Life in America was pretty good for our parents and grand parents depending on what age you are at now. You could work a factory job and make enough money to buy a home, take a vacation to Disneyland, and you could make it as a one income family.

You can get upset, rant and rave how unfair this is or you can spend the time to understand what happened and how to adapt. There are a number of economic reasons for why it was so easy to make a living.

One reason America prospered so much up until the 1980s is because during WWII we bombed the competition and it took them 30 years for them to rebuild to start to become any competition. During the 1980s there were a number of economic changes that made it harder for people to make a living.

So One persons prosperity is someone else trials.

Before the 1980s very few people want to become rich. However, since the 1980s it has even become harder to make a living. The worst is yet to come.

Will Durant the famed historian predicted the trials we are now living through because he did not just report on historical events but looked at how the people of the past lived, the mistakes they made and their success. In his book Lessons From History he says: “without history we cannot see our future” because without understanding the mistakes of the past we are destined to repeat it.

When you don’t have the money needed to provide for your family, then money becomes one of your most pressing needs. However, once you have enough money then other areas of your life become more pressing.  

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John Shin, who runs a numbers of offices where they sell life insurance his Woodland Hills office,  was already doing $30 million dollars a year. the time I met up with him he said he leaves for work before his kids wake up and dosen’t get home until his kids are already asleep. He also said his weight is out of control however, his health was not a priority for him at that time.

He believes he is making sacrifices for his family. But is he making the right sacrifices.  

Compare that with Grant Cardone and his family He spends time with his daughter every morning. They run a family business where they are together. There are times where he has to be away from his family however, they own their own private jet so they can spend that time together.

For many of you, Grant Cardone is more driven than any of you want to be. 

There are major difference in how John Shin and Grant Cardone run their businesses. John Shin built a team of sales people however, Grant Cardone understands how to make money, keep it, and multiply it.

Just because you know how to make money, dose not mean you now how to make it efficiently

The way I got introduced to John Shin is because of my experience working with executives from multi billion dollar companies using auto sales closing systems. However, I was told that is not how they do things here.

In fact, one of John Shin top agents who husband was already very successful. They would spend 3 months each year in the south of France however, she stopped going because while she was away her business would fall apart.

We all have friend, family, hobbies and things we’d rather do than working however, you need the money and the time freedom in order to do those things.

How would you describe your perfect lifestyle?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What would you do with the extra time your enterprise provides you? What kind of hobbies would you engage in?

Building a empire is about building a enterprise to support your lifestyle. For a time I use to lived in a vacation resort in celebration Florida because I wanted to live my life on vacation, and would go to Disney world 3-4x a week, and once a month we’d visit a hot vacation hot spot. 

It docent matter how much we make per year, what matters is how much we make per hour, however, we need to design our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

Dean Jackson is a real estate agent in south Florida who lifestyle requires $50,000 a month. So he used the knowledge I’m going to share with you in the upcoming modules to build an income to support his lifestyle.

So are you the type of person why need the biggest house on the block? Or are you the type of person who values lifestyle?


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