Christopher Brown

The Secret Weapon Against Procrastination: Embrace the Power of Boredom!

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We escape from the things we know we should do, so the key to success is to embrace boredom. The reason you feel you procrastinate is because you fill your life with escapes that distract you from the pain of boredom.

When you turn off all the distractions, you may find it easier to do the things you know you should. For example, if your goal is to work out but you sit around watching videos or movies, you are in a state of comfort. However, if you turn off the distractions, you are forced to be alone, which may push you enough to go to the gym.

People do not know how to be alone with themselves. Even when we are alone, we are not alone; we use our phones to distract us from boredom, which over time shortens our attention span. That is why we are always trying to distract ourselves with escapes.

Try turning off your phones and/or your electronic devices. Being alone in silence will start to rewire your brain. If at first, this is hard to do, use the practice of mindfulness. Perhaps, focus on the air coming in and out of your nose. Being alone will put you in a state of boredom and will force you to do the things you know you should do as a method to escape boredom.


There are two personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth. Some people are born with these traits. Other like you and me have to cultivate them.

I want to invite you to take your performance based personality test to see if you have any of these traits. Otherwise, we'll walk you through on how to cultivate them at

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What Small Business Can Learn From America Express’s #1 Content Marketing Strategy For New Card Holders

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There is a significant amount of hype surrounding social media, but it can be an unfair system for businesses. While it offers free traffic, major social media companies utilize algorithms that work against you. Social media can be likened to a digital drug dealer. Initially, they provide unlimited traffic and likes, but once you become addicted to these metrics, they start charging you for the same results you used to get for free. Achieving success on social media becomes an elusive pursuit due to algorithms that heavily favor certain individuals.

Only a small percentage (around 2-5%) of your followers will actually see your posts because social media platforms want you to pay for the reach they used to provide freely, similar to a drug dealer. To achieve success this way, you need a following of hundreds of thousands of followers. Additionally, the algorithms constantly change, rendering the strategies that once helped build a large following ineffective today.

When examining the top Instagram influencers and their earnings in relation to their followers, they earn an average of $1 per year per follower. In contrast, email marketing proves to be more lucrative. According to the DMA, an average newsletter subscriber is worth $187, and Russell Brunson found that small local companies that establish strong connections with their customers can earn up to $500 per month per subscriber.

Unfortunately, many individuals on social media post content without a clear strategy, believing it will automatically attract more followers. They end up putting in more effort than necessary. On the other hand, American Express's OPEN Forum strategically posts the right kind of content to drive growth. OPEN Forum is an online community and content site that provides small business owners with insights, ideas, and connections to help them grow their businesses. It originated as a platform for business owners to connect with each other, and later expanded to include various types of articles, videos, and other content while maintaining a peer-to-peer experience. The stories and advice featured are predominantly from or about other business owners, establishing OPEN Forum as a place for businesses to exchange ideas and advice.

The OPEN Forum serves as the number one lead source for new American Express cardholders because it fosters a community. This concept can be compared to how TV shows in the 1960s were sponsored by companies. For instance, the TV show "Mr. Ed" was sponsored by Studebaker, a popular automobile brand at the time. People watched the show for entertainment but eventually became interested in purchasing a Studebaker. Similarly, the OPEN Forum provides valuable resources for businesses, and when the need for funding arises, businesses consider applying for an American Express Card. Rather than creating sales-focused content, the OPEN Forum educates its audience, positioning themselves as credible experts in their field, which emphasizes why people should do business with them.

The OPEN Forum operates by providing valuable resources for businesses. When the need for funding arises, businesses are encouraged to apply for an American Express Card. Rather than focusing on creating sales-oriented content, the OPEN Forum prioritizes educating their audience, establishing themselves as highly credible experts in their field. This approach highlights the importance of why individuals should choose to do business with them.

Building A List

Email marketing remains a powerful and cost-effective channel for businesses to reach and engage their target audience. Despite the hype surrounding social media, email marketing has consistently shown a high return on investment (ROI) for many companies. There are several reasons why email continues to be a preferred choice for marketers.

While social media platforms offer their own advantages, such as reach and brand visibility, email marketing has proven to be a reliable and results-driven channel for businesses looking to generate revenue and maintain strong customer relationships. It complements social media efforts by providing a more direct and targeted approach to engage with customers.


