Vitamin D The Key To Help You Overcome The Habit Of Failure! [Why Rich People Have High Levels Of Vitamin D]

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When something bad happens to you your mind and body keeps a record of it an creates an algorithm which creates a pattern of self-sabotage.

When we fail the body starts producing the hormones of stress, if we stay in that state of mind long enough then failing becomes a habit in which more bad things are more likely to happen to us thus, creating the hormones of stress. Cortisol is just one of the hormones of stress. Cortisol is known by scientist as the death hormone because it leads to so many life threating illnesses.

In Dr. Jordan Peterson book the “12 Rules For Life” in which he explains when you are successful the brain produces a chemical called “Serotonin” which is also called the happiness hormone and the more you succeed the more Serotonin the body produces, however, once successful does not always mean you will remain successful because once you have a traumatic failure you body produces another chemical that you may never recover from unless you understand how to hack your behaviors. 

How To Get Out Of A Rut?

When a person experiences a dramatic failure, they may develop the habit of failure, explaining it as being in a rut where they go from one failure to another because the body is no longer producing the right level of serotonin to be successful. They end up making poor choices that self-sabotage, which explains why they go from failure to failure.

Research is pointing to the fact that vitamin D boosts serotonin levels. Again, the more you succeed, the more serotonin the body produces.

By boosting your vitamin D levels, your body may be able to produce enough serotonin to be successful again.

In the article “Master This Secret Hack To Lose An Average of 7 lbs. More Than Diet & Exercise!” at, we shared some research indicating that the larger the body is, the higher a person’s vitamin D requirements are. With 50% of the US population being deficient in vitamin D, we can see why people’s lives are in the state they are.

Some studies suggest that the dose should depend on how much you weigh. They found that for every pound you weigh, you might need around 32 to 36 IU of vitamin D to keep your levels in check. This could mean needing more than the usual 600 IU if you’re heavier.

How To Get Vitamin D?

When it comes to increasing your vitamin D levels, nature has some of the best solutions. From soaking up sunlight to indulging in foods rich in vitamin D, there are simple ways to give your body the nutrients it needs. In our upcoming modules, we’ll explore these natural sources in more detail and show you how they can benefit your health. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the wonders of sunlight and vitamin D-rich foods!


If you have low vitamin D levels, it’s recommended to get a blood test. One option to boost your levels is by getting a vitamin D IV bag. Unlike supplements or vitamin-rich foods that take time for your body to use, a vitamin D IV goes straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to use the nutrients almost immediately. Some people feel more energized within 30 minutes after getting a vitamin D IV, although it won’t make you lose weight that quickly.

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