How Entrepreneurs Overcome Procrastination

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Your Brain With A Bias Towards Action The two personality traits that are the most significant predictors of wealth are a trait known as conscientiousness and IQ. A sub-trait of conscientiousness is a trait known as a “bias towards action.” It means: to do something before overanalyzing what you should do. 

Chances are you weren’t born with this trait. So you are going to have to put on the new personality by cultivating it. Once inspired into action, that will change our life. The brain starts looking for ways that make sense at the moment, but that is illogical. The longer we ignore the inspiration of action, the harder it is to overcome the resistance to act what phycologist call emotional compounding. 

Know what to do is not enough to do it. The marketplace fills with opportunities promising to help you lose weight, make more money, and change your life. People invest a lot of money in courses, gym memberships, and coaching; however, knowing what to do is not enough to change your life.

It’s easy to critique when they are not the problem. They may look down upon you because you have not reached your goals and what they believe is a failure. You already have what’s inside of you to be successful. You have to invest the money to learn how to change your life. It’s now time to get a return on that investment. Some people have spent years trying to make more money and in one year earned more than they have in the past ten years because they already knew. They just needed to understand to develop a bias towards action.

 In the article “How To Optimize Your Brain To Make More Money” at, you see that Einstein was considered a loser for many years. He felt so bad about himself and his failure to write a letter to his family stating it would have been better if he had never been born.

However, 1905 was known as Einstein’s miracle year. Einstein changed how we see the world forever with E=M2, the theory of relativity, and other groundbreaking discoveries. No matter how many times you failed before, no matter all the negativity and criticism, this can be your miracle year.

Who is it in your life that you want to prove wrong?

Moment Of Change You are not lazy or a procrastinator. Procrastination is temporary relief from stress because of fear, self-doubt, insecurities, and thinking if you listen to people like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and Gary Vee.

When asked how to overcome procrastination, they often answer that your dream should be enough to motivate you. They don’t understand that they are blessed with the trait of a bias towards action. In the next few moments, we will hack your brain by Turning off the stress centers of your brain willallow you to succeed finally. Instead of watching Youtube videos, clean your office. These are ways to provide temporary relief to stress. 

Activation Energy

The body looks for ways to conserve calories. However, your brain will require more calories to start the activities to change your life. Depending on the activity, the amount of energy needed may feel like the exact resistance you have to wake up at 3 a.m to run a marathon. I would become so stressed that I would beate myself because I couldn’t bring myself to action the things I know I should be doing to reach my goals. 

Stop Sabotaging Your Life 

The classic writer of Nepolean  Hill conducted a 25-year study of the most successful people to find 17 principles that make people successful, 33 reasons why people fail, and six things that cause people to self sabotage themselves. Law #1 is your chief aim in life or life purpose where he states that desire is the starting point of all achievement; however, self-confidence is the 2nd of the 17 principles of success. 

People overvalue how they feel because they decide based on emotions, not what they want in life. Think about people who say they want six-pack abs, but they feel like eating pizza and beer. 

Once you focus on how you think, you stop moving towards your goal. 

Tim Grover, the performance coach of Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant, wrote a book entitled “Relentless.” In it, he explains how emotions make you weak and cause you to think about something other than what you are supposed to be thinking about. You can’t control how you feel, but you can control how you act. Certain people believe they are no confident. However, confidence is a skill, not a personality trait 

Confidence Is built through small acts of courage.

Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, was an introvert. In one interview, he explains that went he up on stage, he became a different person and was an extravert. 

Starting Ritual 

The way we take control of our emotions is with a starting ritual. You need to quiet the mind and create new brain patterns. We do this with what Mel Robbins calls the “5 Second Rule,” which is to count 5,4,3,2,1, liftoff and get into action.

The process of counting, 5,4,3,2,1 liftoff, distracts you from your emotions long enough to get into action. However, if you hesitate, your feelings are more likely to spin out of control and lead to procrastination. If that has, you need to regain control of your emotions, and 5,4,3,2,1 life off!
The practice of counting backward is more distracting to your feelings than counting 1,2,3,4,5 because 1,2,3,4,5 is a habit and has stronger connections in the brain. The 5-second rule is just one of the skills need in what we call the pre-game warm-up. 

Procrastination is mini stress breaks. You may have waited years of post posting changing your life. However, the more you procrastinate, the more problems you may have created for yourself, and you may have emotionally beat yourself up. 

 It would help if you learned how to release this emotional energy. Neuroscience has found we average between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day, with over 90% of them the same thoughts we had the day before and ones we think about every day. Your life is a reflection of how you feel. To change your life, you have to stop believing the same thoughts by becoming aware of your unconscious perceptions. 

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