the day she ever walked out on you by becoming a man of purpose. You will wonder how you ever set such low standards for yourself.

You will see all the creaks in her personality. Many men over value the role women play because of her beauty however, she need to play a bigger role than just the beauty she bring. There are lots of beautiful women in the world however, many modern women have become self centered and narssisit because of the girl power movement that a women can do anything a man can do.

Because certain weak men where not around for their families when they needed them many women have been told not to rely on a man. On the other hand, men have a need to take care and protect those he loves and if a woman say constantly tells me she doesn’t not need a women to take care of her he will find a woman who values his love and care. 

Men and women are not in competition with each other they are to complement each other.

There is a popular phrase here in America is that women don’t care about you struggles they wait at the finish line and pick the winners. 

The men who have the highest standards for themselves are the ones who find women who have a high standard for themselves too.

Elana Cardone who is just part of the Cardone empire and in her book “empire” says that a queen is not a princess.

Many women today want to be treated like a princess because of a self-entitled view of herself.

A queen has responsibilities. Elana teaches women how to play a supportive role to their families which she and her husband run a multi-billion dollar real estate empire.