Month: May 2024

Vitamin D The Key To Help You Overcome The Habit Of Failure! [Why Rich People Have High Levels Of Vitamin D]

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Feature Content:

When something bad happens to you your mind and body keeps a record of it an creates an algorithm which creates a pattern of self-sabotage.

When we fail the body starts producing the hormones of stress, if we stay in that state of mind long enough then failing becomes a habit in which more bad things are more likely to happen to us thus, creating the hormones of stress. Cortisol is just one of the hormones of stress. Cortisol is known by scientist as the death hormone because it leads to so many life threating illnesses.

In Dr. Jordan Peterson book the “12 Rules For Life” in which he explains when you are successful the brain produces a chemical called “Serotonin” which is also called the happiness hormone and the more you succeed the more Serotonin the body produces, however, once successful does not always mean you will remain successful because once you have a traumatic failure you body produces another chemical that you may never recover from unless you understand how to hack your behaviors. 

How To Get Out Of A Rut?

When a person experiences a dramatic failure, they may develop the habit of failure, explaining it as being in a rut where they go from one failure to another because the body is no longer producing the right level of serotonin to be successful. They end up making poor choices that self-sabotage, which explains why they go from failure to failure.

Research is pointing to the fact that vitamin D boosts serotonin levels. Again, the more you succeed, the more serotonin the body produces.

By boosting your vitamin D levels, your body may be able to produce enough serotonin to be successful again.

In the article "Master This Secret Hack To Lose An Average of 7 lbs. More Than Diet & Exercise!" at, we shared some research indicating that the larger the body is, the higher a person's vitamin D requirements are. With 50% of the US population being deficient in vitamin D, we can see why people's lives are in the state they are.

Some studies suggest that the dose should depend on how much you weigh. They found that for every pound you weigh, you might need around 32 to 36 IU of vitamin D to keep your levels in check. This could mean needing more than the usual 600 IU if you’re heavier.

How To Get Vitamin D?

When it comes to increasing your vitamin D levels, nature has some of the best solutions. From soaking up sunlight to indulging in foods rich in vitamin D, there are simple ways to give your body the nutrients it needs. In our upcoming modules, we’ll explore these natural sources in more detail and show you how they can benefit your health. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the wonders of sunlight and vitamin D-rich foods!


If you have low vitamin D levels, it’s recommended to get a blood test. One option to boost your levels is by getting a vitamin D IV bag. Unlike supplements or vitamin-rich foods that take time for your body to use, a vitamin D IV goes straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to use the nutrients almost immediately. Some people feel more energized within 30 minutes after getting a vitamin D IV, although it won’t make you lose weight that quickly.

When you work with average, anyone can help you lose some weight but when you work with professionals who are already at the top of their game results are a lot less obvious

We look at everything, what worked, what hasn’t, things you’ve tried, issues at home, stress, anxiety and things that may cause you to self sabotage yourself

Bel-air weight loss and cosmetics is not just a weight loss clinic but a lifestyle brand, where we look at other factors that impact the results you are getting out of life. 

If you are ready to take the next step, and have heard enough, I want to invite you to book your free consultation.

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Do Weight Loss Clinics Works?

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Featured Content:

For some of you watching weight loss influencers on social media, weight loss books may be enough for you to get the results you need.

For others of you, you my need the guidance and treatments that only a medical trained weight loss professional can give.

You have a lifetime of bad habits, poor eating choices, and self destructive behaviors that cause you to self sabotage yourself. So, if you think you can lose weight by yourself think again. 

Studies show without maintenance visits with doctors, dieters regain over 5% of their weight back between 5 and 15 months. 

Tim Grover is the performance coach of some of the world most legendary athletes including Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

Part of his job is to get atheles in top condition.

Often times, his job is to help athletes lose weight. Some of these athletes believe they can lose weight all on their own however, in a matter of weeks get cut from the team.

If pro athletes, with millions of dollars on the line can’t lose weight on their won wha makes you believe you can do it? 

You need to work with a medical trained weight lose professional who can consistently help to achieve your weight.  

So I want to invite you to book a session at , who not only offers the latest weight loss treatments. But will also work with you to develop the behaviors to achieve long lasting results.

If you are ready to take the next step, and have heard enough, I want to invite you to book your free consultation.

