Year: 2022

How To Make More Money While Spending Time With Your Kids!

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People complicate making money! The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising you they can help you make more money but they must think the more complicated it is the more money they can charge.

My great aunt started a snack food business where she came up with one snack that people really liked. Eventually, she sold her product to Frito-Lay which you know today as Cheetos. She took two years off and learned how to invest her money. She made enough to be with her family and spent time with her children while they were growing up.

Gary Keller of Keller Williams Real Estate wrote in his book One Thing that he asks what is the 'one thing' you could be doing that would make everything else you could be doing a waste of time.

When someone has put in the time to build a large customer base or large social media following where they can send out a message to that group, they only need a small percentage of that following to respond to make $100,000. So people have had to spend a lot of money and time in order to build a following large enough to make that kind of money. It has taken many years for some people to do so.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who already has a large following and ask them to send out a message endorsing you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email to his customer base and over the next 6 hours after sending out that email it resulted in $14,1000. The next time I did this I put a project together with Al Nin. We landed a deal with his dentist and partnered up with several beauty salons where we provided them with marketing material. This resulted in 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days yielding an average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million over the next 12 months. 

Most companies go after one customer at a time. However, we use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing where we connect with a customer, and that one customer may bring us hundreds, thousands, or depending on the size of the deal tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of new customers.

Even if you do not have a business or product experience, we can work with you! How would you like to make $5,000 - $15,000 per day helping local businesses like doctors and real estate agents?  

Jeff Walker made no money for six years, in his one-person business. After nine years he made a total of $210,000 however, after learning about group marketing he made $3.5 million over a 35-hour period.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the concept and putting it into action can seem a daunting task. When you are first starting out, there are many issues to consider. This is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team. We have created a short cut to make it as easy as possible for you to be successful and benefit from working with a team.

I want to invite you to visit

I had a blast recording today’s episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

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What Lesson You Can Learn From Elon Musk On How You Can Become A billionaire In The Next 21 Years.

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It is said that at the turn of the century the steel tycoon, Andrew Carnegie, who was once the wealthiest person in America, wrote out his life goal to spend the first half of his life accumulating wealth and the last half of his life giving it all away.

Even to this day, just slightly 100 years since his death his ventures are still donating his wealth to charity.

Of the Forbes billionaires list, it takes an average of 21 years to make their first billion. Of all the billionaires, Elon Musk follows the simplest method that almost any individual can follow to become a billionaire in their lifetime.

Elon got his start early by designing his own video game at 12 years old that he sold at 17 for $500. Between the ages of 24 and 28, he and a friend worked on Zip2 which sold for $400 million and Elon made a net profit of $22 million. At 28 he also started which became PayPal which sold when Elon was 31 for $1.5 billion that made Elon $180 million.

At age 32, he started Tesla and Space X, at age 36 he launched Solar City, at age 45 Open AI, and at age 46 Nero Link. Next came Boring company which as of 2022 Elon has a net worth of $270.1 billion dollars even making him richer than Jeff Bezos.

So how is the average person going to be able to do this? Elon started with $500 and reinvested his profits to his next venture. When he sold Zip2 he bought a car for a million dollars and reinvested most of the rest into starting When he sold he started Tesla and Space X.

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Elon made some critical decisions on what to do with his money. When someone buys a home and sell their home for a profit much of the time they buy a bigger home or splurge in some way.

As you see in the documentary about millionaires in 1999, Elon lived in a simple home considering the amount of money he had.

When most people get a surge of money they think about ways to spend it, and certain people think about how to grow it. People overcomplicate making money.

In David Bret Patrick's book your “Next 5 Moves”, he talks about how to take an item, sell, and reinvest the profits into something else, sell it and do it again.

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If you take $1,000 and flip it 10X you are a millionaire, flip it 20x you are a billionaire. Do you think you can flip $1,000 dollars over the next 21 years to become a billionaire? 


Pegman teaches people how to start with a $1,000 flip watch to make $200. Then flip 10 watches into $1,000, flip 10, $10,000 watches that is $200,000, then flip exotic cars, then flip million dollar cars, then mega mansions, then buy and sell businesses. So it goes on and on.

There are business brokers who buy and sell businesses. Dan Pena teaches people how to buy and sell businesses at his castle in Scotland. His students have made over a trillion dollars. 

How do you start?

I’m sure many of you have the drive to become wealthy and that is why you are reading this post. By following these steps, just imagine how much simpler it will be to retire at an early age and enjoy the rest of your life. Elon started at 12 however, he did not take things seriously until in his 20s.

Just like the TV show “Undercover Billionaire” where in season #1 Ben Sterns and season #2 Grant Cardone were dropped off in the middle of now where, with just $100 dollars, no contacts, just their skills and built a million dollar business in 90 days.

What skills do you need to have to build a million-dollar enterprise in just 90 days?

Most companies go after one customer at a time. We use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing where we acquire a customer, and that one customer may bring us hundreds, thousands or depending on the size of the deal it could yield tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of new customers. 

The first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email to his customer base. Over the next six hours after sending out that email, I made $14,100 within my very first 24 hours in business.

The next time I did this I put a project like this together with Al Nin. We landed a deal with his dentist and partnered up with several beauty salons where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days. They brought in an average $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million over the next 12 months. 

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their own customer base. Going from the concept to putting it into action can be too much to ask of small businesses as they often have many challenges they are already facing. I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team. We created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to help you be successful.

I want to invite you to visit

I had a blast recording today’s episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

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TOP 5 Businesses To Become A Millionaire As A Self-Employed Business Owner Without Any Employees

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Reports show there are 25 million one-person-owned businesses that operate without any employees and only about 36,000 of them or .14% make a million dollars a year or more.

