Christopher Brown

How To Afford And Make Money Living The Van Lifestyle! 

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We all have friends, family, hobbies and things they’d rather do than working but you need the money and time freedom in order to do those things.

When deciding on a career many people look at the money they will make and if they will have a passion for the work they will be doing. Instead of just looking at the money we can make, you want to have a career that will give you the money and the freedom to support your lifestyle. 

Many people have started what is called as a lifestyle, in other words a business that not only gives you the income you need but gives you the freedom to support your lifestyle.

One means of living that many have taken up is they have ditch the mortgage and instead gotten a van and converted the back end of the van to a living space to have a simple way of life traveling the world.

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The biggest concern that people have is how can they afford to give up their job and still make a living doing the van lifestyle. You expenses will dramatically decrease but many people are still concerned with how to make a living from their van.

Let me re-introduce myself My name is Christopher Brown my last job I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm many times working with executives from companies like, create trucking, and proctor and gamble

After doing an average of 60 as many as session per week, many of them with executives from billion dollar companies  I noticed a pattern that we called as the billion dollar blueprint that many already existing billion dollar companies use, and brought that same success to the internet. 

Yes,There are unicorn where some idea catches fire and are able to sell for a billion dollars like when facebook bought instagram for a billion dollars however, when individuals use the 

billion dollar blueprint they are able to quit their jobs, and make a living spending more time with their friends and family.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising you they can help you make more but they must think the more complicated they make it the more money they can charge.

Gary Keller of Keller Williams real estate in his book “The One Thing” he asks what is the one thing you could be doing that would make everything else you could be doing irrelevant or the way I like to put it a waste of time.

When someone has put in the effort to build a large customer list or a large social media following where they can send out a message to that following they only need a small percentage of that following to respond to the message to lets say earn a $100,000. 

However, it may take a lot of time and effort to build a following large enough to reach your financial goals.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful blast out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer

Now the very first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email to his customer base endorsing what I have to offer and over the next 6 hours after sending out that email it turned into 141 sales.

Jeff Walker make no money for 6 years, after 9 years he made a total of $210,000 however, once he started to understand joint venture he landed a deal where they endorse what he had to offer where he did $3.5 mill over a 35 hour period.

So instead of having to buy enough products to be able to sell on Amazon to make a profit, or having to create your own digital products, or any of the other complicated things we do online blogging , writing emails, filming youtube videos, and selling

We have done the work for you.

We use a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean grazisoi, grant cordon, Tai Lopez and many others have used spending $100,000 that earned them 100’s of millions of dollars And that a major investment firm acquired from learn vest for 250 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1 ) generate interest 2) capture your leads 3) present your products to your prospects 4) closes them right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different catogies of income streams. 

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How To Sell Real Estate To Anyone 

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Not all real estate agents are created equal, the average Realestate agent earns about $40,000 a year however, according to a 2014 report from the NAR, which show over a 5 year period 87% of new agents fail, and just 14% of agents making a living.

One of the reasons so few people are able to make a successful living selling real estate is because most real estate agents do not sell real estate they retail it. A true sales person, find a problems and shows how owning real estate or listing their home is a solution to some sort of problem they have.

43.2% of the richest Americans own rental property. So why do more people not own real estate? Robert Kiyosaki author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series is friends with a very successful real estate investor who shows the people who invest into real estate are already the type of people who invest in real estate. 

So he is as successful as he is because he created his own market. He say the reason more people do not invest in real estate is because they do not have enough money and the reason they do not have enough money is because they do not have a business.

Only 0.1% of the population earn a million dollars or more however, 9% of business owners make a million dollars or more.

Making a million dollars is business is not as complicated as it may seem. The reason more business are not making a million dollars is because they do not spend the time to understand the business they are in.

They may understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of their business. There are a number of reason why more businesses are not as successful as they could be to keep things simple,  research publish by ……. Shows the average small business has 7% profit, and when you look at starting a restaurant is the most popular business you can start with over 200,000 restaurant owners in the US, when you look at why 7% may seem so low.

But you can adjust the profit margins for other industries, but if we are looking at this 7%, that mean you will need between 50-100 employees to do a million dollars a year. However, the capital you would need to hire enough employees and be profitable is very difficult.

