Why Only 17% Of Couples Are Happy Together – & What You Can Do To Ensure You’re One Of Them! [Pt 2]

There was an article on buzzfeed.com http://www.buzzfeed.com/annanorth/divorce-author-i-think-17-of-marriages-are-happ that showed that 17% of married couples are happy, 50% of marriages end, and of the marriages that stay together, the author thinks a third are happy, a third are happy enough, and a third are unhappy.  There are things you can do to increase your ability to have a 98% chance that your marriage will be happy.

Unfortunately, most marriages today end in divorce.  However, if you follow the points in this article and our program, you can increase your probability of being in a happy one. There are no guarantees but it can be worth your while to invest in your relationship.  There is an overlap in the skills needed in both our personal and professional lives.  These include, but are not limited to, communication, decision making, and problem-solving skills.

We are going to go through these principles one by one starting with Before You Get Married, then During The Marriage, and what you can do to Re-spark the Romance in Your Marriage.  We have provided you with a simple step-by-step checklist included in the workbook and action plans, to help you develop these from principles to habits. You wouldn’t start a business without learning about it and investing in building capital.  The same can be said of a relationship.  Learning about the other person, knowing what foundation to build on, skills to develop, and how to maintain it are all key to long-term happiness.  You would want both your business and relationship to be happy and successful.

download workbook and actions plans >>
