The Bittersweet Reality Of Success, Success Is Boring! Mastering The Art Of Boredom Is The Key To Success!

Chapter 8 of “The 50th Law” by Robert Greene and rapper Fifty Cent states: “The fools in life want things fast and easy – money, success, attention. Boredom is their greatest enemy, along with fear. Whatever they manage to obtain slips through their hands as quickly as it arrives. In contrast, you aim to outlast your rivals. You are laying the foundation for something that can continue to expand. To achieve this, you must undergo an apprenticeship. You must learn early on to endure the hours of practice and drudgery, knowing that ultimately, all that time will result in a higher pleasure – mastery of a craft and of yourself. Your goal is to reach the ultimate skill level – an intuitive feel for what must come next.”

One thing I have learned from being surrounded by many successful people is that success can be boring. It may appear glamorous and exciting. Take a rock star, for example. We see the parties and cool Hollywood events, but they have to play the same song every night.

Actors have to spend hours memorizing and rehearsing their scripts. We only witness the end result after they have dedicated hundreds of hours to preparation.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising to help you make more money. However, achieving the same level of success is unlikely because many people resort to using social media and menial tasks like cleaning the office to escape the boredom that comes with being successful.

To be successful, you must sell, and sales can be monotonous as you deliver the same pitch repeatedly. It’s possible to grow tired of your own pitch and be tempted to reinvent the wheel.

To achieve success, you must learn to endure the discomfort of boredom.