
Optimize Your Brain With Mindfulness!

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In order to stay competitive in today's fast pasted business environment, we have to make faster, more intelligent decisions than any of our competitors and one of the ways many of the top business leaders of the world do this is through what is known as mindfulness.

In the article “How To Optimize Your Brain To Make More Money” you saw that Einstein was not born with his brain, he built it! Through what we now know as neuroplasticity. We have power over our brains. By repeated thought thus building thicker neurological connections up the muscles in our brain, that will always us to outperform our competitors.

In Ray Dalio Inside Quest interview he explained that our emotions have a great impact on our actions than our logic and meditation enable you to make the best use of both the emotional and logical parts of the brain.  

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Jerry Seinfeld has been practicing mindfulness for 40 years and he believes mindfulness is like a cell phone charger for your brain.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation however, many people resist the idea of meditation because it’s too hippyish, too woo, woo, or they feel it is connected to some religious practice.

Yes, there are certain types of mediation that are part of their religious practice but meditation and especially mindfulness mediation by its self does not. The meaning of mindfulness is to be in the moment which is why so many business leaders practice mindfulness.

Stress and worry are destructive and cause our brain to underperform. 

Neuroscience shows we have between 50-60,000 thoughts every day, with 90% of those thought are the same thought you had the day before.  

Isaiah 43:18 says: “Do not remember the former things and do not dwell on the past. Look! I am doing something new

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So you have to stop thinking those same old negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.

People say they want to change their life however, they surround themselves with feelings that are familiar to them and when they are on the brink of change they slip into their old habits because it is familiar. We end up self-sabotaging ourselves because it is familiar. People believe they are not in control of their emotions however, thought alone can change the way you feel whether real or imagined.

People want a new life however, instead of creating a vision in their mind of their future they feel unworthy because they focus on negativity which sabotages their future. People wait for their life to change for them to feel happy and successful.

2 Corinthians advises us to bring every thought into captivity. In other words, not to let your mind wander because if you do not learn to take control of your brain, someone else will control what you think about.

It is almost impossible to go from thinking negatively to thinking positively. You need to stop the momentum of our thoughts! This is why mindfulness is so important. Mindfulness is a tool to train your mind how to think.

Chances are you have lived your entire life, letting society, advertisers, and the media control your thinking. It is now time for you to learn how to control your thought.

In order to turn off the busyness of your mind, and the chatter you will want to see our Youtube video entitled “Meditation For Beginners”.

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Many meditation teachers will start you out by focusing on the air coming in and out of your nose to turn off the chatter.

This is the place where you will not worry about your stresses and problems. You are in the moment you are also not worrying about the future.

Must people mind live in the past or the future however, the world's most successful people live in the moment? They have a job to do and they don’t have time to worry or stress about it.

Once you turn off the chatter and the negative thinking. You can then focus on positive thoughts.

Andrew Carnegie the Steel king who was once the richest person in the world his dying wish to give ordinary people access to the secret knowledge of wealth which many of you know as the Napoleon  Hill classic “Think And Grow Rich” but as you see in the article “The Medici Code” Napoleon  Hills did not finish his writing until after Andrew Carnegie death in which Henry Ford felt that Napoleon  Hills writing revealed too many secrets a released a sampled version “Think And Grow Rich” however, Napoleon  Hills ordinal release was a correspondence course through mail order entitled “The Laws Of Success”.

Andrew Carnegie learned how to control his mind through one of his early mentors Charles Haanel who offered a correspondence course and mastermind session where a group of elite businessmen would meet together paying their 2-year salary to be mentored by Charles Haanel.

Charles Haanel wanted to open up this opportunity to anyone who was willing to commit to it however, those in power were so threatened by these secrets that made his writing illegal fearing that anyone could learn these secrets and take away their positions.

However, after his death in 1949 all but a small group of elite entrepreneurs forgot about Charles Haanel.

In 2017 I was once invited to attend a very secret and elite group of leaders where a whole new world of opportunity was opened up to me where I learned of the writings of Charles Haanel.

I want to invite you to come along with me on this journey of what I am learning from the past writing of Charles Haanel to control my mind through a series of stages.

You will not be able to complete each stage at this point however, through practice and building the muscles in your brain know as neuroplasticity you will be able to master this.

You will take one stage at a time. Once you have master one stage you can move on to the next stage until you have mastered each and every stage.

These mind exercises have been practiced by kings and the elites for over 600 years including the Medici, Einstein, Edison, and Tesla. 

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Build Muscle To Lose Weight

The diet and fitness industry has not done a very good job of helping us to achieve the results we desire with our bodies. When we follow their advice, we do get results but we still fall short of the outcomes we desire for ourselves. We all know we should workout, however, many of us overdo it in the beginning because we do not know how to work out in order to get maximum benefit.

Many people choose cardio because it gets the heart pumping which we are told helps us burn more fat. This advice can be helpful to some and knowing your body and what will work for it is important. When starting an exercise regiment, starting slow and building up your endurance will give you a greater chance of success. No matter your current physical condition, there are ways you can build your muscles up.

So instead, focus on improving your overall health by living in a way nature intended us to. Develop your self-discipline skills. We were meant to move, stretch, and be physically active. We only have one body so take care of it. If you can't follow all of the exercise advice given, take parts of it that can work for you now and then add more later. It's a "marathon" not a sprint where you want to be able to go the distance.

Listen to your body. If you hear creaks in your knees, see that your skin is jaundice, or notice blemishes on your skin, it can be an indication of underlying health problems. Know your body, how you feel, and when there are changes. No one knows it better than you. What we might call natural aging is not natural at all but could be a warning from your body that something is not right. Listen to it and take action. What follows are some suggestions for you to consider.

If you have crows feet for example, which are those lines on the sides of your eyes, this can be a warning sign from your body that your adrenal glands are burned out. If we go for too long of a run, this could overtax the adrenal glands and stress your system boosting a chemical called cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone and can be helpful. Ustress motivates toward goals we have set for ourselves. However, distress can paralyze us and prevent us from reaching our goals. Prolonged stress could cause you to hold on to more fat because cortisol creates belly fat. Belly fat can have a significant negative impact on our internal organs. Many scientists call cortisol the death hormone. High levels of it will hinder your efforts to build and repair lean muscle tissue because it accelerates muscle breakdown and enhances fat storage, especially in the abdominal area as mentioned above. It can lead to many life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes and an increase in your heart rate and blood pressure resulting in cardiovascular disease. It is never to late to make a change. So it is important to understand the state of your health to optimize your body to lose weight.