Only about 9% of businesses do a million dollars a year but doing it on a shoestring budget without any employees is even harder with only .14% being able to achieve this.

There is a difference between a traditional business, versus a one-person-owned business in that these types of businesses tend, to be lifestyle businesses. A lifestyle business supports their lifestyle and gives these business owners the freedom to be at home with their families, or travel more, etc.

However, it does not matter what helped certain people become successful but what will give you the best odds of success.

The businesses with the most million dollars businesses are:

- Real Estate
- Real Estate Related Services
- Automotive Dealers
- Medical Offices
- Restaurants

The businesses that will give you the best odds to make a million dollars as a self-own business owner without any employees are:


In years past, we could buy products and open up a store. It took a great deal of capital and resources to do something like that. With the affordability of technology, it is becoming easier and easier. 

Technology and education use software that is getting cheaper. You may be familiar with the term funnel which is a certain kind of website that does the selling for you. It is similar to a vending machine that operates offline. These are tools that do the selling for you. 

There are companies that build fully automated funnels that cost between $30,000-$100,000. If you use software similar to click funnels for about $300 a month or $3,500 a year however if you pay for the year upfront you can get a discount.

If you give yourself a year to learn how to use it, they have an online university where they teach marketing, lead generation, and other skills you will need to know.

You can find products to sell online where you buy them at a discount and sell them online. There are also affiliate programs, resellers, and network marketing where you can use software like click funnels to send traffic to a website. When they buy your products, you earn a commission from them without having to buy large amounts of inventory.  

Real Estate 

43.2% of the richest Americans own rental property and 25.2% of the richest Americans are involved in real estate-related services which would include being real estate agents and mortgage brokers. According to a 2014 NAR report, it indicated that 87% of all new agents fail after five years in the industry, with only 13% becoming successful.

The average real estate agent makes around $40,000 per year however, Jim Fleck made $3 million dollars in his first 9 months in real estate by combining real estate and info marketing which helped establish himself as the most credible expert in his field.

Personal / Professional Services

This would include anything from accounting, business coaching, doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, and working as a travel agent. Nowadays, when operating in these fields as a one-person business, your time is limited. So many of these business owners combine info marketing which helps to establish them as the most credible experts in their field and makes them an authority in their field and the ability to charge premium prices.

25.2% of the richest Americans are involved in real estate-related services and if you would like to see how to make $5,000-$15,000 per day helping local real estate agents, visit Doctors and medical professionals are in the top five businesses that yield the most millionaires. If you’d like to make $5,000-$15,000 a day helping local doctors, please visit

Info Marketing 

People spend a billion dollars a day trying to find information through books, courses, and coaching programs to solve their problems. Many traditional businesses underestimate the power of books and courses however, info marketing establishes these businesses as the most established experts in their field. 


If you have an idea for a product you can hire a company to manufacture it for you.

Many of these one-person businesses that make a million dollars use multiple strategies because the average millionaire has seven streams of income. In many cases, these types of businesses start off with information marketing like Bill Phillips. He started his newsletter with a $180 investment and as he became more successful, he started recommending products in his newsletter through commerce. He then improved his company's image and went from writing a newsletter to creating a magazine, then released a number of different books. From there he began manufacturing his own protein powder and nutrition products and ultimately sold his company for $300 million dollars.  

Robert Hijvec from the show, Shark Tank, spoke at an Inc. 5000 event where he discussed why so many companies aren't as successful as they could be. He details that many of the less successful companies tended to believe they will be successful because they have a good product, however, the more successful companies tend to be more sales-focused.

So once you have a product you then need to develop sales skills.

Many people have it backward. First, then they learn to sell, you should start like Rebecca, who works with me inside Grant Cardone's mentoring program. She spent $1,200 on how to learn to sell and once a week we meet over a Zoom call for 6 weeks. Then we would have access to his online training library for one year and were ultimately invited to his offices in Miami for a full day training workshop.

Rebecca then joined a network marketing company. Many people claim you can make money in network marketing or MLM however because she learned to sell for 6 weeks first she recruited 19 people and made $21,000 in 3 weeks. When someone has put in the effort to build a large enough following where they can blast out a message to them they only need a small percent of these leads to respond to the message to make $100,000.

Just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and send out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer. In our team, we help each other in this manner. However, most companies go after one customer at a time. On the other hand, we use group marketing where we land a customer that could potentially bring us hundreds or thousands of new customers. 

There are some people who have followings of hundreds, thousands, and in some cases even millions of followers. Instead of you putting in the effort to build a following yourself, wouldn't it be simpler if you found someone with a large base who could send out a message endorsing you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email to his customer base. Over the next six hours after sending out that email, I made $14,100 within my very first 24 hours in business.

The next time I did this I put a project like this together with Al Nin. We landed a deal with his dentist and partnered up with several beauty salons where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days They brought in an average $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million over the next 12 months, 

Most companies go after one customer at a time. We use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing where we acquire a customer, and that one customer may bring us hundreds, thousands or depending on the size of the deal it could yield tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of new customers. 

Jeff Walker made no money for six years, in his one-person business. After 9 years he made a total of $210,000 however, after learning about group marketing he made $3.5 million over a 35-hour period.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else's following to build their own customer base. Going from theory and putting it into action can be too much to ask of small businesses. As a small business owner, you already have many challenges you have to manage. This is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team. We have created a shortcut to make it easy for you to take advantage of this opportunity.

I want to invite you to visit

I have a blast recording today’s episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

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15 Health Tips Any Woman Over 40 Needs to Know

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You know you are aging, but what can you do to help yourself stay healthy while you do so? Can you slow down the process? Feel better while it's happening? Read these simple tips and as always, consult your Doctor before making major life changes.

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