The purpose of advertising is when someone has built a following large enough that they can send out a message to that following they only need a small percentage of that following to respond to the message to reach their financial goals.

However, it may time a lot of financial resources to hit their goal. Resources that many of you do not have.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful send out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this, I made nearly $15,000 in my very first 6 hours, and over the next 12 months, that deal turned into a $150,000 per month income.

The next time, I did a deal with Al Nin and his dentist, and that resulted in $6.5 million over a 12-month period.

I’m nothing special; I simply had some knowledge about a lesser-known method to get companies to recommend me and the companies I have worked with to their customer base. You are just one deal away from changing your life.

Covering everything here would be an impossible task, so I invite you to visit for more details.

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Creating A Magical Connection: How Small Businesses Can Create Connection & Loyalty From The Walt Disney Companies Lead Generation Strategies!

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Certainly! Walt Disney was indeed a visionary who brought innovation to every aspect of the Walt Disney Company, including their marketing. Over the generations, the company introduced groundbreaking innovations. For instance, they introduced Disneyland to the public with an infomercial, a marketing technique that many companies did not start using until the 1990s.

One notable marketing approach employed by Walt Disney was "The Wonderful World Of Disney." It was an infomercial disguised as entertainment, where Walt Disney would come into people's homes each week and discuss the advancements they were making with the park.

However, since the pandemic, Disney's marketing has faced challenges in various areas. Some argue that certain interns were more focused on pushing an agenda rather than driving profitability. It is hoped that Disney can regain its marketing prowess and overcome these obstacles.

Let's now explore the lead generation strategies of the Walt Disney Company. When we think of Disney marketing, big TV ads often come to mind. However, lead generation is not typically the first thing that comes to mind. Nonetheless, we can examine Disney's approach and extract principles that can be applied to smaller businesses.

While executing tactics on the same scale as Disney or Coca-Cola may not be feasible for small businesses, we can still learn from their principles and adapt them to our own ventures. As a business strategist who worked with executives from multi-billion dollar companies, I have distilled the lessons learned from these experiences into principles that can be applied by smaller businesses.

In this context, we will be looking at Disney's lead generation strategy, akin to an auto sales closing system. Auto sales closing systems involve multiple steps, and we will examine how Disney implements their version of this strategy, which can provide valuable insights for your business.

Disney At The Theaters

Certainly! The period we are focusing on is when Disney movies dominated the industry and were consistently successful. During this timeframe, Disney released one hit after another, captivating audiences worldwide. Their strategy primarily revolved around enticing people to visit movie theaters.

Disney's approach to captivating audiences began with their ability to create films that resonated with viewers of all ages. Whether it was through heartwarming stories, memorable characters, or captivating animation, Disney consistently delivered movies that captivated and entertained audiences.

Their marketing efforts played a crucial role in driving people to theaters. Disney employed various strategies to generate interest and excitement surrounding their movies. They utilized engaging trailers and advertisements that showcased the magic and enchantment of their films, leaving audiences eager to experience them firsthand.

Furthermore, Disney was adept at creating a sense of anticipation and buzz around their movie releases. They strategically built anticipation through teaser campaigns, merchandise tie-ins, and promotional events, generating excitement and ensuring that audiences eagerly awaited each new release.

Additionally, Disney leveraged their brand reputation and established trust with their audience. Moviegoers knew that when they saw the Disney logo, they could expect a high-quality and enjoyable cinematic experience. This brand trust played a significant role in driving people to theaters, as they had confidence in the Disney name and its ability to deliver captivating storytelling.

In summary, during the period when Disney movies reigned supreme, their marketing strategy focused on creating films that appealed to a broad audience. They generated interest through engaging trailers and advertisements, built anticipation through teaser campaigns and promotional events, and capitalized on their trusted brand reputation. These efforts successfully enticed audiences to visit movie theaters and experience the magic of Disney on the big screen.

The Disney Vault

Months after the theatrical release, Disney would typically release the movie on video, often for a limited time, creating a sense of urgency to ensure that you don't miss out on adding this movie to your personal Disney collection.