A study published in the journal Mayo Clinic shows that moderate strength training and an increase in overall muscle mass were shown to reduce a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 32 percent.

A Harvard study reveals that muscle reduces your chances of diabetes, people who lifted weights for 20 min or more daily had less belly fat than those that did the same amount or more of cardio. Another study found that men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training had less increase in age-related abdominal fat than men who spent the same amount of time doing aerobic activities.

So those who run for 20 minutes compared to those who lifted weights for 20 minutes showed that those who lifted weights had less belly fat because of lowered cortisol levels.

At, you will find a picture of Nikki Blackletter. In both pictures, she is the same weight, however, her abdomen had more definition after putting on muscle when she dropped her BMI and toned up.

An article from WebMD shows that muscle increases your metabolism.  With an increase in your muscle mass, you can boost your resting metabolism — and that makes your body's ability to burn more calories. Even when you are sleeping, watching TV, relaxing, or while at work at your computer, when you have made the effort to increase your muscle mass, you have raised your ability to burn off more calories.

We have always known how to workout. We first learned that in gym class. Who of us doesn’t know how to do push-ups, sit-ups, or even jumping jacks. The internet, and tons of fitness YouTubers like Hedi Sommers, Laura who is known as Fitness Muffin, Katie Corio, etc. However, when you work out the same muscle groups over and over again, your body stops developing muscles. Beachbody programs, on the other hand, are designed to fight this problem with “muscle confusion” which uses targeted training phases so your body keeps adapting and growing. You’ll never “plateau”—which means your muscles will never get too comfortable and eventually show no change. You can adjust your work out by making improvements and increasing weights, slowing down your pace to better stimulate the muscle, or even stopping for a period of time to allow different muscle groups to rebuild. When we build muscles up, we help our bodies to become more efficient by burning more calories throughout the day.

You don’t need a gym to build muscles. In fact, because some people tend to push themselves because they are trying to keep up with other gym-goers, this causes injuries. By using your own body weight, this is a healthier way to build muscles.

By making small changes over time, you have a great chance to reach the results you desire. Building muscle is no different. Setting realistic small goals and celebrating when you achieve each one will continue to motivate and propel you forward. Be creative on how you celebrate and avoid eating food and instead take a bubble bath, get a mani/

When I started on this journey, I did not do my push-ups all at one time. Instead, I spread my exercise program out throughout the day. I set alarms in my phone as a reminder and every couple hours an alarm would go off to remind me it was time to do another set. You can also put notes around your workspace or at home to remind you to do another set. I do this not only for my push-ups but all the exercises in my program and I keep track of my results. I have included a worksheet you can print up to keep track of your results.

The average million spend 60 minutes each and every day educating themselves on business and financial material. So whatever area of your life you want to get handled you should spend 60 minutes each and every day educating yourself on the subject. For me, I listen to audiobooks and I walk around my office listening to audiobooks where I can really concentrate and meditate on what I am listening to.

I study for about 2 hours and every 4 minutes I do a set of exercises. So on my phone, I use the stopwatch and have an alarm go off every 4 minutes. If all you can do is 10 push-ups, then do 10 push-ups every 4 minutes however, after a couple of days then do 11 push-ups and continue on this path until you max out and can't do anymore. So 11 push-ups every 4 minutes for 2 hours, = 330 push-ups.

You don't want to do just push-ups every day. So rotate your exercises from day to day. So you might start out with push-ups, the next day move on to squats, the close grip push-ups then jumps, and you can do all of this from home without joining the gym.

10 Hottest Spots in Vegas Now

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No city does summer like Las Vegas; after all, looking glamorous in zillion-degree heat requires some creativity. You’ll find more fabulousness than ever, from dining on the sparkling white modern Italian Futurist table with a built-in cooling system (read on), to the steamiest and most fun-filled nighttime pool scenes, to the return of some legendary divas and one of the country’s most celeb-filled galas.

Cosmopolitan’s Pool District

Every summer on Monday nights, the 65-foot digital marquee at Boulevard Pool overlooking the Strip transforms into a massive movie screen for “Dive-In Movies”. This year, you can watch cult faves like Sixteen Candles while enjoying an alfresco picnic created by José Andrés, which includes a standout paella, gazpacho, and salad. (You’ll also get your own dining table and a daybed to relax/cocktail/pass out on). On other nights, the Cosmopolitan pool district hosts concerts, with artists from Billy Currington to Neon Trees to Counting Crows. Jetsetter Tip: Don’t miss the boozy liquid nitrogen sorbets and spiked ice cream floats from the indoor-outdoor Neapolitan bar at Boulevard Pool.

Check Prices for The Cosmopolitan Of Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV


In anticipation of the summer’s dining season, Bellagio has turned the old Circo space into Lago, a bright white, cutting-edge room inspired by 20th-century Italian futurism and designed by hotshot duo Munge Leung. They blew open the former indoor terrace to create some of the most in-demand al fresco dinings on the Strip; it’s so close to the Bellagio Fountains that diners in the three tables closest to the water can actually feel a light spray (just enough to cool you off, but not ruin your hair). In the kitchen, Michelin-starred chef Julian Serrano turns out modern Italian tapas-style dishes, which include an exceptional red wine risotto, tuna Crudo with blood orange, and sublime grilled langoustines.

Check Prices for Bellagio in Las Vegas, NV

Drai’s Live

Drai’s, the rooftop pool at The Cromwell by legendary nightlife king Victor Drai, has been the sexiest summer scene in Vegas since it opened last year. Contrary to other nightlife venues, Drai operates with this motto: the club should be the star. The 35,000 square-foot, bi-level nightly party has 150 VIP tables, nightly swim events, and eight pools. This year, Drai has added live music concerts in the middle of its weekend parties, with up-and-comers like The Weekend and more established acts like Ciara (just announced for June 5th).

Downtown Dining

Only a year ago, only the most adventurous and hip young things were making their way Downtown for mid-century antiques and the Neon Museum – now the neighborhood is a must-stop for foodies. Down Carson Street, you’ll find newcomers Vegetation (proving that vegan can indeed be delicious) and Glutton, whose unfortunate name belies the light, seasonal delicacies cooked in the wood oven. In a back alley nearby, there’s La Comida for tequila nirvana and delicious Mexican-inspired street food, and Le Thai Fremont Street, a tiny joint packed with Downtown’s power brokers and hipsters munching on "Awesome Noodles." Another Downtown obsession: Eat, where Chef Natalie Young infuses American classics with New Mexican and French influences. Don't forget to try O Face Doughnuts, which serves homemade treats like the Mexican chocolate with horchata pudding doughnut.

