Year: 2021

Feeling Lonely in the Cold of Winter?

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Being alone during the winter season can be discouraging. Not only are you lonely, but it’s also freezing cold! Fortunately, there are ways to counteract your feelings and bring some warmth to your inner heart!

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4 Things to Consider When Choosing Who to Spend Your Holidays With

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The holidays are undoubtedly a time when you want to spend as many hours as possible doing memorable things with those you love most. On one hand, you’re pulled towards observing the tradition of being with your family. On the other hand, you feel the desire to share the holidays with those other special people in your life. So how do you choose?

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13 Life Lessons From Classic Holiday Movies and TV Specials

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Holiday movies and TV specials can teach us how to live better and enjoy more
happiness year-round. These are some of the most important life lessons from a few
old favorites and some other works that may be less well known.

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5 Ways To Embrace The Season of Giving

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The season which runs between Thanksgiving and Christmas goes by all sorts of names, depending on who you talk to, and you probably even have your own name for it as well! If you haven’t yet been able to truly embrace the “reason for the season,” as some call it, you might want to give it some serious thought. But just how do you do that? How do you give back without literally taking what you’ve received and handing it over to someone else?

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How to Make This Christmas a Merry, Memorable One!

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There are many ways to make Christmas merry and memorable. When it comes to the holiday season, more people are concerned with buying the perfect gift for others and anticipating what they will receive, rather than focusing on the true spirit of the holiday. This year, you can make your Christmas a joyous and stress-free holiday by following these 3 easy tips.

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9 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day

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The holidays and fattening food go hand-in-hand. Thanksgiving and the leftovers can last a week. Then it’s only a few more weeks until Christmas. New Year’s is the following week. Studies show that 75% of a person’s annual weight gain happens between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. Make this the year that you avoid holiday weight gain.

Most people associate the holidays with food, fun, and gaining weight. However, you can choose to enjoy the holidays and still eat responsibly.

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Create a Thanksgiving Feast on a Budget

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Maybe you’ve always wanted to host Thanksgiving but were concerned about the cost of feeding the largest meal of the year to a small army. The holidays and excess seem to go hand in hand. The economy still isn’t great, but fortunately, a great Thanksgiving meal can be created with a limited budget.

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Do You Know How to Deal With Disagreements?

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Unless you live on a mountaintop by yourself, you’re going to have disagreements with others. You’ll never find another person that agrees with you 100% of the time. Whether you’re at work, home, or out in public, there will be times that you disagree with someone.

Growing your ability to deal effectively with these disagreements is a pretty good use of your time. You can solve a lot of challenges and avoid any issues if you have effective communication skills.

Please click on the link to learn more and see strategies to improve your skills.

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