Kim Cubitt

Have You Ever Been Without a Problem? Discover Why That’s Good

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You’ve had countless problems over the course of your life. Maybe, you’re not even sure what to do with your life. Have you ever noticed that once one problem is solved, another one magically appears in its place? It’s not magic - it’s just that you can only recognize so many issues at one time.

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The Pomodoro Technique and How it Can Help You Accomplish More

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Would you like to get more done each day? Would you like to get a lot done and still feel refreshed when it’s time to go home? The Pomodoro Technique is among the most popular. This time management system has been around for over 30 years and utilizes alternating periods of work and short breaks to maximize how much you get done each day. You’ll also feel surprisingly good at the end of the day!

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Risk Assessment Isn’t Just for Businesses

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Businesses often rely on risk assessment to make decisions. You can apply a similar process to make decisions in your personal life. People often make decisions without considering the risks and rewards. You might be largely relying on luck to make the best decision. You can do better than that! Give risk assessment a try!

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Is the Goal Really the Point?

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Most of us would like a new car or a bigger house. Or maybe you’d like to climb Mount Everest. Our goals are more than just things we want to have or achieve. There’s much more to it. You might think that you’d like to have a magic genie at your disposal. But it would be a lot less enjoyable than you think. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to your goals! Read on to learn more.

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Learn How to Say “No” to Yourself

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We all need to say “no” to ourselves several times each day. Whether it’s because we’re tempted to procrastinate, spend money, waste time, eat something unhealthy, or take an unnecessary risk, learning to tell yourself “no” is necessary. Gaining control over yourself can go a long way toward building a great life!

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How to Use Procrastination as Practice for Success

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You might believe that success is about coming up with great ideas or doing the impossible, but most success is the result of doing the mundane. It’s doing the things that no one wants to do. Dealing effectively with procrastination is getting yourself to do things you don’t want to do. It’s great practice for learning how to become successful! If you can defeat your procrastination, you can accomplish just about anything.

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9 Benefits of Being an Optimist

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Are optimists being naive? Are pessimists just realists? It turns out that both are pretty accurate. You can influence your future to a large degree with your attitude. If you expect good things to happen, you will often be correct. See how optimism is a more successful and pleasant way to approach life. Read on to learn more.

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8 Essential Steps That Enable You to Live Your Life to the Fullest

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How many years have you been on the planet? How much have you accomplished? How much have you enjoyed your life? At your current rate of progress, will you get to do everything you want to do? Or, will you reach the end of your life and experience regret?
Few people make a conscious decision to live their life to the fullest. Too many
people decide to get serious about living life after wasting decades. You don’t want
to be one of those people.

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Do You Know These 11 Benefits of Optimism?

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Everyone falls somewhere on the sliding scale between pessimism and optimism. There are advantages to each, but on average, optimism is a far better option. With practice, you can change your perspective!
Optimism provides many tangible benefits to your life. Read on to learn more.

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Do You Know These 8 Common Mistakes When Building a New Habit?

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The world is just beginning to understand the influence of habits on success and failure. There are so many things you do or fail to do, each day that shapes the quality of your life. Whether it’s flossing your teeth, contacting potential clients, doing push-ups, or saving money, it might not matter today or even six months from now. However, it can matter in a major way down the road.

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