This Is Not A One Size Fits All Solution:

We all have advantages as well as disadvantages when it comes down to our health. Instead of forcing you to fit into a certain mold we will look at how to use your distinct gifts to your advantage

When you work with average, anyone can help you lose some weight but when you work with professionals who are already at the top of their game results are a lot less obvious

We look at everything, what worked, what hasn’t, things you’ve tried, issues at home, stress, anxiety and things that may cause you to self sabotage yourself

Bel-air weight loss and cosmetics is not just a weight loss clinic but a lifestyle brand, where we look at other factors that impact your weight, your health, and aging  

If you are ready to take the next step, and have heard enough, I want to invite you to book your free consultation.

Just book your free consultation at the resources you see here in the video, or down further on the page.

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7 Ways To Lose Weight Before You Start Dieting Or Exercise!

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Cutting back on the foods you enjoy is one of the worst ways to start losing weight because, though we don’t like to admit it, we are addicted to food. Once we stop eating those foods, we will crash.

These types of diets are called restrictive diets, which research has found boost overeating by 133%.

We need to make small changes over time that give us drastic results.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Many times, people confuse hunger for thirst. So, by staying hydrated, you are less likely to overeat.

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Eat In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion:

The fastest way to start losing weight is to burn fat. Most people do not burn fat but rather burn the food they just ate, which is much harder to lose weight with because you have to burn so many more calories.

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Fix Vitamin Deficiencies:

Fixing Vitamin Deficiency can cause us to self-sabotage ourselves because we may feel anxious and/or depressed. What do people do when they are anxious and/or depressed? They tend to overeat and eat the wrong foods.

So, by addressing any vitamin deficiencies, you are less likely to overeat and/or eat the wrong foods.

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Bio-Chemistry Of Losing Weight:

We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals that impact the way we live our lives. We live in a stressful world; however, if we do not understand how to manage our stress, we will feel more stressed than we need to, which can cause our hormones to become unbalanced, leading to holding on to more fat.

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If we do not get enough sleep this will cause our bodies to create cortisol which creates belly fat.

There is also something called a resting metabolism, so while we sleep we can burn more fat and help us to avoid our destructive behaviors.

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Do the people in your life support you in your journey to becoming a healthier you? We’ve all heard terms like: "birds of a feather flock together," "show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are," and the scripture from the Bible, Proverbs 13:20, "The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly."

But it goes much deeper than that; the "Framingham Heart Study" found that obesity spreads by contagion. So if your friend’s friend’s friend — whom you’ve never met and lives a thousand miles away — gains weight, you’re likely to gain weight too. And if your friend’s friend’s friend loses weight, you’re likely to lose weight too.

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Change Your Environment:

Psychologists have found that changing your environment can change your brain chemistry.

What is known as the “Robins study” in Vietnam: the soldiers were addicted to heroin, and there was concern that when the soldiers returned to the US, there would be massive addiction problems. However, that was not the case. Only a small percentage of the returning soldiers were still addicted or relapsed once they returned home.

So, by changing your environment, it can give you the kick you need to start a new routine.

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Once you get these six areas of your life under control, you can then introduce a healthy diet and exercise into your routine.

Diets fail because people make too many changes too quickly to lose weight, and the brain can't handle it, slipping back into their same old destructive habits. I want to introduce to you some key ideas: eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight.

You will not look like a celebrity or have the body to appear on the front cover of a fitness magazine; however, this will give you the results that most people are looking for and totally change your health.


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How Einstein Went From Loser To Genius Millionaire! Business Lesson(s) For Every Entrepreneur!

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Success ain’t just about knowing what to do. We have—environmental junk, emotional , and physical stresses—that make our brains into a toxic and hamper our ability to perform..

Einstein, believe it or not, was tagged as a loser for a good chunk of his life. But did he didn't sit around whining about it.He hit the brain gym six days a week. Fast forward to 1905, aka the Einstein miracle year. He drops groundbreaking ideas that flip the world on its head.

No matter if you’re at the age of collecting Social Security or still figuring out how to adult, the next 12 months could be your own miracle year. Past fails? Forget ’em! Time to unleash your genius within.

Build A Brian To Perform:

Dr. Daniel Amen from the Amen Clinic, who has conducted over 83,000 brain scans, said in his TED Talks video that those with healthy brains are healthier, happier, wealthier, wiser, more creative, and more innovative.

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ATTENTION! The following video is provided by a 3rd party vender. If the video is no longer available it is because the owner of the video or Youtube removed the video from their servers. we apologize for any inconvenience.