Nightswim at XS

Every Sunday, the pool at Encore Beach Club stays open after hours, and Wynn’s resident superstar DJs like Avicii, Skrillex, and David Guetta play sets while up to 5,000 partiers drink, splash around and deny that Monday is on the horizon. (Note: If you own a ridiculously expensive bathing suit, this is the place to wear it.) This year, Deadmau5, the multi-Grammy-nominated electronic musician – and major Vegas favorite – plays Nightswim on Sunday, July 5th, and at XS on Saturday, July 11th.

Check Prices for Encore at Wynn Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

Graceland in Vegas

Elvis-mania has returned to Vegas (did it ever leave?). A new 28,000-square-foot exhibition at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino, “Graceland Presents Elvis: The Exhibition – The Show – The Experience” showcases hundreds of items never before seen outside of the King’s Memphis compound. The rotating collection draws on archival material from Presley’s childhood and beyond—think artifacts ranging from high school yearbooks to the jumpsuit he wore in Viva Las Vegas. In tandem with the exhibition, there’s the Elvis Experience tribute show, and naturally a Graceland-themed wedding chapel.

Electric Daisy Carnival

Like Coachella, Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) – the three-day festival of electronic dance music – has its own dress code. But it’s less Boho-chic than neon-fabulous: trippy fluorescent and floral getups rule the weekend. It began at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway five years ago, and has since become a behemoth; this year, expect 200 DJs on eight stages, plus pyrotechnics, mindbending special effects, and a first-ever charity auction of experiences like making sushi at Nobu with electronic dance duo Krewella, and a private helicopter ride to the event with DJ Snails. Caveat: The weekend maybe three days, but block out an extra day for recuperating.

Celine Dion

After a yearlong hiatus, Celine Dion – who was once credited with being a one-woman economic stimulus package for Vegas – returns to the Colosseum at Caesars Palace. The show will be filled with all her greatest hits, plus some surprise appearances by friends. If we can’t wait to see Celine’s “My Heart Will Go On” encore from Titanic, complete with blue Atelier Versace gown and actual rainstorms on stage.

Check Prices for Caesars Palace – Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Pawn Plaza

Love the History Channel’s Pawn Stars? You’re not the only one: the line to get into owner Rick Harrison’s Gold and Silver Pawn Shop regularly runs one hundred-plus people deep. Now Harrison, along with Chumlee, Corey Harrison, and The Old Man, is opening Pawn Plaza, a 16-store ode to all things Pawn Stars. The highlights: Rick’s Rollin’ Smoke Barbeque & Tavern, a restaurant devoted to Poutine, and Rita’s Italian Ice, among others, all housed in portable neon cubes.

Power of Love Gala

The event of the year in Vegas, the Power of Love Gala partners with celebrated chefs and entertainers to raise funds in support of the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health – which does some of the most groundbreaking research in the country. The 16,000 seat MGM Grand Garden Arena transforms into one huge dinner venue with live music and an over-the-top auction (past items have included a spin on Steve Wynn’s own yacht). This year, Andrea Bocelli will be reunited on stage with Celine Dion for the first time since 2011, and special appearances will include Martina McBride and 2014 Power of Love honoree Gloria Estefan. Vegas attracts a lot of celebs, but you’ll rarely see so many in one room outside of a Hollywood awards show.

Original Article

The Most Luxurious Hotel Rooms in Las Vegas

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What do you get when you combine a city world-famous for its frenetic nightlife and unrestrained glitz with a strip of massive casino resorts all trying to outdo each other? Penthouse suites and villas as gaudy and gorgeous as the city they lord over, with the kind of next-level extras designed to make your jaw drop. Do the most expensive hotel suites in Vegas live up to their price tag? We'll let you be the judge.

The Nobu Villa, Nobu Hotel

Starting rate: $35,000 a night

If it's good enough for the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, and Justin Bieber, then it must be worth the splurge, right? We'll let you decide: The Nobu's crown jewel, the David Rockwell-designed Nobu Villa, clocks in at a whopping 10,500 square feet of unrestrained extravagance. The $35,000-a-night bill pays for three bedrooms including a master suite with its own private deck featuring a Japanese maple tree and an onsen, a sauna and massage room, a massive terrace with its own bar, a Zen garden, and multiple dining areas including a sushi bar lined with stools and an outdoor kitchen (you're staying at a Nobu, after all) that looks out over the Strip. A personal butler is included to make your stay seamless, but around-the-clock room service from the Nobu restaurant downstairs—if you can believe it—costs extra.

Check Prices for Nobu Hotel in Las Vegas, NV

Sky Villa, Palms Casino Resort

Starting rate: $35,000 per night

Throwing the bachelor(ette) party of the millennium? For you and your 11 closest friends, a two-story, 9,000-square-foot Sky Villa at the Palms Casino Resort is the party pad of your wildest dreams. It starts off with a private airport transfer before a VIP check-in right in your own double-height parlor. While the Palms is not actually on the Strip (it's about a mile and a half away), you might never even make it out the door—and it might be for the best. There’s more here to entertain than one night can allow: a cantilevered pool extends over the building’s edge, there are massage and fitness rooms and a dry sauna for anyone looking to tone up before a night on the town (don’t let those daily VIP All-Access nightclub passes go to waste), and an in-suite glass elevator makes it so you never have to take your eyes off what you just paid $35,000 a night to enjoy.

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Check Prices for The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV

Bentel & Bentel Penthouse Suites, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Starting rate: $25,000 per night

The Cosmopolitan is well-known for its edgy marketing campaign and hip young vibes, but the hotel's four elite 70th-floor suites, designed by Bentel & Bentel Architects, are as austere as they come—a swift departure from the Jonathan Adler-like colors of its lower-tier guest rooms. That's not to say you won't be absolutely floored. Our two favorites include The Foxglove—inspired by classic black-and-white movies like Jean-Luc Godard's A Place in the Sun, it features lighting meant to evoke spotlights and moving filmstrips, a bathroom projector that screens films while you soak, and hanging images of Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift—and The Hemlock, whose design borrows from the mid-century modern estates of Palm Springs and includes extras like a sit-down theater and an indoor hammock made of wolf hide.