Joint Venture Partnerships

Inside the packaging of the DVD, there are often multiple offers from various companies, including offers from Disney Cruise Line, Disney books, and toys, as well as food offers from partnering companies. These are likely joint venture arrangements because Walt Disney developed the concept of "own the media." Instead of relying on external advertising channels, Disney built its own community to which they could advertise their own opportunities and also allow other companies to advertise with them.

Disney Rewards Club

Inside the package of their DVD, Disney also includes marketing material that encourages people to visit their online marketing hub.

Disney's Marketing Hub

This hub serves as a rewards program where customers can earn points for purchasing Disney movies. These points can then be redeemed for various gifts and rewards.

Contest Marketing

Many smaller companies often underestimate the power of contest marketing. However, Disney recognized the value of their subscribers and effectively utilized contests to segment those leads into smaller groups of targeted prospects. Segmentation through email has been proven to boost revenue by 760%.

Email & Direct Mail

Disney first generates leads by having people register at their marketing platform, where they collect the subscribers' email addresses and mailing addresses. This allows Disney to send emails to subscribers with various offers and even send packages through traditional mail.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information on Disney's email segmentation strategies. However, it seems that Disney used geographic targeting in your case, as you were invited to the El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles for a special showing of Disney's Nature movie "Cats." They even brought the same type of wild cats that were featured in the movie and organized an artist exhibit. This suggests that Disney tailored the event specifically for individuals located in Los Angeles, highlighting their use of targeted marketing based on geographic location.

After attending the special showing at the El Capitan Theater, from the mail we received a special offer we became annual Disneyland pass holders. During that time, we visited Disneyland at least once a month. However, in 2015, we relocated from Los Angeles to Celebration, Florida, which was conveniently located about 3 miles from the gate of Disney World. Living so close, we had the opportunity to visit the parks 2-3 times a week


Disney holds an advantage over many small businesses due to the longstanding relationship they have built with generations of customers. This highlights the importance for small businesses to establish a strong connection through their marketing efforts. However, smaller companies often struggle because their products or services require a significant financial commitment, which can deter potential customers. The more expensive the products, the greater the need for trust-building before someone is willing to make a purchase.

Disney employed a funnel system to guide me through their offerings. They began with a front-end product priced at $20 or less, which served as an entry point. They then captured me as a registered user and proceeded to upsell me to an annual pass costing $2,400 a year for both of us at Disneyland. Eventually, they upsold me again, leading to our decision to relocate across the country to Disney World, involving an expenditure of nearly $20,000 a year.

We utilize a similar software called an Auto Sales Closing System, which is employed by Disney and other major companies. This system helps us generate interest, present our products to prospects, close deals on the spot, and follow up with potential customers who did not make an immediate purchase. It allows us to capitalize on nine categories of income streams, enhancing our business prospects.

The purpose of building an email subscriber list is that once you have built a following large enough, you can send a message to that following, and you only need a smaller percentage of them to respond in order to reach your income goal.

However, it may require a significant amount of time and financial resources to build a following large enough to achieve that goal. Just imagine how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and send a message to their following, receiving their endorsement for you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this, I made nearly $15,000 in my very first 6 hours, and over the next 12 months, that deal turned into a $150,000 per month income.

The next time, I did a deal with Al Nin and his dentist, and that resulted in $6.5 million over a 12-month period.

I’m nothing special; I simply had some knowledge about a lesser-known method to get companies to recommend me and the companies I have worked with to their customer base. You are just one deal away from changing your life.

Covering everything here would be an impossible task, so I invite you to visit for more details.

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Not All Leads Are Created Equal! What Are The Best Type Of Lead Generation For Your Enterprise!

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As business owners or even salespeople, we need prospects to sell our products and services to. However, not all leads are created equal. The amount of profit we make depends on the type of leads we pursue, as some leads are more expensive and less likely to convert.

Let's explore different types of leads: A leads, B leads, C leads, and D leads. A leads are ready to buy, but they are also the most expensive to target. On the other hand, D leads are cheaper, but they require more nurturing before making a purchase.

Starting with A leads, they represent only 3% of the population, comprising individuals who are ready to buy immediately. This is the market that 97% of your competitors would love to target. However, A leads are often too costly for most companies to advertise to, and many struggle to understand how to effectively reach this market.

For instance, Sam Chand, an insurance seller, pays anywhere from $50 to $100 for fresh A leads. If you opt for pay-per-click advertising, you might end up spending hundreds of dollars to make a sale with A leads.

