Master This Secret Hack To Lose An Average of 7 lbs. More Than Diet & or Exercise!


Again, as we have stated in other modules, being overweight is a warning sign from the body that something is not right.

If you eat foods in a package, no matter how much you eat of these foods, you are malnourished. You are eating highly processed food. And if you look on the labels, if there are more than 5 chemicals, these are what are called highly processed foods. The foods mimic food but lack the proper nutrition. That is one reason you are overweight.

Give Your Body What It Needs To Work Properly:

Take vitamin D, for instance. Low vitamin D levels are linked to being overweight. The bigger you are, the more vitamin D you need to stay healthy. And when you slim down, you need less.


Also, boosting vitamin D in your blood might help you lose fat and weight. One study followed 218 overweight women for a year. They all dieted and exercised, but only some got extra vitamin D. Those who got enough vitamin D lost about 7 pounds more than those who didn’t.


In another study, overweight women took vitamin D for 12 weeks. They didn’t lose weight, but their body fat decreased.


How Does Vitamin D Aid Weight Loss?

First, some studies suggest that vitamin D might stop your body from making new fat cells. Yup, it’s like putting a pause on fat production.

But wait, there’s more! Vitamin D might also tell your body to hold off on storing fat, which could help reduce how much fat builds up.


Oh, and get this: having more vitamin D might boost your serotonin levels. Serotonin is like your mood boss, but it also helps control your appetite. So, more serotonin might mean feeling fuller for longer and eating less.


Now, onto testosterone. Yup, vitamin D might bump up your testosterone levels, which could help with weight loss in the long run. There’s a study where guys who took vitamin D had more testosterone than those who didn’t.


So, summing it up: vitamin D might help with weight loss by messing with fat cells and boosting serotonin and testosterone levels.

A 2011 study gave 165 men either vitamin D supplements or a placebo for one year. It found that those receiving the supplements experienced greater increases in testosterone levels than the control group .

Several studies have shown that higher levels of testosterone can reduce body fat and help sustain long-term weight loss.

It does this by boosting your metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories after eating. It could also block the formation of new fat cells in the body. 

How Much Do You Need?

If you are from 19 to 70 years old, it’s suggested to get 600 IU (or 15 micrograms) of vitamin D each day. But here’s the thing: taking vitamin D might not be the same for everyone.

Some studies say the dose should depend on how much you weigh. They found that for every pound you weigh, you might need around 32 to 36 IU of vitamin D to keep your levels in check. This could mean needing more than the usual 600 IU if you’re heavier.

But be careful! Taking too much vitamin D can be harmful. The max recommended daily dose is 4,000 IU. Some folks have taken up to 10,000 IU a day with no issues, but it’s best to talk to your doctor before going over that limit.

So, while the general recommendation is 600 IU a day, it might vary depending on your weight.

The Bottom Line:

Getting enough vitamin D can help balance your hormones and might even help with losing weight and reducing body fat.

When you lose weight, your vitamin D levels might go up, which is good because it helps keep your bones strong and protects you from getting sick.

If you don’t get much sun or you’re at risk of not having enough vitamin D, taking supplements could be a smart move.

Taking vitamin D supplements might help you manage your weight and keep you healthy overall.

How To Get Vitamin D?

When it comes to increasing your vitamin D levels, nature has some of the best solutions. From soaking up sunlight to indulging in foods rich in vitamin D, there are simple ways to give your body the nutrients it needs. In our upcoming modules, we’ll explore these natural sources in more detail and show you how they can benefit your health. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the wonders of sunlight and vitamin D-rich foods!


If you have low vitamin D levels, it’s recommended to get a blood test. One option to boost your levels is by getting a vitamin D IV bag. Unlike supplements or vitamin-rich foods that take time for your body to use, a vitamin D IV goes straight into your bloodstream, allowing your body to use the nutrients almost immediately. Some people feel more energized within 30 minutes after getting a vitamin D IV, although it won’t make you lose weight that quickly.