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Check Prices for The Cosmopolitan Of Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

Hardwood Suite, Palms Casino Resort

Starting rate: $25,000 per night

Want to live like basketball royalty? The 10,000-square-foot Hardwood Suite at the Palms invites you to break out your best athleisure outfits and party with aspiring Lebrons (or Lebron himself). Along with two master bedrooms, the two-floor suite has its own locker room and indoor basketball court (yes, there’s a scoreboard), where three NBA-sized Murphy Beds fold out for court-side zzz’s. After shooting some hoops, recharge in the Jacuzzi, kick back and watch a game on one of the plasma TVs, or shoot some pool at your billiards table. Want a snack during halftime or a car to the Cirque du Soleil show? 24-hour butler service ensures you never have to lift a finger.

Check Prices for The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV

Chairman Suite, The Bellagio

Starting rate: $7,000 per night

For a hotel as iconic as the Bellagio, with its looming palatial façade and dancing fountains, we'd expect nothing less than high-roller guest rooms that live up to its name. The 4,075-square-foot, two-bedroom Chairman Suite, which sits at the top of the Spa Tower, delivers. Expect your own fireplace, solarium, indoor garden (with a fountain all its own), and an L-shaped bar for entertaining groups up to six. The best way to pass the time, however, might be to simply escape the world during a soak in your bathroom's whirlpool tub, which looks out over the sleepless cityscape.

RELATED: The 10 Best Hotels in Vegas Are Sure Bets

Check Prices for Bellagio in Las Vegas, NV

Mandarin Suite, Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas

Starting rate: $5,000 per night

The Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas has not one but three top-tier rooms on its upper levels, but the 22nd floor's Mandarin Suite might be our favorite. Sure, they all come with incredible living spaces including dining tables for eight, a fitness room, lounges with their own cocktail bars, and Art Deco bedrooms awash in dark woods and patterned rugs. But it's the Mandarin's exclusive feature—a massive bathroom whose oversize sunken bath looks out over the Strip—that truly sets it apart. If you can tear yourself away from the view, free usage of the Tian Quan Thermal and Water Experience awaits Suite guests in the spa. After a long night hitting the tables, recharge over breakfast (included in the rate) at MOzen Bistro.

Check Prices for Waldorf Astoria Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

Presidential Strip-View Suite, Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas

Starting rate: $3,000 per night

What better way to kickstart—and cap off—a night in Sin City than with your own floor-to-ceiling, panoramic view of the Strip? For just $3,000 a night, the Four Seasons' 2,225-square-foot Strip-View Suite can be yours, complete with a dining room, living room, pantry, home office, and master bedroom whose walk-in closet is the stuff of Jetsetter dreams. The windows are curved in such a way that you can watch both the sunrise and the sunset from the comfort of your own bed. We suggest starting things off with a cocktail from the bar while the staff unpacks your bags.

Check Prices for Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

Three-Bedroom Villas, The Mirage Resort & Casino

Starting rate: $3,000 per night

Arriving at one of the Villas at The Mirage, in a secluded hotel wing reached via a gated driveway (or through an unmarked door in the casino) feels like you're returning to your own private mansion, tucked away from the paparazzi. Interiors are lavish—think hues of gold and cream, gilt-framed mirrors, classic portraits, claw-foot nightstands, and low-hanging chandeliers—but you'll probably spend most of your time in the backyard, which is littered with chaise lounges and umbrellas and has its own plunge pool perfect for cooling off from the desert heat (or post-Blackjack nerves). Don't even think about calling room service—your 24-hour personal chef awaits your order.

RELATED: 8 Luxury Hotels That—Gasp!—Are Surprisingly Affordable 

Check Prices for Mirage Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV

See the original article at

Top 10 Favorite Hotels in Las Vegas

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Nothing can be more daunting than too many choices, and when you're planning a trip to Vegas, you'll definitely feel some analysis paralysis. But don't sweat it! Your Vegas experts are on the case, and we have planning a Vegas trip down to a science. So pack those bags and get ready for one hell of a good time with our breakdown of the perfect Vegas vacation.

Let's face it—visiting Sin City conjures enough opportunities for risk-taking without having to gamble on the comfort of your own bed. Lucky for you, we've scouted 10 favorite Las Vegas hotels with serious game. Get packing.

The Cosmopolitan

You might say the hippest hotel on the Strip is equal parts swanky and theatrical: there's morphing digital art-wrapped columns in the lobby, nouveau Baroque chandeliers and marble floors, and, in the 2,995 guest rooms, blue alligator side tables and Pop Art wallpaper. Every space here is designed to make a statement, from the three-level casino floor bar built inside a massive crystal chandelier to the Marquee Nightclub & (poolside) Dayclub that keeps the energy thumping at all hours to experimental performance Rose.Rabbit.Lie. that has to be seen to be believed. For those looking to escape the madness, the serene Sahra Spa offers 30 treatments rooms and its own hammam.

ARIA Resort & Casino

ARIA was a showstopper when it debuted in 2009 with its never-before-seen curvilinear glass tower in the heart of the Strip. And the hotel is still making waves: it's now the world's largest LEED Gold-certified building, with a leafy lobby and a refreshing amount of natural light in its public spaces and all 4,004 rooms. Of course, there's no end to all one can get up to in this city, but you can get by without ever leaving this mega-resort, which houses no less than 16 restaurants, eight bars, three pools, and its own in-house Cirque du Soleil show, Zarkana.

Check Prices for ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV

The Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino

Some might balk at the thought of a themed casino resort, but the Venetian, modeled after the famed Italian city, defies expectations with its painstaking attention to detail. The 4,000-suite palace comes with a grand entrance à la Piazza San Marco, gilded interiors with elaborate ceiling frescoes, and even its own shop-lined canals and gondola rides. But nothing is overdone: clean-lined rooms are spacious and modern with sunken living rooms and big bathrooms, while the Canyon Ranch SpaClub is one of the largest—and among the best ranked—day spas in North America.

The Palazzo Resort Hotel & Casino

The Venetian's sister hotel and next-door neighbor is just as impressive—if slightly more understated—and we're not just talking about the Roman pools on its five-acre roof deck. Palatial suites have the same sunken living rooms, deep bathtubs, and luxuriously stocked mini-bars (think champagne and artisan chocolates—for those special occasions), while restaurants from Emeril Lagasse and Wolfgang Puck keep the luxury factor thoroughly in check.

Check Prices for The Palazzo Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV


Few properties nail that first impression quite like the Bellagio, best known for those iconic dancing fountains that put on a choreographed show over the eight-acre lake fronting the property. The glamour continues inside, where a Chihuly hand-blown glass sculpture dominates the entryway, 400 main tower suites are fresh off a $165 million makeover, a high-stakes poker room on the casino floor is still the stuff of legend, and Cirque du Soleil's water-themed production, O—the resident show since it premiered in 1998—is as alluring as ever.

