Year: 2017

Why You’re Doctor Think’s You’re Stupid!

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This article examines the paradox of professionals who fail to practice what they preach, focusing particularly on doctors. Despite possessing knowledge about leading a healthy lifestyle, many doctors neglect their own well-being. Surprisingly, doctors with poorer health tend to be reluctant in providing health advice to their patients. Additionally, the article highlights how American health guidelines are often lowered because council members doubt the public's ability to meet higher standards. The public's perception of doctors' prestige outweighs the importance of leading by example. The article urges individuals to seek doctors who lead by example and emphasizes the significance of personal empowerment and research in making informed decisions about healthcare standards.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do:

You know that famous saying, "Do as I say, not as I do"? Well, it seems like some people in certain industries take it way too seriously. I mean, seriously, doctors are supposed to be the health gurus, but many of them don't even practice what they preach! It's mind-boggling. And get this, because some patients are in better shape than their doctors, these doctors actually hesitate to give them health advice. Can you believe it? A recent study from Hopkins confirmed that a doctor's own health and body weight can impact the quality of care they provide. So, if a doctor is a bit of a mess themselves, they might hold back on giving you the advice you need. Talk about a poor example!

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American Doctors Are A Poor Example:

We're diving into some serious stuff here. It turns out that those American health guidelines we're all supposed to follow? Well, they're lower than they should be. Why? Because some of those council members think we can't handle the higher standards. So, they take the easy way out and lower the bar. Talk about taking the path of least resistance.

And here's the kicker: when it comes to health care, us Americans have this weird notion that being a doctor automatically makes someone credible. We trust them blindly, even more than our own ability to think for ourselves. It's like we're handing over the reins of our lives to these medical professionals.

You know, Robert Kiyosaki, the finance guru? He talks about how many financial advisors are just smooth-talking salespeople. We look to them for guidance, thinking they'll lead us to financial success. But guess what? They often have a conflict of interest. They might not offer the best solution for us because they're more focused on what benefits them, not us.

And guess what? Doctors can be guilty of the same thing. When we're sick, they tend to whip out their prescription pads or recommend harsh medical procedures because, well, that's what they sell. It's like they're running a business, not always putting our best interests first.

But here's the truth, my friends: doctors are salespeople in disguise. They're in it to make money, just like anyone else. So, we can't always assume their recommendations are in our best interest. We need to be smart, do our own research, and question their suggestions.

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Death By Medicine:

You know those medical professionals we trust with our lives? Well, here's a little secret: they're not just in it for our well-being. They're running a business, and that business is all about making money. Shocking, right?

In this mind-blowing documentary called "Death by Medicine," they uncovered a pharmaceutical company that had a whopping 49,000 health professionals on their payroll. And what were these folks doing? Pushing drugs onto their patients. Talk about a twisted game.

But hold onto your chimichangas, because it gets even crazier. There's this sweet little governmental website where you can dig into how much money these big pharma companies are throwing at doctors in the good ol' US of A. All you need is a practitioner's name, and bam! It breaks down the dirty details.

You'll see which companies have been lining their pockets and the nature of those payments. We're talking consulting fees, research moolah, travel and lodging expenses, grants, and even food and drinks. It's like a buffet of corruption.

And get this: you can also check out how much these companies have dished out in total. Take Purdue Pharma, the folks behind OxyContin, for example. They've coughed up a staggering $10,977,788 in payments. And guess what? Nearly 60 percent of that cash was spent on "compensation for services other than consulting." Yeah, they're not fooling anyone.

So, my friends, don't be fooled either. Peel back the curtain, do your research, and uncover the truth. These medical professionals might not always have your best interests at heart. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and never let them play you like a chump.

And remember, you can find all this juicy info at this link: Dive in, and let the truth set you free!

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Finding Healthy Doctors:

Step one: Find yourself a doctor who actually practices what they preach. Thanks to technology, you've got the power to dig up some dirt on these guys. Check out their pictures and see if they work out, eat healthy, and, most importantly, what kind of health advice they recommend. You don't want some couch potato telling you to hit the gym, do you?

Step two: Knowledge is power, my friends. Take control of your own life and don't let anyone take advantage of you, whether it's your health care provider or your financial guru. You gotta be in charge. Remember, everyone has their own health methods, so figure out what works for you.

And finally, don't just blindly accept the standards your doctor throws at you. Do some research, people! We've even provided you with the tools to make an informed decision. Take charge of your health standards and set them for yourself. Trust me, it's worth it.