Moving on to B leads, they are less expensive to advertise to. These leads are considering making a purchase but aren't actively looking to buy right now. Sam spends between $10 and $15 on this type of lead, as they are a bit older but still potential customers. B leads account for 7% of the population, representing the group that is contemplating a purchase.

To target B leads, companies typically encourage them to book an appointment. While B leads are less costly, many companies still struggle to market effectively to this group because they lack the understanding of creating compelling messages for them.

Next, we have C leads. This group is not even considering a purchase. However, advertising to this group can help collect subscribers, and through educational marketing, companies can showcase how their product can solve their problems. Only the top 5-10% of high producers advertise to this market, but those who do sell 30% of their leads.

Remember, A leads are the most expensive but only account for 3% of the population. Conversely, C leads may not initially be interested, but companies can end up selling to 30% of this market.

Certain types of products, like life insurance and timeshares, require unique selling approaches. People typically don't actively seek out such products, and these industries often entice potential customers with offers and incentives. Surprisingly, around 30% of them end up making a purchase.

For instance, Sam gave away a gift card and asked his insurance presentation attendees who they would like to give it to. He spent between $1 and $5 per lead, but in return, he received a lot of referrals and sold to 30% of the people he presented to, turning them into his agency's top producers within a few months.

Lastly, we have D leads, which are the cheapest and most profitable to advertise to. Publishers Clearing House has built a billion-dollar-a-year company by targeting these leads. They attract D leads by offering mass marketable offers that the majority of the population would be interested in.

Publishers Clearing House can send a message to their audience promoting shoes, and approximately 3% will make a purchase. They can then send another message about a new computer, with another 3% responding positively. This pattern continues, and typically, 3% of the audience takes advantage of each offer.

Disney has also targeted D leads in the past. They believed in owning the media, so instead of solely paying other advertisers, they built their own community and marketed their offers within it.


The purpose of building an email subscriber list is that once you have built a following large enough, you can send a message to that following, and you only need a smaller percentage of them to respond in order to reach your income goal.

However, it may require a significant amount of time and financial resources to build a following large enough to achieve that goal. Just imagine how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and send a message to their following, receiving their endorsement for you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this, I made nearly $15,000 in my very first 6 hours, and over the next 12 months, that deal turned into a $150,000 per month income.

The next time, I did a deal with Al Nin and his dentist, and that resulted in $6.5 million over a 12-month period.

I’m nothing special; I simply had some knowledge about a lesser-known method to get companies to recommend me and the companies I have worked with to their customer base. You are just one deal away from changing your life.

Covering everything here would be an impossible task, so I invite you to visit for more details.

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The Bittersweet Reality Of Success, Success Is Boring! Mastering The Art Of Boredom Is The Key To Success!

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Chapter 8 of "The 50th Law" by Robert Greene and rapper Fifty Cent states: "The fools in life want things fast and easy - money, success, attention. Boredom is their greatest enemy, along with fear. Whatever they manage to obtain slips through their hands as quickly as it arrives. In contrast, you aim to outlast your rivals. You are laying the foundation for something that can continue to expand. To achieve this, you must undergo an apprenticeship. You must learn early on to endure the hours of practice and drudgery, knowing that ultimately, all that time will result in a higher pleasure - mastery of a craft and of yourself. Your goal is to reach the ultimate skill level - an intuitive feel for what must come next."

One thing I have learned from being surrounded by many successful people is that success can be boring. It may appear glamorous and exciting. Take a rock star, for example. We see the parties and cool Hollywood events, but they have to play the same song every night.

Actors have to spend hours memorizing and rehearsing their scripts. We only witness the end result after they have dedicated hundreds of hours to preparation.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising to help you make more money. However, achieving the same level of success is unlikely because many people resort to using social media and menial tasks like cleaning the office to escape the boredom that comes with being successful.

To be successful, you must sell, and sales can be monotonous as you deliver the same pitch repeatedly. It's possible to grow tired of your own pitch and be tempted to reinvent the wheel.

To achieve success, you must learn to endure the discomfort of boredom.

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“How Dave Asprey Turned A Blog Into A $50 Million Dollar Coffee Brand!”

