Build A $350,000 Per Month Income By Working An Average Of 2 Hours A Day!

Hi my name is Christopher Brown from Alpha Lifestyle academy

When embarking on this journey of entrepreneurship, most people focus on the money. However, there is more to consider than just the money.

Instead we need an enterprise that gives us the freedom to support your lifestyle as Mark, one of my past mentors told me, who built a $350,000 per month income by working an average of 2 hours a day.

He said: “we all have friends, family and things we’d rather do than working however, we need the money and the time in order to do those things”.

It docent matter how much we make per year, what matters is how much we make per hour, however, we need to design our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

We do this by out strategizing our competition because our competition naively built a enterprise to make a living, we on the other hand out smarts our competition by designing our enterprise to support our lifestyle.

Another on of my mentors who volunteers much of his time in his missionary work told me our job is to make as much money as we can in the shortest time aspossible so we can use the time doing what we feel is important.

Bryce lives on a $40,000 yacht in Marina del Rey for a rent of $600 mo. with his brother by making a living documenting his yacht lifestyle on instagram and youtube. when you compare a $40,000 yacht and rent to the surrounding apartment which are going  for an average rent of $4,000 a month.

You can see how easy it is to increase your standard of living

Typically When an enterprise make a profit, the owner uses their share of the revenue to make a living from.
On the other hand, When you build a enterprise to support your lifestyle, the lifestyle is part of the business model.

For example Pejman drives exotic car like Lameriginis and Ferraris. His lifestyle is part of his business model.

If you want more of a luxury lifestyle, Neil Stauss who is a writer for some of the biggest publications in the world is also known as a relationship coach for guys who held coaching events for 50 or so guy and the ticket of the event pays the lifestyle which is part of the experience he sells.

Hugh Huffner was the ultimate lifestyle entrepreneur which was an unheard ofbusiness model at the time, who made little for the size of his organization, which some source list as only a million dollars however, he built a business to support his lifestyle living in a mansion surrounded by beautiful women, traveling the world and hosting lavish parties 

Building a empire is about building a enterprise to support your lifestyle. For a time I use to lived in a vacation resort in celebration Florida because I wanted to live my life on vacation, and would go to Disney world 3-4x a week, and once a month we’d visit a hot vacation hot spot. 

Im in a different place in my life.

This may be the first time you have ever considered the possibility of living a lifestyle like this.

How would you describe your perfect lifestyle?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What would you do with the extra time your enterprise provides you? What kind of hobbies would you engage in?

Building a empire is about building a enterprise to support your lifestyle. For a time I use to lived in a vacation resort in celebration Florida because I wanted to live my life on vacation, and would go to Disney world 3-4x a week, and once a month we’d visit a hot vacation hot spot. 

Im in a different place in my life.

This may be the first time you have ever considered the possibility of living a lifestyle like this.

How would you describe your perfect lifestyle?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What would you do with the extra time your enterprise provides you? What kind of hobbies would you engage in?