Mirage Resort & Casino

Despite being the elder among its shiny Strip neighbors, the Mirage—Vegas's original megaresort—stays true (rightly) to its roots to attract a multi-gen crowd with amenities everyone will appreciate, from an expansive (and party-free) heated pool and comfortably spacious rooms to stellar service, tropical décor including an exotic wildlife sanctuary, and Cirque du Soleil's Beatles-themed hit show, Love. Plus, the nightly eruption of the property's iconic faux volcano near the main entrance never gets old—a solid indicator that this property is here to stay.

SLS Las Vegas

The former Sahara Hotel & Casino has been reborn as the SLS Las Vegas and the result is a futuristic twist on high fashion. There's digital installations in the lobby and color-changing floor tiles that lead to various points of interest, while rooms are everything you'd expect from the brand—seductively opulent interiors by Philippe Starck feature mirrored ceilings, white-lacquered chandeliers, and peekaboo showers. Downstairs, it's a see-and-be-seen crowd at The Foundry, the rooftop pool and nightclub, as well as the swanky Sayers Club lounge. Expect SLS cuisine regulars, too, including Bazaar Meat by José Andrés, Umami Burger & Beer Garden, and Katsuya by Starck.

Encore at Wynn Las Vegas

Encore is decidedly smaller and far less glitzy than Wynn, its sister property, instead prioritizing hospitality over gimmicks. The property opted for a more luxurious take on desert digs and a more intimate—but sunny—casino space in order to make room for 2,034 massive, 700-square-foot guest rooms (all suites), each with remote-control blinds, rotating TVs, and do-not-disturb door lights than can be activated while you’re still under the covers.

Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas

The Four Seasons, a sophisticated oasis on the southern end of the Strip, was the first property to show Las Vegas isn’t all about casinos. Guests enter a hushed marble lobby and pass a landscaped private pool before being whisked by express elevator to their elegant, plush rooms (think silk and velvet ottomans and dark wood furnishings). Other notable perks: a Charlie Palmer steakhouse, one of the hottest brunch spots in town (Veranda), and priority tee times at the next-door golf club.

Nobu Hotel at Caesars Palace

With two more locations pending in Chicago and Malibu, star chef Nobu Matsuhisa has etched his name in the hotel business. The property that started it all opened off the casino floor of Caesars Palace in 2013, anchored by—what else?—Matsuhisa's own restaurant. Upstairs, 181 rooms are a blend of Japanese influences, from Umi tiles and grass cloth to ink brushwork on the walls, and feature—perhaps our favorite amenity—Nobu in-room dining at any hour of the day or night.

Why Are The One Percenters Moving To Florida?

It's not about how much money you make but, how much money you keep. Billionaires and millionaires are leaving places like New York, and California because of the high taxes to the sunny state of Florida.

Hedge fund billionaires have relocated to Florida for tax reasons for years -- David TepperPaul Tudor Jones and Eddie Lampert being among the most prominent.

Last week, the New York Times reported that Donald Trump had submitted paperwork to change his residency from New York to Florida. The President confirmed the news in a series of tweets, at first a little wistful (“I cherish New York, and the people of New York, and always will.”), followed by a familiar chaser of vitriol for one of his political rivals (“New York can never be great again under the current leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo.”).

The move has many potential implications for the 73-year-old Queens native. Town & Country asked Lee-ford Tritt, a law professor and member of the graduate tax faculty at the University of Florida College of Law, to walk us through how the move might affect the President's bottom line.

Carl Icahn Moves To Florida

Billionaire Carl Icahn is planning to move his home and business to Florida to avoid New York’s higher taxes, according to

Icahn, 83, who was born in the Far Rockaway neighborhood in Queens, New York, has been an icon on Wall Street for decades. In the 1990s, he bought a mansion in the exclusive Indian Creek island enclave on Biscayne Bay in Miami.

The move is scheduled for March 31 and employees who don’t do so won’t have a job, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the matter was private.

Hedge fund billionaires have relocated to Florida for tax reasons for years -- David TepperPaul Tudor Jones and Eddie Lampert being among the most prominent. But Florida officials have been aggressively pushing Miami as a destination for money managers since the Republican-led tax overhaul. Signed by President Donald Trump in 2017, it set a $10,000 cap for state and local tax deductions, including income and real estate taxes.

Florida Nabs Money Managers as Property Tax Cap Boosts Pitch

As the tax bill was being negotiated, then Florida Governor Rick Scott, a former resident of Greenwich, Connecticut, made trips up north to court investment firms.

Florida is one of seven states without a personal income tax, while New York’s top rate is 8.82%. Florida’s corporate tax rate is 5.5%, compared with 6.5% in New York. Icahn’s move was reported earlier by the New York Post.

The difference could mean dramatic savings for Icahn, who is the world’s 47th richest person with a personal wealth of $20.4 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

His investment vehicle, Icahn Enterprises LP, has a market value of $13.6 billion and reported adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization of $1.6 billion in 2018, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Grant Cardone Left Los Angeles For Miami

Grant Cardone is known as a sales and real estate and currently has a $1.2 Billion dollar real estate empire known as Cardone Capital and flies around in his $80 million dollar jet.

Why Would Someone Leave New York For Florida?

“The tax implications will be huge for President Trump. He lives in Manhattan and is therefore subject to New York city tax and New York state tax. Florida does not have an income tax so he’ll probably save about 12 percent a year in taxes. Florida also does not have an estate tax which is huge because the estate tax in New York is about 16 percent for any amount over $5,750,000. So, between income tax and estate tax, he and his heirs are going to be saving a lot of money.”

How Do You Do It?

“New York and other states with income taxes do not like to give up revenue and that’s where the statutory residence test comes in. New York State checks to see if you spent more than 183 days in New York after your move. It will literally check if you had flights that connected through LaGuardia or JFK and count those as days. And if you spend 183 days and one hour in the state, New York considers you a resident.”

States go much farther than just checking flight records. Last spring, a court decided that a man did not qualify as a Florida resident after a lawyer produced evidence that he checked into his gym in California on 300 days in the year he was supposedly living in Florida. States also assess where individuals with multiple dwellings keep their art collections and other prized possessions—the so-called Teddy Bear Test—and use that information to make judgments on residency.

There Must Be Ways To Prove I Actually Moved

“In the old days, we would tell clients to write down where they were every day of the year in a print calendar so they could prove to investigators that they spent the majority of their time in their new domicile. Nowadays, you tell your clients to keep track of it on their smartphones.”