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If you have seen any of our other videos or read any of my blog posts on the subject you know the thing that many companies do online it not new, the technology may be new but the things that many successful companies do online is what companies were doing in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.

This kinds of marketing is know as direct response advertising.

Look at this Listerine ad from the 1930s. 

Listerine consistently ran a series of educational articles similar to what blogger are doing online in todays business environment.

Let's look at Bulletproff coffee! David Asprey built a $50 million dollar coffee brand with content marketing.

The Bulletproof Blog

Today, with the advancement of technology, Dave Asprey regularly publishes articles, videos, and podcasts through his blog to educate people about the health benefits of using certain products. This approach is reminiscent of what companies used to do during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s when they would frequently publish educational articles in magazines to persuade individuals to use their products.

By sharing informative content, Dave Asprey aims to educate his audience on various health-related topics and promote the benefits of specific products. Through his articles, videos, and podcasts, he likely discusses the science behind certain products, their potential impact on well-being, and how they can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

This approach aligns with the historical practice of companies promoting their products through educational content. By providing valuable information, companies in the past aimed to establish trust with consumers and showcase the benefits of their offerings. Similarly, Dave Asprey's blog likely serves as a platform to inform and engage with his audience, while also promoting the health benefits associated with the products he endorses.

It's worth noting that this is a general observation based on the information provided. The specific content and products discussed by Dave Asprey would require further research for a more detailed understanding.

Start Here

David Asprey promotes a lifestyle known as the Bulletproof Diet, which extends beyond being solely a coffee brand or a diet plan. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to living a healthy life. On the Bulletproof blog, under the "start here" section, Asprey provides a step-by-step blueprint on how to adopt this lifestyle and recommends reading his book, "The Bulletproof Diet."

The Bulletproof Diet, as advocated by Asprey, is not limited to coffee consumption but includes a broader framework for optimizing health. It involves making conscious choices about the types of foods consumed, with an emphasis on high-quality, organic ingredients and prioritizing specific macronutrients like healthy fats. The diet encourages avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and substances that may cause inflammation in the body.

Furthermore, the Bulletproof Diet encompasses other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, sleep, stress management, and cognitive performance enhancement. Asprey's blog provides guidance on these topics, offering a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

By providing a step-by-step blueprint and recommending his book, Asprey aims to guide individuals on how to embrace the Bulletproof Diet as a lifestyle. The intention is to empower readers to make informed choices regarding their nutrition, physical activity, and overall health, thereby fostering long-term well-being and vitality.

Gold Rush Principle

The "Gold Rush" principle is indeed a strategy employed by many wildly successful companies. It derives its name from the California Gold Rush, where Sam Brannan became the first millionaire by selling pickaxes, shovels, and tools to the prospectors, rather than by finding gold himself. This principle involves offering supportive services or products that enable the sale of the main product or service.

For example, McDonald's is often viewed as a fast food business, but in reality, they operate as a real estate business. By selling fast food, they attract a select group of business-minded individuals who become franchise owners. McDonald's profits from the real estate on which their franchises are built. The fast food aspect serves as a means to funnel individuals into the franchise system, ultimately allowing McDonald's to accumulate substantial real estate holdings.

In a similar vein, many smaller enterprises have employed this principle by utilizing books. While there may not be significant direct profitability in selling books alone, they serve as a tool to establish individuals as credible experts in their respective fields. This, in turn, enables them to build their personal brand and gain recognition. Arnold Schwarzenegger, for instance, started his career as a bodybuilder and fitness book author (when he was still known as Arnold Strong), which provided him with the credibility to transition into a successful Hollywood actor.

David Asprey followed the footsteps of many renowned experts by authoring his book, "The Bulletproof Diet." This publication granted him the credibility needed to become a leading authority on the health benefits of Bulletproof coffee. Even large coffee brands like Folgers or Maxwell House may not have been able to leverage this strategy in the same way.

By leveraging supportive services or products, companies and individuals can establish themselves as credible authorities in their fields, build their brand, and achieve long-term success beyond the immediate profitability of their primary offerings.



Certainly! In the world of content marketing, the strategy employed by Dave Asprey on the Bulletproof blog can be likened to the advertising approach used in the 1960s on television. During that time, a single show would have only a few advertisers who would sponsor the entire program. This is in contrast to the current model where multiple companies advertise within a single show through commercial breaks.

