the master key system

The Medici Code

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A mystery that has pledged men for generations is the secret to wealth. This also pledged the mind of Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie understood poverty. The industrial revolution killed his father's livelihood. So at a young age, young Andrew he decided to find a solution to this problem, in which later in his life he found the mentorship of Thomas Scott as well as Charles Haanel.

Following the directions of his mentors, he wrote out his life plan to spend the first half of his life acquiring his wealth and the last half giving it all away. He also wanted to share this knowledge with the world.

Andrew Carnegie decided to do what he could to never let anyone experience the pain of every again, despite the vast majority ignoring his advice In which he commission Napoleon Hill and introduced him to 500 of the most successful businessmen in the word to do a 25 year study of what these men have in common with each other which was released in 1925 as a correspondence course through mail through a series of booklets and in 1928 released it as the “Laws of Success” in one volume however, Henry Ford felt the “Laws of Success” revealed to many secrets and would create too much completion for him. So in 1931 after the death of Andrew Carnegie, they released as the classic “Think And Grow Rich”.

Which was marketed as a simplified version, however, in reality, it was nothing of a sort. “Think And Grow Rich” neglected to reveal the true secrets of success which was Andrew Carney dying wish.

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