Month: July 2024

Never Let Anyone Take Advantage Of You Ever Again! #48lawsofpower

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The book the 48 laws of power is a controversial book some people says its a manipulative book, its a evil book, it is a work of the devil however, if you say anything like that it is because you have not learned the lesson the 48 laws of power can teach us. Now the way I got introduced to the 48 laws of power is because of the pain I experienced because it provide you the knowledge the manipulation tactics, and narcissistic tactics people use to take advantage of you. Before this I had what is known in phycology as a highly agreeable personality, I was overly concerned with people liking me. 

The Disadvantage Of Being Overly Nice:

Now at first, being highly agreeable may seem to be very admirable traits to have however, the downside of this it opens you up for people to take advantage of you. 

Being highly agreeable opens you up to disease because you suppress your emotions and those emotions are linked to disease. So there is a lot of downsides of being an overly agreeable person. 

The way I define myself today is I am a good guy, not a nice guy, there is a difference, Highly agreeable people refuse to see peoples dark sides, they refuse to see people for who they are, this why some people say the 48 laws of power says its a manipulative book, its a evil book, but On the contrary it takes lesson from history and it teaches us to protect ourselves from those who would take advantage of you.

Arm Yourself With The Knowledge To Protect Yourself:

Even in the Bible at Matthew 10:16 its says “I am sending you out amount wolves, proves yourself as cautious as serpents, and innocent as doves”. 

2 Cor 2: 11 says of satan that we are not ignorant of his designs because the bible gives us the knowledge not to fall into Satans traps and so the 48 laws of power designed to arm yourself with the knowledge not to let anyone take advantage of you.

Human Behavior Is Predictable:

Human behavior is predictable there are 48 laws that Robert Greene talks about in his book that people use to manipulate you, even seemingly good people use their so called goodness to manipulate you and you need to know this knowledge so you can tell the difference from a good person and a person who acts good. 


We’ve all heard of the golden rule, its not explained in this book as the golden rule, but you’ve heard of this the one with the gold makes the rules, so I want to help you harness the power of money to protect ourselves Because when we lack money people can control us to get us to do things for money, such as working longer hours away from your family, over paying from creditors charging higher fee, because of your lack of money There are 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictor of not only wealth but success in all area of you life. Most people settle for less because they don’t have the courage and settle for less than their potential because of insecurities, anxiety from past trauma. But if you are ever going to recover, you are going to have to heal your past traumas by optimize your brain to perform I want to invite you to take our performance based personality test to see if you have any of these traits. If not, don’t worry, chances are you were not born with these traits, I know I was not, I have had to cultivate them by optimizing my brain to make more money.

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Top 4 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Money!

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Let’s make one thing clear: frugal living is NOT about cutting back and NOT buying the things you want. It’s about cutting back on things you don’t want to spend money on. Many people complain about gas prices, even though everyone knows we need to get from one place to another. We’re going to pay whatever they set the gas prices at regardless, especially if you live in an area with little or no public transportation. People will spend more money on coffee in one week than they do on gas and not complain about it because people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want.

Cut Your Expenses Without Missing Out:

When people think about getting out of debt and lowering their expenses, they only think of frugal living.

Let’s explore this more. You may not have the same amount of money that wealthy people do, however, you can use the same strategies as the rich to have a higher standard of living. The rich not only make more money than the poor and middle class, but they also pay as little as they possibly can on things that they need. In this way, they have money left over to buy items that they really want to buy; the things they really enjoy.  

Your Biggest Expenses:

You pay more money on taxes, interest rates from debt, and financial losses than any other expenses. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book series, says there are 4 stages to financial growth:

1. Debt – Understanding the different types of debt; they call this good debt and bad debt.

2. Security – This is the stage where you protect yourself from one of your biggest expenses: financial loss and different types of insurances.

3. Comfort – This is the stage where you are getting “caught up” on things. This is where many people say “I just want to get ahead”.

4. Wealth – The fourth and final stage, is where you have your money working hard for you instead of you working hard for the money through different investments like real estate.

By paying less for the things you need, you will have the money left over or the things you really want.

So again, you waste more money on taxes, interest rates from debt, and financial loss than any other expense out there.

Government Money:

Every year, the government gives away billions of dollars through free money programs by adding $300-$500 to your paycheck from your job. Additionally, you can get 20-45% cashback on your normal everyday expenses through a series of government money programs.

Fix Your Credit:

Having a low credit score will cost you hundreds of dollars each month and when you compound a poor credit score over years, it ends up costing you thousands of dollars. When your credit score is low, your interest rate will be higher.

Eliminate 50% Your Debt:

There are laws in place that benefit banks, charge you higher fees, and you are not aware of. They are often called “hidden fees“. If you know about them, you can use the money-saving secrets of the ultra-rich and use these laws against the bank to eliminate as much as 50% of your debt.

Get Out Debt:

There are banking laws that banks use to charge us higher fees; however, the banks break these laws every day. We use these laws against the banks to eliminate your debt.


The rich use debt to make money. Instead of spending long hours working, they put their money to work for them by investing in various opportunities.

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