There are other businesses that are much easier.

Network marketing or MLM is one of the easiest ways to build a million dollar income when you compare this to other industries (Do worry, we are not attempting to recruit you but show you the principles) The reason certain people are not successful is they are not successful in their career either, they need to develop the skills to be successful in business.

I am in a Grant Cardone coaching program with Rebecca who first invest $1,200 to learn how to sell then joined a network marketing company and recruited 19 people over the next 3 weeks earning $21,000.

The network marketing industry standard shows for every 20 people you recruit, one will make a 6 figure income. You do not know which person will make six figures, one of the will.

So, if you recruited a 100 people this will give you 5 people who are now earning a 6 figure income who are now in the position to invest in real estate.

This is normally done with what is known as the gold rush principle.

Samuel Brannan became the richest person in California because of the California because what is known as the gold rush principles not by finding gold but by selling picks, shovels and tools the prospectors needed.

By using the gold rush principle you offer supportive services that enable you to be more successful with what you are doing. In the case of McDonalds, McDonalds sells fast food that gives them brand recognition to more people, opening the opportunity for those business minded individual to invest in a McDonalds franchise.

1) McDonalds sells fast food
2) Which generate them billions of customers where they then funnel those customers through a system where certain business minded individuals end up investing in a Mcdonalds franchise.

In Robert Kioyaski books, he describes this real estate who by building a network marketing company as his gold rush principle enabled him to do more real estate deals than he could do on his own. 

Typically a team of 100 people will turn into a team of 20,000 people which will put 100s of people into the position to invest in real estate.

With a team of 100 people will typically earn you an income of $100,000 a month, which you can then funnel those people into a system to get them started with you investing into real estate. 

One of the best ways smaller companies can get started with educational marketing. 

Many people underestimate the value of educational marketing, by establishing themselves as the most credible expert in their field however, people like Arnold Swartizagaer, Rober Kiyosak of the rich dad poor dad company, and Dave Asprey of bullet proof coffee first established themselves as expert that opened up the opportunity to become who we know them of as today. 

Arnold Swartiznager came to America and competed in bodybuilding competitions, then because of the mentoring of Joe Weilder he launched his own bodybuilding course which earned him enough money to invest in real estate where he became a millionaire. Arnold became a real estate millionaire before any of you saw him on the silver screen. 

Dave Asppray wrote a book about the benefits of drinking coffee. Folgers just sells coffee but Dave Asspray established himself as the most sought after expert on the health benefits of coffee which lead him to raising almost $60 million dollars in investor money who at the time ONLY sold his coffee through the internet and has since certain stores carry his brand of coffee and is now opening up coffee shops giving Starbuck a run for its money because Starbuck sell an experience but Day Asprey established himself as the most sought after expert in his field. 

You can use these exact same principles to build a real estate empire. 

Many smaller companies under estimate the power of educational marketing, earning an income by offers books and courses that establish you as the most credible expert in your field that enable you to be more successful in your industry and because the high profit margin of educational marketing it can sustain you long enough during your growth period to be more profitable and even stay in business. Educational marketing can often mean the difference between staying in business or closing your doors.  

If I was to ask you what is the one thing you could be doing in your enterprise that would make all the other things you could be doing a waste of time? Most companies go after after one customer at a time, joint ventures or group marketing is the fastest way to grow you company where we land a customer where that one customer may bring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

Before spending a dime in advertising Bill Gates made his first $10 million dollars through joint ventures.

One of the first deal I consulted on, I made a deal with Al Nin, where we landed a deal with his dentist, and then made a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days at a average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million in the first 12 months.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How To Create Wealth From Your Overlooked Assets

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In 2011 Facebook acquired Instagram for a billion dollars (a business that was making no money.) Companies spend billions of dollars trying to attract the customers, and friends and family of those you already have relationships with which these companies will pay you handsomely for.

Robin Elliott worked with an oil change who was already moderately successful, they were doing about $2 million dollars a year however, they started recommending the  services of several local companies. 

