Group Marketing – How I Built A $7 Million Dollar Company I Just 90 Days

Cardone Ventures reported on the state of small businesses that shows there are:

  • 31 1/2 million small businesses
  • 25 million self-employed businesses
  • 5.2 million businesses with 2-15 employees 
  • 630,000 businesses with 15 or more employees 

Every year, despite the economy 2/3rds of businesses, closes every 5 years. And the top 3 reasons they give are 1) Not enough demand for the product or service 2) Can’t find good help 3) Can’t get funding. Because many of these companies still around and wait for people to come and buy, however, that is not the way business is done for most people they need to know what you can do for them, and for them to know this you have to tell them through sales and marketing.

The challenge for many smaller companies is they land one customer at a time, where the more successful companies use group marketing where they land a deal where that one customer may refer 100’s of depending on the size of the company 1,000’s of new customers.

Now the very first time I did this I landed a deal with Joe Broughton who sent out an email to his customer base within 6 hours of him sending out the email I made 141 sales and because of word of mouth marketing over the next 12 months those 141 customers turned into close to a $150,000 per month income.

Let me give you an over simplified explanation of this:

In the following image if your following along with us online you will see company A and company B. Company A then refers their customers to company B and company B then refers their customers to company A or a variation of this. 

Now imagine if you are doing this with 100’s companies. I’m sure you can see how well you would be doing today?

I worked with Al Nin on a project who worked with a dentist office in Ohio in which we added 3,200 new patients to their practice for a million dollars in the first 90 days and $6.5 million dollars over the next 12 months.

Len & Annette a carpet cleaning business in Canada put a deal together with a real estate agent, a dry cleaner, and a furniture store, and over the next 12 months that brought in over 3,000 new clients, bringing in over a million dollars in additional revenue for the company.

There are 3 main principles of group marketing
1) Control The Media
2) Own The Media
3) Own The Customer

In the next module we’ll explain in more details.