
10 Tips for Online Dating

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Dating online can be a complicated process. Besides wanting to make a good impression with others that might be compatible with you, it’s also important to take your security into consideration. Learn how to combine these considerations into an online dating strategy that supports your dating goals.

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7 Tips to Boost Your Dating Confidence

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Dating can reduce the most confident people to a quivering mess of nerves. Dating can make a person feel like they’re on display and burdened with the uncomfortable task of impressing the other person. This doesn’t just sound miserable, it actually is.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Dating is a great opportunity to get out of the house and spend time with someone new. That someone might become the most important person in your life! Unfortunately, if your dating confidence is low, you might miss out on a great opportunity.

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4 Important Warning Signs That You’re Not Ready to Date

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Are your friends, coworkers, and family trying to push you to date someone new since your last relationship? A new relationship can take a toll on your body and mind. It’s important for your own peace of mind to evaluate your readiness and assess your ability to handle dating again. You don’t have to jump into the dating pool if you’re
not prepared.

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15 Ways to Stay Healthy After Age 50

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When you reach 50, you may feel healthy and young. However, your body needs extra care to protect it from the effects of aging. Some familiar things take on more importance, like avoiding empty calories and getting adequate sleep. Other things like regular hearing tests may be brand new.

With a healthy lifestyle and appropriate medical care, you can lower your risk for many serious medical conditions associated with aging. Start with these 15 suggestions that will help you to stay active and strong in your 50s and beyond.

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The Humorous Road to Personal Growth

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Personal growth can be challenging, but it can also be a lot of fun. You may even reach your goals sooner if you learn to lighten up. Numerous studies support the conclusion that laughter is powerful medicine. However, just like any drug, it’s important to follow the directions to avoid unwanted side effects. Find out how to use humor skillfully, so it will enrich your life.

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9 Ways to Develop Daily Discipline

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Discipline is something we all wish we had a little more of. With discipline, losing weight, going to the gym, and flossing regularly are a piece of cake. Goals are achieved, and we feel good about ourselves when we exercise discipline. You’re also less susceptible to your impulses and emotions when you have a high level of discipline.

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Reduce Your Holiday Stress

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As the holiday season approaches, your stress level will probably rise. In addition to
your typical schedule of work, home and kids, you've got more shopping to do, menus
to plan, and food to prepare. The good news is, even with all the extra activities and
preparations, you can still reduce your holiday stress.

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Live Your Best Life in 6 Steps

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Everyone is different. It’s not reasonable to expect that everyone wants to live the same life. But, to step outside the options that society deems to be acceptable can be a little scary. Our need to impress and be accepted can be very strong. Perhaps you’ve never really considered what your dream life would be. It’s hard to hit a target that you’ve never identified.

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Take The Stress Out of Holiday Travel

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If you believe the lyrics to "Jingle Bells," people used to laugh all the way during their
holiday travels. Today, getting to grandma's house may be a little more complicated,
but there are still ways you can make it less stressful.

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