Every so often I hear businesses owners ask about legitimate ways to make more money, have more of an impact, and reach their dreams 

When someone says something like this I always smile because I know they don’t know how leverage works 

when someone has put in the effort to build a large customer base and can blast out a message to their customers they only need a small percentage of their following to respond to the message to easily double, or even triple their income.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and blast out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer

In the case of Robbin Elliott, when customers came to the oil change shop they provided their customers with marketing material that receded their customers to some of the local businesses in the area which doubled their income, with no overhead, no labor, just 100% pure profit

Think about the complementary products and services that you could recommend to your customers that could double your income.

Instead of risking the money into advertising when you don’t know what you are going to get, wouldn’t it be smarter to find someone who is already success recommend you and what you have to offer.

Most companies go after one customer at a time. On the other hand we use group marketing where we land a customer where that one customers may bring us 100s, 1000s of new customers. 

The first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email endorsing my new weight loss product to his customer base and within the next 6 hours after sending out that email that turned into $14,1000 within my very first 24 hours in business

The next time I did this I put a project like this together with Al Nin. We landed a deal with his dentist and partnered up with several beauty salons where we provided them with marketing material which turned in 3200 new patients in the first 90 day at an average $2000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million over the next 12 months 

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How To Create Advertising That Sells: Why Local Businesses Seem To Lose Money When Advertising Online And What You Can Do About It.

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How much do you understand about marketing, cash flow and raising business capital? Many smaller companies understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of their business like creating cash flow.

Up until the early 2000s the yellow pages were the top resources to advertise their business however, because less and less people started using the yellow pages companies were forced to find other means to advertise their companies.

The way the yellow pages and other print adverted worked is they used a standard form of advertising in other words a company would pay a flat rate to advertising their messages depending on the size their message had in the publication.

Google introduced the pay per click model. So the company who was willing to pay more for a visit their to website which changed the way advertising was done. This allowed media companies like Google, Facebook and other to make more and more money but also priced many smaller companies out of being able to advertise.

Alan Lazar who spends spends a few million dollars a month has told me that you can’t compete with him and companies like him that have large advertising budgets because they more his effective his advertising is and the target his advertising budget is the less he pays.

So smaller companies have to get creative if they are going to compete online. Remember online, you are not competing with your local neighborhood businesses but you are competing for your competitions attention.

If you had a local company and were chiropractor you have a website like which is a typical website for a local business which lists services and what you do but does not do a very good job selling you over your competitors.

Many local companies like Doctors , financial services, and real estate whole live events where they invite their customers and or patients to a live event where they educate those visitors on a topic which establishes them as expert and highlights the importance of why person should do business with them.

Because of the value they provide at these local event which are open to the public their customers and or patients invite their friends and family who also end up doing business with them.

Dr. John Bergman holds tase event with what he calls True Health Tuesday where he also built a following on youtube post the video of the events that he hold live in his office there events last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour on average.

Many doctors who post on youtube do videos on what they do. Dr. John Bergman, on the other hand, addresses health issues and then over the next 45 minutes or so educates his audience on the solution.

The reason many smaller companies fail to make a profit with online advertising is because they are expecting too big of a commitment to quickly.
The more expensive your products are the more trust you have to develop before someone will do business with you.

In the case of Dr. Bergman offers a membership website for $2.97 a month that helps build trust where he offers uncensored health-related videos because social media has banned people from using certain words so you have access to different health education videos.

From there Dr. Bergman upsells those clients who want to take their health more serious to their online community at which also includes health-related education videos, as well as an online community, mastermind session, took to track your results to ensure your success for $19.99 a month or $199 a year.  

The for more spacific health issues Dr. Bergman offers online workshops for $97 each. These tools help educate his audience and establish himself as a respected expert and highlights the importance of why a person should have their health needs taken care of Dr. Bergman over their computers.

Even if a person is not ready to buy he collects email subscribers be offering a 7 day trial.

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Many business owners underestimate the power of establishing themselves as an expert through books, courses, and videos because being in business today is not as simple as it once was. Back in the day, you could be a dentist, a contractor and that all you did, today you need multiple streams of income to offset the expenses of being in business, today.

Today the average millionaire has 7 streams of income. 