Monaco and TaxBird are two residency tracking apps that automatically record users’ whereabouts and give early warnings if they get close to the maximum number of allowable days.

Okay. I Can Do 183 Days. Anything Else?

“It’s a good idea to give up your country club membership and other affiliations in your old home state and join ones in your new one. But that’s complicated for wealthy people who own multiple homes and belong to numerous clubs. It might be even more complicated for President Trump because he owns country clubs.” 

My Accountant Already Makes Sure I Don't Pay A Lot Of Taxes. Any Other Reasons To Go?

“Florida has something called Homestead Protection, which prevents you from being forced to sell your home to pay certain creditors.” (OJ Simpson, for example, was able to keep his Florida home after being ordered to pay $25 million in wrongful death judgment in a lawsuit filed by the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.) “There’s no monetary limit, so depending on how expensive that house is, you can save a lot of your money from bankruptcy or credit claims.” (Nowadays people looking to avoid potential creditors can also enlist legal advisors to set up offshore or domestic “asset protection trusts.”)

Only In Florida?

“Hardly, there’s no income tax in Texas as well and it has similar home protection laws. It really comes down to personal taste. Are you a Florida type or is Texas your style?” Alaska, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming are five states that also do not levy a personal income tax.

Is It Bad For Florida?

“In high-profile cases like this, people always say, ‘This seems so outrageous!’ but it is a very common move for wealthy and for older people. It’s old-school financial planning. People in my field would yawn if you mentioned it. Or say, ‘I'm surprised he hadn't done it sooner.’ Florida is able to generate revenue from tourism. And having wealthy people move to the state brings money to its service industries."

See the original article:

The Best Hotel Breakfasts in Los Angeles

A hotel doesn’t have to be a bed and breakfast for you to enjoy both. In fact, you don’t even have to be a hotel guest to enjoy breakfast at these destination restaurants—though it is a nice perk to roll out of bed and already be halfway to your table. Whether you’re traveling for business, pleasure, or a little bit of both, these LA hotel breakfasts are more than worth waking up for.

The Restaurant at the Chateau Marmont

For brunching like a Hollywood celebrity, Chateau Marmont is the spot. The classy hotel still retains its old Hollywood glamour, making it as much a magnet for A-listers as for casual visitors. An intimate garden terrace, with bistro tables shaded by palm trees and umbrellas, is an idyllic—and semi-private—oasis to dine on shakshouka (baked eggs, spicy tomato sauce, feta, and herbs) or the popular acai bowl with grated coconut.

Check Prices for Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood

Fig Santa Monica

Full of natural light and decorated with ivy plants and modern light fixtures, this trendy farm-to-table restaurant inside the Fairmont Miramar Hotel has become a destination restaurant for both locals and out-of-towners. The Mediterranean-inspired menu highlights seasonal produce from the Santa Monica Farmers’ Market, best consumed in the market scramble, and includes indulgences like lemon ricotta pancakes with blueberry butter.

Check Prices for The Fairmont Miramar Hotel & Bungalows in Santa Monica, CA

The Hart and The Hunter

Located at the Palihotel Melrose, The Hart and The Hunter is a group favorite for its rustic fare with a Southern twist—all served family-style. Homemade warm butter biscuits with honey butter and seasonal jam, thick-cut bacon with eggs, and shrimp and grits (all ready to pair with their craft beer menu) are perfect comfort food options whether you're far from home or no.

Check Prices for Palihotel Melrose in Los Angeles, CA

Tres by José Andrés

The indulgent menu at this sophisticated breakfast spot makes it perfect for celebrating a special occasion, whether that's a honeymoon, birthday, or anniversary. Quail eggs served sunny-side up and slow-cooked eggs with caviar are just some of the temptations served in the opulent yet intimate dining room. Breakfast is available daily, but Sunday brunch is worth holding out for—their seafood display features an eye-popping buffet of chilled oysters, snow crab claws, and Pacific prawns.

Check Prices for SLS Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, CA


Mardi is at its best on sunny Los Angeles days, when the al fresco patio is teeming with Angelenos. Inside, the stylish, Europe-meets-California décor includes bistro tables, booth seating, tropical plants, and bright accents. Wherever you choose to sit, small plates—fresh ricotta with caramelized honey and thyme; albacore crudo—are easy to share with a group, while the hearty mains—steak and eggs; french toast—are ideal for recovering after a long night out.

Check Prices for Palihouse West Hollywood in West Hollywood, CA

Best Girl

Breakfast at Best Girl, in the always-hip Ace Hotel, is straight and to the point, making it perfect for visitors with a packed schedule. The black-and-white bistro serves quick and healthy options like overnight oats with coconut milk and acai butter and avocado toast, while weekend brunches are more involved, featuring crab cakes and chilaquiles.R

Check Prices for Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA

The Polo Lounge

A candy-striped ceiling, oversized booths, and Art Deco décor makes the Polo Lounge at The Beverly Hills Hotel an easy breakfast pick for a leisurely weekend brunch. If the sun is shining, the pink, bougainvillea-strewn courtyard is the ideal setting for enjoying their three-course Sunday brunch featuring live jazz. Breakfast classics get done-up, like lobster avocado toast and truffle eggs Benedict. Don’t forget to order a bellini.

Check Prices for The Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA

See the original article at

Own The Media

If you own Facebook, Google, and Youtube do you think that you would have any trouble finding customers? For those of you in real estate just imagine how many homes you would sell and how many investors you could find?

If you want to spend a lot less than your competitors and if you want to dominate your market. You will want to adopt the idea from Walt Disney known as “Own The Media”.

I would imagine that Disney saves billions of dollars in advertising costs from this one idea alone. Because Disney owns its own advertising network which allows them to advertise their products through their own adverting network.

Years ago Disney started their own TV show which was basically an infomercial for Disney Land disguised as entertainment. Years later Disney ABC, ESPN, and started buying up games, blogs, websites, and youtube channels to promote their products and services including Babble who they bought from a hipster mom and dad for $30,000,000

You may think Mark Zuckerberg is smart. But, he is an idiot in this regard. He does not truly understand his business. He thinks he is in one business when he is really in another. Disney understands the business they are in.

Facebook only earns a small fraction of the money they could be making with the same effort. Unlike Disney, Facebook gives up majority of the profits by giving it to the companies they promote.

Take for instance Alex Becker spends $1 to make $4.80 in return for his Facebook ad campaign. So Facebook is losing $4.80 for every dollar they make in this example.

