Alpha Lifestyle

The Surprising Truth about Quitting Your Job After the Pandemic

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If you’re thinking about handing in your resignation, you may have more company than you expected. Some experts believe that the majority of the workforce could be looking for a new job as the pandemic winds down. Many workers plan to move on if their company discontinues remote-work options. Meanwhile, many businesses are reporting that they’re having trouble finding enough employees to hire. This may be an ideal time to make changes in your career, especially if you’re ready to deal with the latest conditions. Keep the following trends in mind as you search for a new position.

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Quitting a Job Without a Plan? Read This First

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If you’re unhappy at work, it may be tempting to head for the nearest exit immediately. However, leaving before you have something else lined up could have major consequences for your well-being and career. The truth is that quitting your job without a backup plan may be reasonable or reckless depending on the specific circumstances. Find out what you need to know about this important decision before you hand in your resignation letter.

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7 Ways to Boost Focus and Productivity While Working From Home

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Many businesses have allowed or forced employees to work from home. While this is a welcome development for many people, it’s not always easy to be productive from home. It can be easy to sleep late, watch a little TV, spend too much time on social media, or just waste time in general. Having children at home makes everything even more
challenging. There are many distractions that can make working from home especially difficult. It’s also easy to be unproductive without a boss or coworkers around.

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6 Things that Prevent You From Doing Your Best Work

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Doing your best work takes more than just sitting down and working. There are many obstacles to producing high-quality output. Your best work requires certain things. It also requires avoiding certain things. It also requires good conditions. The quality of your work improves as the quality of the conditions improve.

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Are You Afraid of Success?

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The idea that someone can be afraid of success sounds odd to many people. Fear of failure is easier for most people to comprehend, but a fear of success? It sounds preposterous. After all, who wouldn’t want to be more successful? Perhaps you! Fear of success is a common obstacle to consistent and lasting success. People are often masters of achieving 90% of a goal, only to throw it all away at the last moment. Fear of success has multiple components and symptoms. Read on to see if fear of success is an obstacle for you.

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8 Ways to Deal With a Job You Don’t Like

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Sooner or later, it’s something we all face: a job we just can’t stand. It might be the job itself, the corporate environment, or the boss. There’s just something that rubs you the wrong way. Avoid the temptation to just quit. The situation might be salvageable. Even if you do need to leave, it’s best to do so intelligently. Make smart decisions when faced with a job you hate!

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Do You Know These 7 Effective Actions That Propel You To Success

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Are you doing what needs to be done to ensure your success? Or are you doing the things that are easy? Or maybe you haven’t given it any thought at all. Most of us don’t examine our choices to see if they stand up to scrutiny. We tend to do the same things over and over because they’re familiar and comfortable. However, it’s possible you haven’t been making the best use of your time. If you want to experience greater success, it’s important to use your time wisely. Are you certain that you’re doing the things that really matter? Effective actions bring the desired results.

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Micro-Famous – How to Become Well-Known in Your Niche

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It’s not necessary for the whole world to know who you are to be highly successful. You only need the right people to know who you are.

For example, if you’re a real estate broker, you want the people in your area to know who you are. If you own a company that provides web links, you want all of the SEO business owners to know your name. If you’re a realtor in San Diego, it won’t matter much if you’re a household name in Portugal. However, being famous to the right population can make all the difference in the world.

Luckily, being famous on a small scale is easier than you think!

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How to Make a Career Change at 30

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Are you fed up in your current job? Perhaps feeling undervalued or overworked? If that sounds like you, perhaps you need a career change. This is a big step, but unless you want to become a professional sportsperson, there is no reason why you cannot make a career change at 30 and beyond.

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