To say: “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday!” Is not to reaffirm that life can be hard but rather to give you the courage to push past difficulties to reach you goals, because the day you decide to get some area of your life handled. Moving forward, the next day will be harder than the day you started. And nothing in life worthwhile will be easy.

Most people fail to achieve the goals they want in life because they underestimate the amount of effort required to reach a certain goal. People expect things to be easy.

Long before they quit, they started telling themselves how hard this is which eventually lead them to quit.

The origin of this quote comes from the US Navy SEAL. Navy SEAL training is called BUDS who’s goal is to see how much pain you can take before you will quit.

When you have challenges in life. Instead of wishing things were easier, and feeling sorry for yourself by going easy on yourself. Acknowledge that it is going to be tough which will give you the endurance to push forward and tell yourself: “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday!