Year: 2021

How To Stay Looking Younger Longer

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 In order to stay Looking younger longer, you have to understand how we age. The food we eat gives our bodies what we need to stay alive and stay looking longer however, in this part of the world our bodies are malnourished because we have enough food but the food many of us choice to eat is processed foods that lead to obesity and lacks much of the basic building blocks our bodies need.

Obesity doubles the rate at which we age on a cellular level however, we may not see results until years down the road. Obesity shortens you life by 7 years and server obesity by 14 years.

-70% Lack enough Vitamin D
-60% Vitamin E 
-45% Magnesium 
-38% Calcium 
-35% Vitamin K 
-34% Vitamin A
-24% Vitamin C
-8% Zinc
-8% Vitamin B6
-8% Folic Acid 

These micronutrients keep us alive. The main function of these micronutrients keep us alive, however, we may have enough micronutrients to keep us alive but we may not have enough to keep the body working properly.

For example, 45% of Americans are deficient in magnesium which is found in green leafy vegetables which is responsible for feeding 300+ bodily functions which over time is what leads to brittle bones, kidney issues, diabetes and causes our bodies to age prematurely which is know as DNA Damage

The more damage is done to your DNA the more you age. So the younger you make these lifestyle changes the better.

What gives green leafy vegetables its color is magnesium, magnesium also binds to enzymes which give us energy, magnesium binds with your cells and repair damage to the body preventing the cause of life-threatening illnesses like cancer.

The article “Dieting Without Going Hungry” found at explains A major flaw in today’s diet and fitness industry is that most diets require you to make drastic of a change too quickly which makes it difficult for your brain to adapt. You can become discouraged. So you soon slip back into your same old destructive habits.

We recommend you use what we call a transition diet. This approach has you making small changes over time that will give you drastic results. 

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Think & Lose Weight! Law #1 Of The #17 Laws Of Losing Weight!

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A mystery that has pledged men for generations is the secret to wealth. This also pledged the mind of Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie understood poverty. So at a young age, Andrew Carnegie decided to find a solution to this problem.

Following the directions of his mentors, he wrote out his life plan to spend the first half of his life acquiring his wealth and the last half giving it all away. He also wanted to share this knowledge with the world.

Andrew Carnegie decided to do what he could to never let anyone experience the pain of ever again, despite the vast majority ignoring his advice In which he commissioned Napoleon Hill and introduced him to 500 of the most successful businessmen in the world to do a 25-year study of what these men have in common with each other which was released in 1925 as a correspondence course through the mail through a series of booklets and in 1928 released it as the “Laws of Success” which reveal there are 17 principles of success, 33 reasons why people, and 6 things that cause people to self sabotage themselves.

What normally happens is people focus on 1 or maybe 2 areas of their life and the rest of their lives end up in shambles. To live a truly happy and fulfilled life you must live a balanced lifestyle and what you will notice is once you get one area of your life handled it tends to balance out the other areas of your life.

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Success Trait: Self Confidence

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Law #1 of Nepolean Hills' classic writings of the 17 laws of success is having a definite chief aim or life purpose where he states that desire is the starting point of all achievement.

You have enough desire to seek out opportunities and may even have enough desire to invest money into those opportunities however, the thing that stops people in their tracks is a lack of self-confidence.

Because of people's insecurities, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence causes them to self-sabotage themselves.

When it comes to financial success, Not all marketing is created equal!

You could put in the same amount of effort or money into certain types of marketing methods and not get the results you would had gotten if you would had used certain other types of marketing methods.

In Gary Keller (the real estate giant of Keller Williams) in his book “The One Thing” he asks what is the one thing you could do that make the other tedious work unnecessary?

Let me clear something up about making money online! The internet is what we call efficient however, it is not as effective. Through the internet you can expose tens of thousands of people to your message within minutes, which is not possible offline. But you have to have funds to invest into advertising or you had to spend months or perhaps years building your credibility online.

People want things fast! They don’t want to wait 2 years to be successful they want to be successful RIGHT NOW!  

The appeal of making money online is they send the message that you can make money on the internet working from the comfort of your home.

If what you’re doing makes you feel comfortable, something is really wrong. If a business is called easy from the comfort of your home.

That is not a business that’s an INSULT!

What is the one thing, that makes everything thing else you could do in your business to bring in sales irrelevant?

For this, we don’t what to take someone’s opinion but rather we what to look at what the facts show us. Because we don’t want to look at what helped certain people become successful but what will give you the best odds of success.

The DMA (Direct Marketing Association) published a study that shows the phone and direct mail are the two most effective forms of lead generation.

I also want you to notice the results for social media because of a lack of self-confidence many people don’t want to get on camera they like to hide behind social media.

 The power of technology is when you use it in conjunction with offline marketing methods. Another study from shows that text or (SMS) and email are the best forms of marketing to nurture a lead into a custoer, once you generate a lead, however, when it comes to generating interest the telephone is the single best form of marketing.

Steve Jobs - got his start in computers by cold calling Dave Hewwit of hewit Packard computers.

Grant Cardone - in his make millions on the phone web class which he says: “The telephone is the most powerful tool in the history of business” Grant goes on to explain the phone is way more effective than any other sales tool out there, including social media. 

Robert Herjavec - from shark tank worked in sales room cold calling 

Jewel - cold-called radio station to get the to play her album

Sarah Blakely of Spanks - The youngest female billion cold-called retailers to carry her line while her competitors wait for them to approach 

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Tai Lopez - Posted on Twitter my mentor mike stain back said if you're afraid of the phone you’ll always be poor. If not you’ll always be able to make money 

We are products of our environment! Chance are you were raised by parents who had insecurities however, fear of failure is a self-fulfilling prophecy because of the lack of self-confidence which causes us to self-sabotage ourselves. 

Kobe Bryant spoke on this at a TEDX event where he said the confidence comes from preparation. Self confidence is a product of knowledge, confidence without knowledge is ego, confidence without any basis for your confidence is egotism. 

Over 25 year study Naplean Hill revealed that are 17 principles that all successful people follow, 33 reason why they fail, and 6 things that cause people to fail by self sabotaging themselves.

Over the past number of decades there have been a tremendous amount of new knowledge that we have discovered about phycology and how the brain works.

Clinical psychologist use exposure therapy to develop courage and build self confidence. Lets say you went through the moduel “The straightest path to success” at alpha lifestyle and because you have little money and are convinced the phone is the best way to start generating cash flow but you fearful of what people might say to you.

You want to take small incremental steps to develop confidence. 1) you might start by picking up the phone and acting like your calling a stranger 2) combine that with rehearsing your script 3) roll play with a friend until you have the confidence to start making cold calls.

The same thing is true about anything else you lack confidence.

Let me re-introduce myself my name is Christopher Brown; my last job I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm many times working with executives from billion dollar companies however, I could not duplicate the same level of results that I did for my clients because I had not yet developed the 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

I had the knowledge however, I struggled for a long time because I had not yet developed the 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth I would unknowably self-sabotage myself. Now chances are you were not born with these traits you are going to have to develop them.

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Build A $350,000 Per Month Income By Working An Average Of 2 Hours A Day!

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Hi my name is Christopher Brown from Alpha Lifestyle academy

When embarking on this journey of entrepreneurship, most people focus on the money. However, there is more to consider than just the money.

Instead we need an enterprise that gives us the freedom to support your lifestyle as Mark, one of my past mentors told me, who built a $350,000 per month income by working an average of 2 hours a day.

He said: “we all have friends, family and things we’d rather do than working however, we need the money and the time in order to do those things”.

It docent matter how much we make per year, what matters is how much we make per hour, however, we need to design our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

We do this by out strategizing our competition because our competition naively built a enterprise to make a living, we on the other hand out smarts our competition by designing our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

Another on of my mentors who volunteers much of his time in his missionary work told me our job is to make as much money as we can in the shortest time aspossible so we can use the time doing what we feel is important.

Bryce lives on a $40,000 yacht in Marina del Rey for a rent of $600 mo. with his brother by making a living documenting his yacht lifestyle on instagram and youtube. when you compare a $40,000 yacht and rent to the surrounding apartment which are going  for an average rent of $4,000 a month.

You can see how easy it is to increase your standard of living

Typically When an enterprise make a profit, the owner uses their share of the revenue to make a living from.
On the other hand, When you build a enterprise to support your lifestyle, the lifestyle is part of the business model.

For example Pejman drives exotic car like Lameriginis and Ferraris. His lifestyle is part of his business model.