So there you have it, straight from the mouth (or text, I guess) of yours truly. Go out there, find yourself a doctor who walks the talk, empower yourself with knowledge, and never settle for less.
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Before you use the database, there are a few things you should understand

Primarily, just because your doctor has received money from a pharmaceutical company, it doesn’t mean they’re stooges from some evil pharmaceutical corporate giant. The majority of the money is likely to be completely innocent and simply the way business is done. To buy and sell drugs, just like any product, companies send sales representatives to potential buyers, in this case, doctors.

The fear for some people is that big pharma has "bought off" doctors into buying large amounts of a certain drug. This could hypothetically lead to the doctor being pressured to prescribe that certain drug, regardless of whether it is medically and scientifically the best option.

However, laws are in place to limit this from happening however, that does not mean this does not happen.

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How To Live A Balanced Life: Health, Wealth, Happiness, Romance & Success!

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Maintaining balance in life is crucial for overall fulfillment, focusing on health, wealth, happiness, and success. Prioritize physical and mental well-being, financial stability, positive relationships, and setting goals. Optimize your brain by addressing personality traits, healing past trauma, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and staying open to new discoveries. Romantic relationships are vital, as brain chemicals play a role in attraction. Health issues can affect love chemistry, leading to dysfunctional marriages. Getting health, money, and relationships right contributes to a happy life. Remember, everyone's definition of fulfillment may vary, so reflect on your values to achieve balance and satisfaction.

The Good Life:

If you could fix any area of your life what would it be? Health, wealth, happiness, or success? Most people focus on one or two particular areas of their lives, and the rest of their lives end up in shambles.

In order to live a truly happy and fulfilled life, you must live a balanced lifestyle. What you will notice when you do find balance is, once you get one area of your life handled, the rest of your life tends to balance out as well.

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One primary area of focus for many people is their finances. If you listen to people like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardone they will tell you that you need to get your money right! Because money impacts so many different areas of your life.

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The first area of your life you should focus on is your health. Not only your physical health but also your emotional and mental health too. Dr. Daniel Armen from the Armen Clinic, who has conducted over 83,000 brain scans, found those with healthy brains are happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, more creative, and more innovative.

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If you are struggling with any of these issues it is because of having a toxic brain.

Charles Eugster, a 93-year-old bodybuilder in his TED TALKS speech, explains that, at the current rate, 50% of the US population will be obese by 2030, when we are obese in the front part of the brain, called the pre-frontal cortex, shrinks.

Charles goes on: "The prospect of the most powerful nation in the world by 2030 having a shrinking brain is frightening. What's worse than being broke? Being fat, broke, and dumb."

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If taking better care of your health to look good is not enough to motivate you; than perhaps for the sake of your finances it is, because how successful can you be with a shrunken brain?

The people who join programs like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardon fail not because their programs didn't work, but rather because their brains are not healthy, and thus they procrastinate and engage in self-destructive behaviors.

For you to be successful you need to optimize your brain, to lose weight, to get healthy, and to make more money. 

By optimizing your brain to make more money we will:

1) We will address how to cultivate the personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

2) How to heal from past trauma that can cause us to self-sabotage ourselves.

3) Lifestyle, As you have already seen because of poor lifestyle choices this can cause our brain to shrink and hampers our brains ability to perform.

4) Because we don't know what we don't know. Every month, new discoveries about the brain are being made and we may yet not know what we are about to discover to optimize your brain to make more money.

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Nothing brings us as much joy or suffering as our romantic relationships, which is another very important area of our lives.

Love is not as simple as "boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl." There are a series of brain chemicals that attract us to certain types of people, who have a complimentary brain chemical, and thus causes us to fall in love. This is why scientists use the expression of "chemistry" to describe romantic relationships.

However, if either the husband or wife is unhealthy, they will not be able to properly produce these love chemicals at the adequate level. This will create a dysfunctional marriage. In addition, the #1 Cause for divorce is money problems.

#2 Reason for divorce is neglect, due to overworking.

Many marriage counselors have the lowest success rates of any counselors because they teach you how to get along with each other not the biology and what makes you attracted to each other.