In recent years, many YouTubers have reverted to the old sponsorship model. They partner with a single company to sponsor their videos, sometimes for extended periods of months or even years. This shift is motivated by the understanding that viewers are drawn to their favorite TV shows and magazines for both entertainment and the opportunity to learn something new.

Similarly, on Dave Asprey's blog, he features experts who are interviewed on his podcast, as well as writes articles and produces videos covering a wide range of health topics. While visitors engage with the informative content, they may also be inclined to try out his Bulletproof coffee brand, which is present on his blog.

The underlying principle here is that people are attracted to engaging and educational content. By providing valuable information and entertainment, Dave Asprey aims to capture the interest of his audience and potentially introduce them to his own products or those of his sponsors.

It's important to note that the analogy presented here draws from general observations and may not capture the full extent of Dave Asprey's specific marketing strategy. Further research into his blog and content would provide a more comprehensive understanding.

Building A List

There is indeed a significant amount of hype surrounding social media platforms. However, when it comes to spending money on advertising and marketing, email remains a powerful medium, and it often receives more investment than any other media type. One of the reasons for this is that social media companies have control over the visibility of your posts, determining who sees them and who doesn't.

On social media, only a small percentage, typically around 2-5% of your followers, will actually see your posts. Even if you initially receive a high number of views, as social media companies strive to generate profits, they often require payment to reach a larger audience. This shift occurs once these platforms have achieved substantial growth.

In contrast, when you build and maintain an email list, you have direct ownership and control over your subscribers. This is why many companies underestimate the power of building a large email list. By having an email list, you can communicate directly with your subscribers, without relying on the algorithms or payment systems of social media platforms.

Dave Asprey understands the value of an email list and actively invites people to subscribe to his email newsletter. Through this strategy, he has successfully built a subscriber list with over a million subscribers. This allows him to reach his audience directly, bypassing the limitations and uncertainties of social media platforms.

In summary, while social media platforms offer great visibility and reach initially, they often restrict organic reach and require payment for broader exposure. In contrast, building and nurturing an email list provides greater control and direct access to your audience, making it a valuable marketing tool.


The purpose of building an email subscriber list is that once you have built a following large enough, you can send a message to that following, and you only need a smaller percentage of them to respond in order to reach your income goal.

However, it may require a significant amount of time and financial resources to build a following large enough to achieve that goal. Just imagine how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and send a message to their following, receiving their endorsement for you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this, I made nearly $15,000 in my very first 6 hours, and over the next 12 months, that deal turned into a $150,000 per month income.

The next time, I did a deal with Al Nin and his dentist, and that resulted in $6.5 million over a 12-month period.

I'm nothing special; I simply had some knowledge about a lesser-known method to get companies to recommend me and the companies I have worked with to their customer base. You are just one deal away from changing your life.

Covering everything here would be an impossible task, so I invite you to visit for more details.

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How Alexa von Tobel Transformed an Idea into a $250 Million Website

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Alexa Van Tobel built a financial education website, that build a email subscriber list of 1.5 million, and sold the website to a major investment firm of $250 million dollars 

Let look how she did this

If you have seen some of our previous videos, you know the things that many companies do online is not new, the technology may be new however, the things many successful companies do online is what companies were doing in the 1920,30, and 40s

In those day companies were less concerned with getting their name known and where more concerned with making sales.

An example I showed many of you before, is this Bisquick ad off the back cover of a 1931 cosmo magazine and as you notice in the Botton right hand corner there is a little coupon that a person can mail in for a free Bisquick cookbook that highlights the importance of why a person should cook with Bisquick   

Many companies require to big of a financial commitment to fast for them to start doing business with them because the more expensive your products are the more trust you have to develop before they will buy from you.

You want to start off with a free trial offer, normally this is done with email. Yes, there is a lot of excitement around social media however, when it comes down to spending money. More money is spend through email than any other marketing channel.

The way Alexa did this is by offering a FREE membership with an opt-in form at her website.

Another strategy that Alexa used is known as the "Gold Rush" principle because Sam Brennan became the first millionaire during the California gold rush not by finding gold but by selling picks, shovels, and tools the prospectors needed.

Today many businesses offer supportive services that enable them to sell their products and services. Alexa did this by selling a book that established herself as the most credible expert in her field.

