
Maximizing Quality Time With Your Family

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You may be spending more time with your family lately thanks to COVID-19. Otherwise, with a long workday and commute, you might hardly see them during the week. Find out more about how to nurture the important relationships in your life. Try these techniques for maximizing quality time.

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A Parent’s Guide to Showing Affection to Your Toddler

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One of the most important gifts that you can give to your child is a healthy sense of self-esteem. This significant inner security comes with feelings of being unconditionally loved, safe, and complete. Being able to connect and forge a bond with your child isn’t relevant only in infancy. Read on to learn about some qualities that characterize a positive connection between a parent and a child.

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A New Parent’s Guide to Communicating with Your Baby

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Your baby is learning to speak long before they say their first words. Talking with your child and giving them loving attention will strengthen the bond between you and help them to develop academic and communication skills they’ll need later in life. Plus, you’ll both have a lot of fun.

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A Parent’s Guide to Outdoor Play

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Outdoor play has been declining for years, but maybe the pandemic can help turn things around. Children and adults are spending more time outside, where the risk of infection is lower compared to indoor spaces. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children play outside as much as possible. Help your family enjoy greater happiness and health. Learn more about the benefits of outdoor play and how to integrate it into your daily life.

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10 Steps to Growing Your Wisdom

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Wisdom is essentially good judgment. It’s a combination of intelligence, knowledge, and experience. For example, it’s easier to be wise if you’re intelligent, but not absolutely necessary. The more you know, the more your knowledge will add to your ability to make wise decisions. Experience is one way of gaining relevant knowledge. There’s no downside to becoming a wiser person. Wisdom will always help you to better navigate your way through life.

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Courage – What’s In It For You?

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Courage is a curious thing. Those who have it need not have it explained. Those who do not have it don’t understand it at all. Courage is not the absence of fear. Nor is it fearlessness. Nor is it bravery. People with courage have just as much fear as the next person.

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11 Tips to Maximize Your Intellectual Growth

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Most people consider getting their bodies in better shape. But few people think about growing their intellect. However, the mind is a terrible thing to waste! Yes, it’s important to keep your body healthy and fit. But put the rest of your
available exercise time toward building your intellect!

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Solo Travel Made Easy

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Traveling solo can be a great adventure. If you travel alone, you’ll get to know yourself better and follow your own schedule. If you’ve been holding back, these tips will make it easier for you to head out alone. You’ll learn how to deal with three of the most common concerns.

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A Gradual Approach to Healthy Eating

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A healthy diet is the most important component of overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, changing your diet can be extremely challenging. It’s very rewarding in the short term to eat unhealthy foods. It feels good to eat chips or a chocolate bar. Broccoli feels good, but only when you look at yourself in the mirror six months in the future.
Change your diet and change your health for the better with the following strategies.

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Say Goodbye to Sore Joints and Sleepless Nights

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The relationship between sleep and pain is complicated. Sore joints can keep you up at night, and lack of sleep can make you more sensitive to pain. In fact, up to 90% of adults with chronic joint pain are unable to sleep well, according to the Cleveland Clinic. You may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep if your hips, knees, or shoulders
ache due to arthritis, osteoporosis, or fibromyalgia. Fortunately, there are simple behavioral changes that can help you to manage the discomfort and sleep more peacefully. Try these home remedies and work with your doctor to find relief.

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