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#1 Get your health RIGHT!  #2 Get your money RIGHT! #3 Get your romance or your marriage RIGHT! #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

#1 Get your health RIGHT! - By getting your health right you will be in the proper state of mind to #2 Get your money RIGHT! And when you get your money right you will #3 Get your marriage RIGHT! because by getting your money right you will reduce the risk of the major cost of divorce you might otherwise have.

And by getting your marriage right you will have a happy life and #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

This is the key to The Good Life is your Health, Wealth, Happiness, and Success Before we address how to optimizing your brain. We will address the keys to living a happy and successful life. 

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In his 25-year study of the most successful people, Napoleon Hill's classic writings revealed 17 principles of success and 33 reasons why people fail. If you have ever failed to achieve something in life, it is likely due to one of these 33 reasons. Additionally, there are six factors that cause individuals to self-sabotage. Psychologists have discovered two personality traits that not only greatly predict wealth but also influence other areas of our lives, such as health, leading to increased joy and happiness. I invite you to take a performance-based personality test to determine if you possess these two personality traits, which are strong indicators of success. If you don't have them, don't worry, as most people are not born with these traits. We will guide you on how to cultivate them at

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What You Should Know Before You Start Your Next Diet!

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Each year millions of people start their year off with a New Year's resolution. Coming in at #1 is, of course, losing weight.  In an episode of the Steve Harvey show, they showed that 92% of people will not accomplish their goal by the end of the year.

Have you ever joined a gym, gone on a diet, or bought a fitness program? If so, what happened that derailed you from reaching and keeping your goal?  What brought you here to re-evaluate what you can do differently? 

In this fitness program, we not only address your barriers, but we will consider, on a much deeper level, what you've been doing, what's worked, what hasn't, strategies you've tried, issues at home, stress, anxiety depression, past hurts and traumas that may cause you to self-sabotage yourself.

So first, congratulations on recognizing that perhaps what you did in the past didn't work as well for you as you might have liked.  Also, that you are still motivated to explore other options and change your future!  You have taken the first step.  Let's get started.

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How can you take the food you enjoy eating and still lose weight?  You may have to be mindful of what you buy and how you prepare the foods.  Everything in moderation.  We often think of going hungry and depriving ourselves when we are trying to lose weight.  Shift your mindset and challenge yourself to live a healthy life.  Plus! All the research that is done shows 70% of people who go on a diet will gain all the weight back and then some.  How can you be in the 30% that lose weight, keep it off and live a healthier life?  If you are craving a certain food, enjoy just a couple teaspoons full and then put it away.  You will stay on course and have satiated your hunger.

Well, the reason is something that the fitness industry, as a whole, doesn't want to address.  In today's article, we are going to address the "6 Things You Should Know Before You Start Your Next Diet!"

1) Self Image: 

Self-esteem is directly related to our self-image.  Working to build a strong self-image can permeate all aspects of your life.  When you feel healthy and strong, when you feel financially secure, you know that your life is of value, you are making a difference and have a positive attitude, the sky is the limit!  We all have our moments where we are feeling low and have to work hard to move beyond it.   Look for ways to boost your self-image and empower your life.  Do you like your eyes?  Are you smart, kind, or persistent?  If you don't see the person you want to be today,  consider your potential.  

Moving into a positive mindset for losing weight is key to your success.  Seeing yourself as being healthy and strong will prepare you for your transition to weight loss.

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2) Self Talk

The key to changing the way you see yourself is to create a new story. We've heard the quote: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" by Joseph Goebbels.  While he is not the best role model, it does ring true.  You are creating a new frame of mind that will become your reality.  If you can see it, you can be it!

Louise Hay says: "With every word and every thought you create your future." So what do your words say about your future?

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This is done by repeating the same phrase over and over again to ourselves such as:

* [First & Last Name] is marathon runner
*[First & Last Name] has a 6 pack
*[First & Last Name] loves eating vegetables 

By reading it, speaking it, and hearing yourself say it multiple times a day over several weeks, you are imprinting it into your mind and changing your internal dialog.  Then when you are facing a choice moving forward, should I sit on the couch watching TV or go out for a walk, you will be increasing your possibility of making decisions that will move you toward your goal.  

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3) Manage Your Mental Dialog

It is not only important that you create a new self-image through self-talk but, that you also limit the negative thoughts as much as possible.

In the following video with Dr. Joe Dispenzia, he explains that when you have a habit of negative thinking, it can sabotage you.  Breaking this pattern is pivotal to your success.  

