The Knowledge Of The One Percent [Pt 7]

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Now let’s see how you can use this to provide for your family. If you offered a product to 100 people and out of the 100 people 10 bought. What you will notice on average every 10 people you offer a product to will buy devoid of talent or skill.

Remember the law of physics says once you do something often enough an average will start to appear. So if you offer a product to 100 people and say the same thing to those, 1 out 10 on average will buy however, if you say something different than you will get a new average which is where skill comes into play. Once you gain some knowledge you can try new things and your results will improve. Even in the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” the life story of Chris Garner they said X number of phone calls = X number of prospects, X number of prospects = X number of customers.

This is what makes franchises so successful. They are all using the same marketing message.

I don’t know your opinion of home-based businesses but what makes so many home based business franchise owners so successful is they all use the same marketing tools.

Perhaps they all use the same website and the same DVD presentations. The problem is that you will see in a moment that people do not have enough faith and thus lack the motivation to expose enough people to make enough sales to be successful and that is the reason for the seemly high failure rate.

The rest of Mathew 6 says starting in verse 33  “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, (or to living in harmony with God, or the laws of the universe) and all these other things will be added to you. So never be anxious about the next day because the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles.

When Godly people read this scripture, put put faith in God holy spirit however, the same power also created the universe and all it’s invisible laws which you can use to provide for your family however, the end of verse 30 says “You with little faith”.

Neil Degrasse Tyson author of the book Astro Physic for people in a hurry and curatore of the Hayden Planetarum explains just because you don’t understand it does not mean it is some mytic power that we (scienctist) know and you have yet to find out.

In the bible at Proverbs 3: 5-7, if we read it from the acient manuscripts into english and it reads “Trust in Jehovah (Again, the name Jehovah means, he causes to become whatever he needs to fulfill his purposes however, depending on your beliefs you may call this the laws of nature) with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight.

Do not become wise in your own eyes”.