The Secret Weapon Against Procrastination: Embrace the Power of Boredom!

We escape from the things we know we should do, so the key to success is to embrace boredom. The reason you feel you procrastinate is because you fill your life with escapes that distract you from the pain of boredom.

When you turn off all the distractions, you may find it easier to do the things you know you should. For example, if your goal is to work out but you sit around watching videos or movies, you are in a state of comfort. However, if you turn off the distractions, you are forced to be alone, which may push you enough to go to the gym.

People do not know how to be alone with themselves. Even when we are alone, we are not alone; we use our phones to distract us from boredom, which over time shortens our attention span. That is why we are always trying to distract ourselves with escapes.

Try turning off your phones and/or your electronic devices. Being alone in silence will start to rewire your brain. If at first, this is hard to do, use the practice of mindfulness. Perhaps, focus on the air coming in and out of your nose. Being alone will put you in a state of boredom and will force you to do the things you know you should do as a method to escape boredom.


There are two personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth. Some people are born with these traits. Other like you and me have to cultivate them.

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