What is the one thing you could be doing that would make any other effort to get customers or patients a waste of time? Just 5% of businesses do a million dollars a year or more, and just 5% use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing.

Most companies go after one customer at a time however, we use group marketing where we land a customer where that one customer may bring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the type of the business and size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers. 

One of the first times I used group marketing , I made a deal with Al Nin, where we landed a deal with his dentist, and then made a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days at a average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million in the first 12 months.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

How To Create Advertising That Sells – The Gold Rush Principles 

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The McDonalds corporation started as a struggling hamburger stand to one of the worlds most recognized brands because of the gold rush principle. Let me explain, Samuel Brannan became the richest person in California because of the California gold rush not by finding gold but by selling picks, shovels and tools the prospectors needed.

By using the gold rush principle you offer supportive services that enable you to be more successful with what you are doing. IN the case of McDonalds, McDonalds sells fast food that gives them brand recognition to more people, opening the opportunity for those business minded individual to invest in a McDonalds franchise. 

Jeremy shoemaker sold a $0.99 ebook through Amazon, selling 35,000 eBooks, drive 17,500 Unique Visitors to, generating 480 leads, 115 sales Calls, and 16 New Clients at $5,500 per month per customer, totaling $88,000 per month, or $1,056,000 per year.

Russell Brunson as a college student from Boise, ID sold a $7 book online. That helped him to build a $100 million web design software because For every book he sold for $7 he created an additional $40 revenue in up-sells. By reading the book, the reader was convinced to choose his software over competitor software. They then made the decision to purchase his software. 

Dave Asppray wrote a book about the benefits of drinking coffee. Folgers just sells coffee but Dave Asspray established himself as the most sought after expert on the health benefits of coffee which lead him to raising almost $60 million dollars in investor money who at the time ONLY sold his coffee through the internet and has since certain stores carry his brand of coffee and is now opening up coffee shops giving Starbuck a run for its money because Starbuck sell an experience but Day Asprey established himself as the most sought after expert in his field. 

Arnold Swartiznager came to America and competed in bodybuilding competitions, then because of the mentoring of Joe Weilder he launched his own body building course which earned him enough money to invest in real estate where he became a millionaire. Arnold became a real estate millionaire before any of you saw him on the silver screen. 

Richard Branson, the founder, of Virgin stated a magazine called the “Student” after sometime they started offer music through their magazine by mail order. They became successful with this and opened up their Virgin records, record stores. Years later they launch Virgin airlines, which lead to the dozens of Virgin companies today. 

Many smaller companies under estimate the power of educational marketing, earning an income by offers books and courses that establish you as the most credible expert in your field that enable you to be more successful in your industry and because the high profit margin of educational marketing it can sustain you long enough during your growth period to be more profitable and even stay in business. Educational marketing can often mean the difference between staying in business or closing your doors.  

If I was to ask you what is the one thing you could be doing in your enterprise that would make all the other things you could be doing a waste of time? Most companies go after after one customer at a time, joint ventures or group marketing is the fastest way to grow you company where we land a customer where that one customer may bring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

Before spending a dime in advertising Bill Gates made his first $10 million dollars through joint ventures.

One of the first deal I consulted on, I made a deal with Al Nin, where we landed a deal with his dentist, and then made a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days at a average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million in the first 12 months.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How To Profit From Your Competitor’s Ignorance!

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How much do you understand about marketing, cash flow and raising business capital? Most entrepreneurs understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of their enterprise.

The marketplace is filled with companies offering the same type of products and services just under and different company or brand name.

People have gotten numb to the way most advertising is done because everyone is saying the same thing again just under a different company or brandname.

In order to stand out in todays market us use out of the box thinking or as Steve Jobs put it “Think Different”.

Multi-Millionaire carpet cleaner,  Joe Polish calls this a case of the blind leading the blind. Inside the carpet cleaning industry every carpet cleaner is using the same type of advertising that every other carpet cleaner is using and in order to win at this game you have out spend your competitors in advertising or lower your prices and make less and less money for every job.

However, instead of spending his own money in advertising he leveraged the advertising that other dry cleaners had already spent in advertising in order to build their loyal customer base in order to get more business for himself.