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If you want more of a luxury lifestyle, Neil Stauss who is a writer for some of the biggest publications in the world is also known as a relationship coach for guys who held coaching events for 50 or so guy and the ticket of the event pays the lifestyle which is part of the experience he sells.

Hugh Huffner was the ultimate lifestyle entrepreneur which was an unheard ofbusiness model at the time, who made little for the size of his organization, which some source list as only a million dollars however, he built a business to support his lifestyle living in a mansion surrounded by beautiful women, traveling the world and hosting lavish parties 

Building a empire is about building a enterprise to support your lifestyle. For a time I use to lived in a vacation resort in celebration Florida because I wanted to live my life on vacation, and would go to Disney world 3-4x a week, and once a month we’d visit a hot vacation hot spot. 

Im in a different place in my life.

This may be the first time you have ever considered the possibility of living a lifestyle like this.

How would you describe your perfect lifestyle?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What would you do with the extra time your enterprise provides you? What kind of hobbies would you engage in?

Building a empire is about building a enterprise to support your lifestyle. For a time I use to lived in a vacation resort in celebration Florida because I wanted to live my life on vacation, and would go to Disney world 3-4x a week, and once a month we’d visit a hot vacation hot spot. 

Im in a different place in my life.

This may be the first time you have ever considered the possibility of living a lifestyle like this.

How would you describe your perfect lifestyle?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What would you do with the extra time your enterprise provides you? What kind of hobbies would you engage in?

How To Make More Money In The Next 18 Months, Than You Have In The Last 18 Years

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I understand that making more in the next 18 months, than you have in the last 18 years may sound outlandish however, once you understand a couple of things you will see how simple this is.

Now I’m guessing for a lot of you, this is probably not the first time you have looked into ways to make more money. The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising that they can help you make more money however, if you did not experience the results you expect it is because you did not posses any of the 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

So before we get started I want to invite you to take your performance based personality test to see if you have any of the 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth. Some people are born with these traits, while other have cultivated them with their surroundings however, chances are you were not born with these traits, I know I was not. I have had to cultivate them.

So I want to invite you to take your performance-based personality test at 

When many of you started your enterprise you imagined the freedom it would give you however, once you got going you saw how much work went into running a small business from the strains on your time trying to get everything done, making enough money to make ends met, and if you are successful enough hiring the right people for the job.

Most of you are working way hard than you need to and for a lot less money however, its not what you do but how you do it because Many people got started because they felt their boss did not appreciate the contributions they gave to their bosses success, or felt they could do a better job than their boss and started a business in the same industry they were working in however, you soon realize the same skill you needed as a employee are not the same skill you need to run a successful enterprise.

When embarking on this journey of entrepreneurship, most people focus on the money. However, there is more to consider than just the money.

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Instead we need an enterprise that gives us the freedom to support your lifestyle as Mark Yarnell, one of my past mentors told me, who built a $350,000 per month income by working an average of 2 hours a day.

He said: “we all have friends, family and things we’d rather do than working however, we need the money and the time in order to do those things”.

It docent matter how much we make per year, what matters is how much we make per hour however, we need to design our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

 We do this by out strategizing our competition because our competition naively built a enterprise to make a living, we on the other hand out smarts our competition by designing our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

Let me re-introduce myself My name is Christopher Brown my last job I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm many times working with executives from companies like, creat truck, and proctor and gamble

After doing an average of many as 60 session per week, for a period of 3 years,  many of them with executives from billion dollar companies  I noticed a pattern that we called as the billion dollar blueprint that many already existing billion dollar companies use, and brought that same success to the internet. 

There are unicorn where some idea catches fire and are able to sell for a billion dollars like when facebook bought instagram for a billion dollars however, when new start up companies, or small businesses use the billion dollarblueprint they were finally able to achieve the freedom they always wanted.

so I’ve taken what I learned from these billion dollars companies and scaled them down so that smaller companies could use them by creating  a short cut for you.

So instead of having to so any of the complicated things we do to build a successful small business empire We have done the work for you.

We use a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean grazisoi, grant cordon, digital marketer and many other have used who earned 100’s of millions of dollars And that a major investment firm acquired from learn vest for 250 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1 ) capture your leads 2) present your products to your prospects 3) close right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 catogies of income streams.

This is just the beginning!

You can fill out the application to create your account! 

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