Many other experts built up their credibility by using a book the led to success where many of these experts are today.

Your favorite TV shows why do you watch them? Your favorite magazines why do you read them? For the ads? No! You watch these TV shows and read these magazines because you want to be entertained and or learn something.

This is exactly what Alexa did with her email newsletter! When people read the articles in her daily newsletter she included advertisement to some of her products and even though her readers enjoyed what they were learning. Some of them took advantage of the products she offered.

The purpose of advertising is when someone has built a following large enough that they can send out a message to that following they only need a small percentage of that following to respond to the message to reach their financial goals.

However, it may time a lot of financial resources to hit their goal. Resources that many of you do not have.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful send out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer.

This is exactly what Alexa did with LearnVest.

According to an article interview at LearnVest content went out in a newsletter to our audience which was growing, and growing organically but we also put in place syndication and business development deals. Today, we went from having 4,000 referrals outside newbies coming to the site per month. Now we have 150,000 per month.That's because of the with 50 syndication partners like Forbes.comDaily FinanceThe Wall Street JournalNew York MagazineHuffington Post. We have about 50 different syndication relationships in place now. 

They also hired a business development person to grow the network (joint venture broker) it's taken about a year or two to really have successful, flourishing relationships and build enough trust.

People love the idea of using someone else's following to build their customer base. But going from idea to putting this into action is to much to ask for so many smaller companies because they already have so many issue they have to handle.

So I want to invite you to work with us, where we can partner up together to put a project like this together at

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What Small Business Can Learn From A Joint Venture Between Disney’s Toy Story & Barnes & Noble’s Nook!

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According to Statita Disney spent $7.2 billion in advertising in 2022 to compound the efforts of their advertising many large companies use joint ventures. Yes, even though Disney has an advertising budget of billions of dollars they expand their reach by setting up a department for joint ventures.

I do not have the exact detail on this project however, Disney worked a project with Barnes & Noble books stores to promote "Toy Story 3" which was released in 2012.

In many of Barnes & Noble locations at the entry way before walking into their stores they had signage advertising Barnes & Nobles E-reader "Nook" while advertising "Disney's Toy Story 3" on video.

You do not have the same financial resources as as many of these bigger companies do. Only 5% of small businesses will ever make a million dollars in a single year however, just 5% of business use joint ventures.

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Small Business Marketing! Why Social Media Is Not Working For You And What You Can Do To Change It!

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In 2008 it would take a person 7 exposures to you, your brand and what you have to offer for them to remember you. Today that number is 500X. When you go on Instagram and Tiktok how many post do you see? Of those you see how many of them do you remember?

The beauty of the internet is you can expose massive amounts of people to your marketing message in minutes. I recently did a small campaign locally on Youtube and had over 5,000 people see my message in minutes. However, when it comes down to converting those people who see your message to interest. Many people use social media the way companies used TV in the early days. 

They build an audience that they can blast out a message to that following however, in order to reach their income goal many of these people need to build a following of 100s of 1,000s or millions of followers which is not possible for many people.

You grand father or for many of you your great grand father is better apt at building a business on social media than many of you are today. You may understand the technology however, business in your grand fathers time was about relationships. 

Because of the changes many social media channels have made to their algorithm only about 2 1/2 to 5% of your following will even see your message. You need to have a massive following for these people to see your posts however, through one on one marketing with your social media following you can build engagement and the more engagement you have with your follower the more of your following will see your posts.

Many people have forgotten the social part of social media. 

Have real conversations with your following. Do not pitch them! Find out what issue you following needs and see if they have a need with your product before you pitch them and even if they are not ready to do business with you today keep building a connection through conversations.

Some people will do business with you for no other reason than they like you!

Through one on one marketing with your followers you can build a million dollar a year business with just a 1,000 followers.

This is why joint ventures are so powerful!

What is 1,000 x 1,000? ONE MILLION!

So by using one on one marketing and building a relationships with 1,000 followers and setting up joint ventures with just 10% of your followers as joint ventures partners that is a $100,000 per month income.

10,000 friend requests = 1,000 followers = 100 customers and or joint venture partners who will bring you enough business for a million dollar a year income.

1,000 of your follower who use one on one marketing which will get your message spread to a million people! 

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