He offered to cover the cost of the plastic wrapping dry cleaners protect your clothes with once they have been dry-cleaned with his own marketing message, and instead of having some lame message like Joe’s carpet cleaning he decided to use the same type of marketing companies were using during the 1920s, 30s and 40s.

In those days companies were less concerned with branding and getting their name known and were more concerned with making sales. However, when these companies grew and had large enough marketing budget they switched to branding and being well known but smaller companies do not understand this.

Joe Polish understood what is known in the industry as joint ventures or group marketing where he sent out a direct mail campaign where he land a group of who customers who brought in 1,000s of new customers.

Most companies go after one customer at a time however, we use group marketing where we land a customer, where that one customer may ring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

Now the first time I follow Joe Polishes example I found someone who had already spend $250,000 in advertising who agreed to send out an email to his customers base in my behalf and over the next 6 hours after sending out that email that turned in 141 sales and over the next 12 month that turned into something in the rage of a $100,000 per month income. 

Just think of all the money I typically would have to invest in advertising to make a profit like that so quickly. For those people who have that kind of money great for them however, that is not how most businesses are able start.

Just 5% of business will ever do a million dollars in a single year, yet just 5% of business use joint ventures. So this is a way to profit from your competitors ignorance by understand more about the important part of your business than any of your competitors. 

The next time I work on a project with Al Nin where we made a deal with his dentist and then landed a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material and over the next 90 days that turned into 3,200 new patients at an average of $2,000 per patient for a total of the next 12 months of $6.5 million dollars.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle.

I’m not here to sell you an expensive marketing course but give you an incentive to partner up with us and work together as a team because the only way this works is to work together as a team.

I’ve been part of projects that have collectively millions of dollars

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How To Legally Hijack Someone Else’s Traffic To Get More Traffic For Yourself

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How much do you understand about marketing, cash flow and raising business capital? Most entrepreneurs understand what they do but they do not understand some of the other important parts of their enterprise.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising you they can help you make more money however, it is unlikely you will reach the levels of success you wish to with these sources because you do not have the financial resources.

But how did people like Bill Gates get their big break that set him up for future success? No matter, what you financial goals are there is a big lesson that we can learn from Bill Gates of Microsoft where he explains in his Biography on how they made their first $10 million dollars. 

While Microsoft was small, instead of spending their own money in advertising they used the money other companies had already spent in advertising in order to get more business for themselves. 

Now the first time I follow Bill Gates example I found someone who had already spend $250,000 in advertising who agreed to send out an email to his customers base in my behalf and over the next 6 hours after sending out that email that turned in 141 sales and over the next 12 month that turned into something in the rage of a $100,000 per month income. 

Just think of all the money I typically would have to invest in advertising to make a profit like that so quickly. For those people who have that kind of money great for them however, that is not how most businesses start.

Most businesses spend years, just trying to get ahead.

People also at times spend years trying to build a social media following large enough that they can send out a message to their following who will take them up of their offer.

The next time I work on a project with Al Nin where we made a deal with his dentist and then landed a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material and over the next 90 days that turned into 3,200 new patients at an average of $2,000 per patient for a total of the next 12 months of $6.5 million dollars.  

If I was to ask you what is the one thing you could be doing in your enterprise that would make all the other things you could be doing a waste of time? Most companies go after after one customer at a time, joint ventures or group marketing is the fastest way to grow you company where we land a customer where that one customer may bring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

Before spending a dime in advertising Bill Gates made his first $10 million dollars through joint ventures.

One of the first deal I consulted on, I made a deal with Al Nin, where we landed a deal with his dentist, and then made a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days at a average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million in the first 12 months.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How John Reese Planned Out The Day He Made A Million Dollars Within A 24 Hour Period 

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If you have tried to make money online for some time now, you may be familiar with John Reese who broke records in our industry. John Reese was the first normal individual just like you and me who was able to make a million dollars within a 24 hour period online.

There had be normal individuals who had used direct mail to sell a million dollars in products over several days however, the internet is fast and what you can do offline you can do online at times in a matter of hours.