Disney promotes its own products and services through its advertising network. Thus, allowing them to keep the majority of the profits. While at the same time generating additional revenue by allowing other companies to advertise through Disney advertising network.

Bob Igor, the current CEO of Disney has said this business model earns them 80% of their revenue.

Let me put this into perspective. The Huffington Post is a blog featuring news and trending topic articles that generate $14 million in advertising dollars per month. In which they run ads for the companies they work with earning them an estimated $67 million dollars per month or $804 million dollars per year.

Just like Disney bought ABC, ESPN, and started buying up games, blogs, websites, and youtube channels to promote their products and services through. Branden Bernard started buying up Facebook Fan pages and promoting his products through these sites. Which helped him get noticed by Oprah and he is now Oprah's top-selling expert through the Oprah Winfrey Network.

On the other hand, Tim Roger was built up by following and writing articles n his blog and video through his Youtube channel earning him $30,000 advertising dollars per month however, he also started introducing his own products that he could sell to his list of followers.

But the challenge may be, where are you going to find the time. You are already overwhelmed. You can either invest the time and money building up the following writing articles for your blog, filming videos on your youtube channel or you can take a short cut and partner up with us.

You can decide to go at it all alone or you can have a team behind you. Everything we have talked about so requires a team. I have helped the companies I’ve worked with out-earned those spending $…………. In advertising and I have out-earned them in 90 days or less in many cases because of working together as a team.

How would you like to have access to 100’s of 1,000’s of buyers without spending the hefty advertising cost that so many media channels like….charge? Because we are all, you and me, working together as a team with the same goal. To get more customers for each prospective businesses.

MORE ON THIS IN A MOMENT But let me first share something else with you. We talked about what I learned from Disney in owning the media. Net let me share with you what I learned from McDonald's in what is called as owning the customers.

Own The Customer >>

Supplemental Material

In our lesson “How To Raise Business Capital” you will discover the talents of Richard Branson. What has given Richard Branson and the Virgin brand an edge above his competitors is his ability to raise capital.

Visit for more details

Robert Kiyosaki and the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” series has many fans, however, one thing many people do not talk about is what he calls as the “cash flow quadrant” which says to put effort into grunt work to raise money such as selling over the phone. Then take that money and put it into different investments such as advertising and the money you make from your advertising is the money you use to make a living.

Some years ago Robert Kiyosaki was interviewed by Oprah in which they brought on one of his students who was a fireman making $48,000 a year in which he joined a network marketing which enticed him to receive $300 per month added onto his paycheck from his job through FREE government money programs in which he took the money he made from his network marketing business and the $300 he received in FREE government money and invested it into real estate which he made $100,000 thus doubling his money.

Visit for more details.

There is so much information out there on how to make money that it confuses people. These are people who are making millions selling products online however, it is unlikely you will make your first million using many of the methods these gurus teach because of the complication factor, so we suggest to check out our lesson “Your First Million” which can be found at

And if you’d like to put into action what I learned working with billion-dollar companies and what you are gonna learn in our “Billion Dollar Blueprint” be sure to visit

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Do You Have A Entrepreneurship Performance Disability?

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Do you have a performance disability? I'm not asking if you have a sexual performance disability rather, a will power disability. Will power is limited! 

Are there things you know you should be doing that you don’t do? If you could bring yourself to do some of those thing you could do to change your life for the better?

But you don’t do them?

Each and every desicion you make through the day you burn your will power. In order to be successful you must uderstand how to use your will power wisely.

Otherwise, you will waste your will power on unimportant tasks that do not bring your closer to your goal.

So if you feel you are procrastinate, or are not motivated enough to achomplish certain tasks it may be because you do not know how to manage your will power.

Everyone has a limited supply of will power however, those with ADD / ADHD have a much more sever case of this.

When you wake up each morning with a full tank of gas however, if you suffer with ADD / ADHD you my only wake up with half of what someone without ADD / ADHD wakes up with.

So if you are one of those who struggles with ADD / ADHD managing your will power is much more critical for you.

In today module we will look at the research of Dr. Russell Barkley who is the fore most expert on ADD / ADHD because everyone has a limited supply of will power however, how much more effective will his advice be if you do not struggle with ADD / ADHD to reach your goal.

Dr. Russell Barkley believe that ADD / ADHD has been misnamed because ADD / ADHD is not an attention problem but a performance problem because those with ADD / ADHD have a limited supply of will power.

Even if you do not have to deal with ADD / ADHD by appling the principles in today lesson you will be able to conserve and refill your tank of will power.

Will power is like the gasaline in your car. Will power is the energy that gives you the motivation to go. But if you struggle with ADD / ADHD you have less will power than those without ADD / ADHD.

The non ADD / ADHD might have a fuel tank of a Hummer but if you have ADD / ADHD you might have the fuel tank the size of a small car.

So you will need to concerse your energy by. making wiser choices of how to spend your energy.

Many of you may be distracted easily, have a short attention span, be very impulsive and make rash decisions without thinking first, and trouble with organization which makes being productive a challenge ,however, some of you may have a bigger issue with this because if you deal with all 5 of these issues. This is warning signs of someone with ADD / ADHD which is a clinical issue.

Many mental professionals are quick to diagnose a person as ADD or ADHD because many of the traits associated with ADHD also affects the general population as well. But you need to be sure you are ADD or ADHD.

There are many disadvantages associated with those conditions however, there are also many advantages too. People who are ADD, ADHD, and or dyslexic excel at entrepreneurship. Even though they do have some disadvantages that they have to deal with as well.

For example in the article …….. we showed you evidence that dyslexics are 400% more likely to become millionaires however, they do have some disadvantages they need to overcome in order to be successful.

Do You Have A Performance Disability

In the following video, Dr. Russell Barkely explains that those with ADD / ADHD have a performance disability. Even if you do not struggle with ADD / ADHD you may know what to do but the brain does not allow you to put into action what you know because of the limited supply of will power.

ATTENTION! The following video is provided by a 3rd party vender. If the video is no longer available it is because the owner of the video or Youtube removed the video from their servers. we apologize for any inconvenience.

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I lived 42 years before I started to understand the impact my dyslexia had on my life. I am now 45 years old and I am just starting to understand the impact my ADHD has had on me. The things I use to blame dyslexia for, I am now understanding it is my ADHD.

It is as if my brain know what to do but body body does not move. I think to myself my body is not moving. I have consulted with, and development marketing strategies for some of the biggest companies in the world however, I could not bring myself to do the things I knew I should do.

There is not a problem in what you know, but what you are doing.