You are going to have negative thoughts, however, once you have a negative thought you need to refocus your mind and decide how to change the wording.  For example, if your thoughts are "I can't do this, it's too hard" press the "pause" button in your mind and say ten times "I can do this and it's easy!"

You may believe you cannot achieve the body you want, however, if you tell yourself you can, eventually, you will believe it.  It will become your new reality.

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4) Act As If

If you were in perfect shape, how would you act? Would you carry yourself differently? Would you be more confident? Most likely, you would be. You would have energy and your mood would improve.  You need to be an actor playing the part of yourself in the shape you are working towards. Fake it until you make it.  When you do this enough times and for long enough, your brain is trained to no longer see your body as it is now but rather how you want it to be.  You will take the steps to achieve this or any goal you have in life.  Tap into the power of your mind.

Sports psychologist, Martin Haggar, in his TED X presentation, talks about the mental game of sports athletes who spend hours imagining themselves making the shot and the ball going in the hoop. He also mentions how salespeople visualize giving their presentation in their minds and how well it goes.  What do you see for yourself?

If your goal is to lose weight, you need to no longer see yourself in the condition you are currently in but imagine yourself with the body you want to achieve.  If you want to be able to hike, climb a mountain, swim, or another activity, visualize yourself doing it.

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When you see yourself in your mind having the body of your dreams, then you will be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve this kind of body.

5) Chunking

When you decide to improve any area of your life, many times we look at how far we have to go and thus get overwhelmed. So instead break it up into smaller tasks.

The problems with so many diet and fitness programs are that they require you to make too big of a change too quickly.  However, when you follow the simple steps outlined in this program, which walks you through the entire process of making small changes over time, it can give you drastic results.

6) Visualize Your Day

Instead of focusing on all the weight you have to lose, concentrate on what you need to do in the next hour.  Then once that hour has passed, look at what has to happen in the next hour and the hour after that and the day after that and so on...  If you do, you can reach your goal.  You are "chunking" and breaking your goals down into manageable, achievable steps.                                                                                            

So close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Picture a healthy, fit version of yourself.  What do you see?  What are you doing with your lean, strong body?  How do you feel?  Hold onto that image and your feelings and come back to it often.  It is your future if you are willing to work for it.  Good luck and let's get started!


It's not enough to know what to do to change your life; rather, it's crucial to develop the behaviors that enhance the likelihood of achieving lasting change. A specific set of personality traits or behaviors can ensure your success. While some individuals are naturally endowed with these traits, others, like you and me, must cultivate them. I invite you to take the performance-based personality test to determine if you possess any of these traits. Even if you don't, don't worry, as we will guide you in developing these traits at

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Habits Of Romantic Couples

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Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

The dream of every classic Disney fairy tale is that the Princess and Prince Charming will live happily ever after. Walt Disney is great at SELLING all of us the fantasy that everybody wants! However, how many people get the HAPPY EVER AFTER they dream about?

Some of us understand how to have a great career, save or invest money, have a great body and know how to keep it, but how many of us put in the effort to learning how to have a great marriage.

Will Smith lays out the principles of success.

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Will Smith at the Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards said: "There have been millions and gazillions of people who have lived before us and there is no new problem that someone has not written the solution down in a book."

No matter what issues you face in your life there is someone whom you can learn from that has figured out the solution.

As we have stated before, the average millionaire spends 60 min. each and every day educating themselves on business and financial matters, which aligns with what the bible says.  It says in Joshua 1:8: This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely.

So if you want to get in shape, you should spend 60 minutes each day educating yourself on fitness and reading nutrition materials. If you want to have a great marriage, you should spend 60 min. each and every day educating yourself on Relationships. We created the "Alpha Lifestyle Academy Community" as a shortcut. Providing you the tools and resources, so you can experience the same results for yourself. 

My background is as a business consultant working with the ultra-rich. I wanted to combine my business and relationship experiences to help others. Most people go into a career trying to figure it out as they go along which is also how most people go into marriage. However, the truly successful people hire consultants and advisors trying to find out everything they can on their chosen vocation.  This can also be helpful in a marriage.

Over the years, the government has used a portion of our tax dollars trying to see what all successful people have in common. What we know is that the most savvy people do not try to figure it out on their own.  They follow a proven path to success by following a business plan.

In the same is true in marriages, the government has also spent billions of dollars researching what all successful marriages have in common. Now you can build a relationship plan similar to a business plan.  You will see that the qualities all successful couples have in common. 

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