Principle #12 of the 17 laws of success is to form a mastermind alliance.
Proverb 13:20 The one walking with the wise will become wise,d But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.e
Your life, money, health, and problems are the reflection of the 5-8 people you spend the most time with.
If you spend time with those of you over weight, sick, and unhealthy you are more likely to be over weight, sick and unhealthy yourself.
Those who are in shape and healthy seek the company of other who are in shape and healthy. Where as, we have all heard the term misery loves company. Do you spend more time thinking about your failures or your successes.
Failure comes from those who try to remind you of your past failures, those who lost faith in your definite chief aim, or the lack of loyalty however, time is a master worker that heals the wounds of temper defeat.
You may need to remove and replace, or spend less time with those of your mastermind with those who are not in harmony with your definite chief aim f getting in shape and healthy in life.