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For some of you watching weight loss influencers on social media, weight loss books may be enough for you to get the results you need.

For others of you, you my need the guidance and treatments that only a medical trained weight loss professional can give.

You have a lifetime of bad habits, poor eating choices, and self destructive behaviors that cause you to self sabotage yourself. So, if you think you can lose weight by yourself think again. 

Studies show without maintenance visits with doctors, dieters regain over 5% of their weight back between 5 and 15 months. 

Tim Grover is the performance coach of some of the world most legendary athletes including Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

Part of his job is to get atheles in top condition.

Often times, his job is to help athletes lose weight. Some of these athletes believe they can lose weight all on their own however, in a matter of weeks get cut from the team.

If pro athletes, with millions of dollars on the line can’t lose weight on their won wha makes you believe you can do it? 

You need to work with a medical trained weight lose professional who can consistently help to achieve your weight.  

So I want to invite you to book a session at BelairWeightLossAndCosmetics.com , who not only offers the latest weight loss treatments. But will also work with you to develop the behaviors to achieve long lasting results.

If you are ready to take the next step, and have heard enough, I want to invite you to book your free consultation.

This Is Not A One Size Fits All Solution:

We all have advantages as well as disadvantages when it comes down to our health. Instead of forcing you to fit into a certain mold we will look at how to use your distinct gifts to your advantage

When you work with average, anyone can help you lose some weight but when you work with professionals who are already at the top of their game results are a lot less obvious

We look at everything, what worked, what hasn’t, things you’ve tried, issues at home, stress, anxiety and things that may cause you to self sabotage yourself

Bel-air weight loss and cosmetics is not just a weight loss clinic but a lifestyle brand, where we look at other factors that impact your weight, your health, and aging  

If you are ready to take the next step, and have heard enough, I want to invite you to book your free consultation.

Just book your free consultation at the resources you see here in the video, or down further on the page.