Now Einstein is someone you would never imagine having a hampered brain. However, Einstein was considered a loser for many years. In a 2014 documentary, it shows he was turned down for every job he applied for.

His father even tried to get young Albert a job; however, not even his father could get him a job.

He was so depressed by this fact that Einstein wrote a letter to his family stating, “It would have been better if he had never been born.”

Depression shrinks your brain and hampers your brain’s ability to perform.

Scientists say: “Depression is like giving your brain a lobotomy.”

After some time, one of Einstein’s friends finally got him a job as a lowly patient clerk.

In 1998, neuroscientists discovered neuroplasticity.

Einstein was not born with his brain; he built it.

In Dr. Joe Dispenza's TED Talk, he shows that your brain is like plastic, and with each thought, you shift the shape of your brain and build thicker and thicker neuro-connections.

Einstein optimized his brain by working six days a week reviewing patients. He had to cultivate his brain by reviewing patients and breaking it down into a mathematical formula, which optimized his brain's performance. In 1905, during what is called “Einstein's Miracle Year,” he discovered the theory of relativity, E=mc^2, and other groundbreaking discoveries that changed the way we see the world forever.

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Your Miracle Year:

No matter how many times you've tried before, no matter how many times you've failed before, and no matter who says to you, “you've tried before,” this may be your miracle year.

Just like Einstein, I struggled with ADHD, dyslexia, and other so-called learning disabilities. However, I optimized my brain to perform so I could get a job as a business strategist working for a $400 million dollar marketing firm, often collaborating with executives from billion-dollar companies like Crete Trucking, P&G, Victoria's Secret, and many others.

You have environmental, emotional, and physical stresses that make your brain toxic and hamper your brain's ability to perform.

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Detox Your Brain To Perform:

In order to optimize your brain to make more money, you have to detox your brain and give it proper nutrition. The Amen Clinic has conducted over 83,000 brain scans, and with the help and research of other neuroscientists, we have put together this simple plan to optimize your brain to make more money. First, we'll start by optimizing your lifestyle. Then, we'll look at the biochemistry of success.

We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals that influence our emotions and impact our personality. One of these brain chemicals is linked to higher chances of success. Most people let these brain chemicals control them, but in order to truly be successful, you must understand how to hack your brain.

There are what are called in psychology the “Big 5” personality traits; however, there are two personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth. You will want to take our performance-based personality test to see if you have these two traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth at

In addition to our performance-based personality test, we offer three additional personality tests because many companies offer a one-size-fits-all solution. With us, we need to understand your advantages as well as your disadvantages so that we can use your gifts to your advantage for you to get the best results.

We will also look at how your childhood impacted your future success. Your past may have installed patterns of failure that you must heal from if you are to succeed, because no matter how smart you are, in order to succeed, you have to escape from these self-destructive behaviors.

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There are two personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth. What is interesting is that these are also the same personality traits that are greatly associated with longevity, health, and happiness.

Some people are born with these traits, while others, like you and me, have to cultivate them. So I want to invite you to visit

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Master This Secret Hack To Lose An Average of 7 lbs. More Than Diet & or Exercise!

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Again, as we have stated in other modules, being overweight is a warning sign from the body that something is not right.

If you eat foods in a package, no matter how much you eat of these foods, you are malnourished. You are eating highly processed food. And if you look on the labels, if there are more than 5 chemicals, these are what are called highly processed foods. The foods mimic food but lack the proper nutrition. That is one reason you are overweight.

Give Your Body What It Needs To Work Properly:

Take vitamin D, for instance. Low vitamin D levels are linked to being overweight. The bigger you are, the more vitamin D you need to stay healthy. And when you slim down, you need less.


Also, boosting vitamin D in your blood might help you lose fat and weight. One study followed 218 overweight women for a year. They all dieted and exercised, but only some got extra vitamin D. Those who got enough vitamin D lost about 7 pounds more than those who didn't.


In another study, overweight women took vitamin D for 12 weeks. They didn't lose weight, but their body fat decreased.


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How Does Vitamin D Aid Weight Loss?

First, some studies suggest that vitamin D might stop your body from making new fat cells. Yup, it's like putting a pause on fat production.

But wait, there's more! Vitamin D might also tell your body to hold off on storing fat, which could help reduce how much fat builds up.


Oh, and get this: having more vitamin D might boost your serotonin levels. Serotonin is like your mood boss, but it also helps control your appetite. So, more serotonin might mean feeling fuller for longer and eating less.


Now, onto testosterone. Yup, vitamin D might bump up your testosterone levels, which could help with weight loss in the long run. There's a study where guys who took vitamin D had more testosterone than those who didn't.


So, summing it up: vitamin D might help with weight loss by messing with fat cells and boosting serotonin and testosterone levels.

A 2011 study gave 165 men either vitamin D supplements or a placebo for one year. It found that those receiving the supplements experienced greater increases in testosterone levels than the control group .

Several studies have shown that higher levels of testosterone can reduce body fat and help sustain long-term weight loss.

It does this by boosting your metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories after eating. It could also block the formation of new fat cells in the body. 

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How Much Do You Need?

If you are from 19 to 70 years old, it's suggested to get 600 IU (or 15 micrograms) of vitamin D each day. But here's the thing: taking vitamin D might not be the same for everyone.

Some studies say the dose should depend on how much you weigh. They found that for every pound you weigh, you might need around 32 to 36 IU of vitamin D to keep your levels in check. This could mean needing more than the usual 600 IU if you're heavier.

But be careful! Taking too much vitamin D can be harmful. The max recommended daily dose is 4,000 IU. Some folks have taken up to 10,000 IU a day with no issues, but it's best to talk to your doctor before going over that limit.

So, while the general recommendation is 600 IU a day, it might vary depending on your weight.

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The Bottom Line:

Getting enough vitamin D can help balance your hormones and might even help with losing weight and reducing body fat.

When you lose weight, your vitamin D levels might go up, which is good because it helps keep your bones strong and protects you from getting sick.

If you don't get much sun or you're at risk of not having enough vitamin D, taking supplements could be a smart move.

Taking vitamin D supplements might help you manage your weight and keep you healthy overall.

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How To Get Vitamin D?

When it comes to increasing your vitamin D levels, nature has some of the best solutions. From soaking up sunlight to indulging in foods rich in vitamin D, there are simple ways to give your body the nutrients it needs. In our upcoming modules, we'll explore these natural sources in more detail and show you how they can benefit your health. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the wonders of sunlight and vitamin D-rich foods!

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If you have low vitamin D levels, it's recommended to get a blood test. One option to boost your levels is by getting a vitamin D IV bag. Unlike supplements or vitamin-rich foods that take time for your body to use, a vitamin D IV goes straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to use the nutrients almost immediately. Some people feel more energized within 30 minutes after getting a vitamin D IV, although it won't make you lose weight that quickly.

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What Companies Can Learn From Elon Musk’s “Idiot Index” To Cut Costs & Make More Profits!

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Elon Musk has a concept that he calls the idiot index, where in building a rocket, he takes the component cost and the cost of the materials ($1,000 component, $100 raw material = idiot index of 10 to 1), finding inefficiencies. Or determining if you are an idiot.

SpaceX’s Raptor rockets cost $2,000,000, with the goal of using the idiot index to bring it down to $200,000. However, according to some leaked resources, Elon’s engineers were able to get it down to $250,000.

So many businesses are not spending their money efficiently in their advertising. However, if we apply Elon’s idiot index to traffic, you will see most business owners are inefficient and see which traffic sources pass Elon Musk’s idiot index.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising that they can get you the traffic you need; however, not all traffic sources are created equal.

In other words, if you understand the idiot index, you can achieve far greater results than your competition with less effort and resources.

For example, Kyle Handy is a real estate agent who spent $22,000 on Google ads, which brought in $41,324 and a profit of $19,324. So, he brought in a return of almost 87%. However, Tony Kelso invested $50,626 in direct mail that brought in $543,390, just shy of 1,120%.

So, it’s not about buying into the hype but understanding the economics of each advertising model by applying Elon Musk’s idiot index.

So, I asked ChatGPT to use Elon Musk’s “idiot index” in comparing different marketing channels to find the best traffic sources.

As you saw in the case of Kyle Handy and Tony Kelso, it’s not just about making money, because both made money, but what is the most productive money spent.

The productivity of advertising is a combination of a few different factors, including a person’s sales ability. So, even though two companies may be selling the exact same product, using the same traffic source, one may outsell the other because of their personal sales ability. However, ChatGPT did not give me the exact number but ranked each traffic source from high, moderate, low, and then ranked the top 5 based on this research.

So, we did additional research to find what the average business is spending and how much they are earning. Research can be dry at times; however, this is important for you because this data will arm you with knowledge that 99% of other businesses do not have access to. So, let’s dive into this.

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