A big thing now days is being a solo-treneur. But you need to be accountable for what you do and don’t do. If you are working together as a team there are people on your team who can keep you accountable. And when you do not do the things you should. DO NOT LET THEM GO EASY ON YOU.

The meaner they and the more uncomfortable they make it for failing to follow through and act. The more likely you will be to implementing what you need to do.

There is no cure for ADHD however, the following steps will help you to build an environment to be productive. Medication can help but you must decide for yourself if ADD / ADHD medication is right for you.

What happens if you sit around watching Youtube videos all day? Nothing, maybe you did not accomplish much but it does not impact you life much. But if you have ADHD you may have been caught in this type of loop for sometime which is causing you to fail and your life to fail apart.

ADHD has cost me $10’s of millions of dollars in lost revenue because I did not understand the full impact of what it was doing to me, my life and my business

Sure, you understand the impact of not doing the work but it may be weeks before you have to deal with the results. So you ADHD mind can put it off for another day.

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Your Virtual Boss

You need to find a virtual boss. Which are reminder, to do lists, charts, calendars, and motivations quotes in eye view that reminds you of what needs to be done and to keep you on tasks. Because those with ADD / ADHD get distracted very easily.


To go along with your reminders and charts. You need to set timers to keep track of your day. Those with ADD / ADHD, when they are focused on something lose all concept of time. And something you those was 15 min. May have waisted you 2 hours. You need to set times and alarm throughout your day.

Dr. Russell Barkey suggest work for 10 minutes, rest for 3 however, this may seem burdensome. So you may instead set alarms to take a 10 minute break every 30 - 60 minutes.


The hardest business task for me to accomplish is calling customers on the phone. Grant Cardone in the 10X rule says to make 300 phones calls a day however, this may be to much for the typical person and especially someone with ADD / ADHD brain to handle. So I set small goals:

  • I focus on 10 phone calls at a time.
  • I will do a set of 10 phone calls, 5-6X per hour. For a total of 50-60 calls.
  • And 300 phone calls a day


One of the biggest fears people have. Closely linked to public speaking is phone sales however, as Mark Yarnell puts it, who is a former writer for Success Magazine. The less likely someone is willing to do a certain task, the more those willing to do it get paid. Phone sales is one of the highest paid professions in the world. See the article: The knowledge of the 1%


I do now own a TV however, the internet can still be a distraction. So I close down every browser on my computer that is not nessasary.

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Just like your time is limited. So is your will power. Mark Zuckaberg took one of the practices of Einstein by wearing the same out fit day after day. It is not that these people who the same stinky clothes day after day. But rather they had a closet full of the same outfit. So they had one less descicion to make that burns up their will power.


Someone who has ADD / ADHD has fewer neurotransmitters than someone who does not have ADD / ADHD. So you will burn through your will power faster. But you can refill your tank.


High performers put lots of pressure on themselves. If you tried something and failed those in your life you might have people in your life that might tell you that we love you anyways. But these high performers do it for their own self respect. As Dan Pena says if love was enough to get the job done. We would not need money. But love is not enough because when you fail, people stuff. You need to set self imposed rewards on yourself. Perferablity something that will get you a boost of dompanine in the brain like sugar, adventure, and perhaps a romantic evening with your wife. Again, if you can get people involved so that you will not give in until to accomplish the task. Because in order to get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. And you have to feel like you deserve it.


You need to give yourself a boost of motivation. Something I often repeat to myself 

  • I am the most high trained bad ass on the telephone
  • I am the king of my empire


You need to give the action part of your brain which is called the executive part of your brain a break. So after every hour, give yourself a 10-15 break away from the executive part of the brain. 

Relax, meditate, play a music instrument.


Dr. Jordan Peterson self authoring program is based up the research of Dr. Jame Pennebaker which suggest that you spend some time writing or talking about your past / present / and future because if you only think about the past traumas you may get caught in a downward spiral, if you focus to much on the future you may end up living in a fantasy but if you write about your past trauma, and give yourself something to look forward to in the future, and write about where you currently are. This will give you the motivation to break through any barriers holding you back.


You need to move your body. I wake up every morning a run to get my heart pumping, releasing endorphins into my body. 

HIIT or what is known as High Intensity Training build grey mater in the brain which also boost your learning ability. 

Your performance may be at its limit and burned out however, I box for a few minutes. Get my blood pumping and then I can get back on the phones.


Sugar is energy. You may be eating to many sweats which is not good for you but you need sugar in the brain to perform. So you need to quickly give your brain the sugar to work with by siping on fruit juices. (Sip not gulp)

Even if you do not struggle with ADD / ADHD you can apply the suggestions of Dr. Russell Barkely to become a high performer.

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Remain In The Game If You Want To Win

Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

We all know that most businesses fail however, throughout the years the Government has used a portion of your tax dollars in research to find out what do all the most successful businesses have in common.

We know as business leaders what makes a business succeed however, Douglas Kruger in his book “50 Ways To Train Your Brain For Wealth” talks about this as well, one of the experts he mentions in his book explains if 9 out of 10 businesses fail, the one that is successful the numbers show it will cover any losses from those 9 businesses that failed. Most people do not think this way, if they fail one or two times they give up on their dreams because of not understanding what we call as the knowledge of the 1% by understanding how the numbers play out.

According to real estate transaction data analysis, the top 5% of seller’s agents in Los Angeles, on average, sell homes for $284,303 more money than the average Los Angeles real estate agent. The top 5% of buyer’s agents generally save clients 0.06% more than the average real estate agent in Los Angeles.

There are businesses that seem to have a high failure rate for those who do not understand business but Success Magazine published a report some years ago. That those people who have been actively building the business for 10  years, 90% of them are earning a 6 figure income or greater. 


Vacations are much more than going off and having a good time. The U.S Travel Associations show that 79% of couples believe their relationship has improved after returning from vacation.

Get the best price guarantee anytime you travel or 110% money back. See for more details.

There are a series of laws that banks use to charge us higher fees, interest and other penalties but we use these same laws to beat the banks at their own game by eliminating 50% of your debt. See for more details.

Cool trick to get Uncle Sam to pay your bill! There is a trick that we call as the money saving secrets of the ultra rich to get 20-45% on all your normal everyday expenses including: housing, insurance, travel, clothing, food, gadgets, and vacation. See for more details.

Nothing impacts your financial success as your ability to raise business capital. See how to grow your money by earning a return of $4.80 on every dollar you invest into your business however, you have the capital to invest.

See how to raise $50,000 - $100,000 in as little as 48 hours - even if everyone else has turned you down. See for more details.