Alpha Lifestyle

CAFFEINE: The Pluses and Minuses

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There are a lot of people that like to start the day with a cup of coffee. Our minds and bodies rely on it after a while. But is that a bad thing? It turns out that consuming caffeine has some significant benefits. But caffeine has
a few downsides, too. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of caffeine.

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Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

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Water composes roughly 60% of the human body. The brain and heart are over 70% water. Even the bones are over 30% water. Water is also used in the digestion of food and in numerous chemical reactions that take place in the body.
Considering how much of the body is made up of water, it only makes sense that not getting enough water can be a real problem! Water has numerous benefits, so take advantage of these ideas to make certain you’re getting enough.

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Are Meatless Mondays for You?

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You probably know that a plant-based diet offers a lot of benefits for your health, but it can be hard to give up hamburgers and bacon. In fact, an estimated 4 out of 5 vegetarians eventually go back to eating meat.
Picking one day a week to eat vegetarian is an excellent place to start, and that’s the thinking behind the global movement for Meatless Mondays.

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A Helpful Guide to Handling Personality Conflicts at Work

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Personality clashes at the office cause tension and reduce productivity. It can be difficult to reconcile different work styles and value systems, but it’s important for colleagues to find a way to get along. If you’re losing your patience, consider these tips before you say something that you’ll regret to the guy in the next cubicle. You’ll find advice on how to deal with some of the most common conflicts too. Read on to learn more.

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The Surprising Truth About Being Conflict Avoidant

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Do you apologize when someone steps on your foot? Do you tell your in-laws that you love surprise visits? If so, you may be conflict-avoidant. When you suppress your feelings and sidestep difficult discussions, you usually wind
up causing more conflicts in your life. You also undermine intimacy, increase anxiety, and prevent yourself from creating solutions to daily challenges. Use these suggestions to change the way you deal with disagreements.

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Stay Calm in Any Situation While Everyone Else is Losing Their Mind

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Have you ever noticed that some people stay calm under pressure much better than others? Would you like to become one of those people? Everyone has a different tolerance for stress, but with practice, you can become much more resilient in the face of adversity. Dealing with stressful situations is part genetics and part skill. You can’t do anything about your genes, but you can certainly enhance your skills!

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The Secret to Supporting Someone Who is Grieving

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When someone close to you experiences a loss, it’s likely to affect you too. Even if you want to help them through the grieving process, you may be unsure about what to do. In fact, the situation may be more complicated than you think. Most experts believe that the popular theory about the 5 stages of grief is a myth. In reality, the experience is different for each individual. Skillful support can ease the burden on family and friends who have lost a loved one. Study these suggestions now so you’ll be prepared to help them in their time of need.

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How to Defuse Arguments Before Things Go too Far

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A proper argument can be highly productive. Unfortunately, not many arguments are done well. Most arguments fail to reach a resolution and lead to additional animosity. Being cooped up with the same people day after day can lead to a greater number of arguments. If you’re going to argue, at least attempt to do it in a productive way. Handling disagreements appropriately results in a happier and more stable relationship for both of you.

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How to Deal with Feuding Coworkers

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You think your work life would run smoothly if you get along with your coworkers. However, if they’re feuding with each other, you could wind up caught in the middle. Whatever the causes, office conflicts often create stress and lower productivity. How do you decide whether to intervene or keep your distance? Take a look at these suggestions for navigating a common workplace dilemma.

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