John Reese had the goal of making a million dollars online over a 24 hour period. He knew it could be done however, it was going to take some planning. 

He used the mathematic formula to writing your own check to take all the guess work out of sales and marketing. For many enterprises sales and marketing is a game of change however, when you look at the economics of your business you know what know exactly what you have to do in order to reach your income goal.

When you know what your income goal is, and how much you make per sale, or depending on your type of business how much a customer is worth to you and you know what you have to do to make a sale at that point you just wrote your own check.

In the midst of the Great Depression which was a time when people were jumping out of skyscrapers and eating out of trash cans W. Clement Stone used this mathematical formula to writing his own check to make as much as 122 sales per day earning him a million dollars per year which is around $20 million dollars as of 2022 during the worst economic times in US history so far.

Fast forward 80 years and the Boston Red Sox used this same formula to break an 86 year old losing streak known as the curse of the bambino since so few are aware of this formula it is typically those who are very successful we call this the knowledge of the one percent.

So if we have 1,000 people, we know by exposing 1,000 people to your marketing message how many people will buy your product. So we have to have our income goal which in the case of John Reese is a million dollars.

Divided by the profit per sale, the price of his product was $2,000 which means he need to make 500 sales to reach his goal of a million dollars over a 24 hour period.

John partnered up with individuals who ran an Email newsletter such as Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Jeff Walker and perhaps Even Pagan at this time.

The Direct Marketing Association says an Email newsletter subscriber is wort $187 over the lifetime of that subscriber. And for every dollar you spend to acquire a subscriber you will make $40 in return.

There are some factors you can follow which will help you make as much as $500 per month per subscriber but as a general rule you will make $1 per month per subscriber.

So if Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Jeff Walker and even Even Pagan sent out an email to their list at $187 they only need to send out 5,347 emails to make a million dollars over a 24 hour period.

These are just the general numbers however, before they launched their calculated how much a subscriber is worth.

So absolutely worst case scenario, they knew how many emails they needed to send out to reach the goal of a million dollars in 24 hours.

The very first group marketing deal I landed a deal with Joel Broughton who had a list of 250,000 email who send out an email to only a portion of his list however, if I would have had enough experience at this time I would had networked with Joel enough to find other group marketing partner who also has a list of 250,000 people.

4 people at 250,000 is a million emails. So even at a $1 per subscriber I still would had made a million dollars within my first 24 hours.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

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How Dean Jackson Built A $50,000 Per Month Income Selling Real Estate Part-time, So He could Spend The Rest Of His Time Playing Golf. 

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Being successful in real estate is not just letting people know what you do but understanding human emotion, human psychology and using the proper combination of words, shapes and colors that will motivate a person to do business with you over your competitors. 

What many of the most successful companies do online is not new, the technology may be new but what many but what many companies do online is what companies were doing during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. 

In those day companies were less concerned with image and branding and were more concerned with sales 

You advertising should not just make people aware of what you do but make an offer, and give them an action step to follow this is called direct response advertising.

When the agents who could afford run ads on park benches and news paper ads, Dean Jackson of ……, Florida is now using direct response advertising online however, in 1988 when he got his start he sent a direct mail campaign to apartment complexes that was similar to this 1931 Bisquick ad on the back cover of a cosmo magazine which at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine you have a coupon to send in to get a free Bisquick cookbook through the mail that educated their readers and highlights the importance of why a person should cook with Bisquick 

Dean Jackson offered a book for first time home buyers, that educated his audience and highlighted the importance of why a person should do business with him over their competitors.

Chet Holmes International shows that at any given time only 3% of the population is ready to buy a particular product, and 7% is thinking about. Mast agents expect to big of a commitment to quickly, other research shows that people start doing the research 18-24 months before making a major purchase however, by not using direct response marketing you will not lose those prospect off to your competitors at a later date.

Chet International also shows that by making some slight changes to your marketing message you can go from 3% to 30% who are ready to buy.

 The book invites a person to subscribe to their home listing guild which went out ever 2 weeks, which included recent homes sold, and the current prices of homes in the area.

You are then invited to call the office and book a home buying tour which happens every Saturday at 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm.

From there you are invited to order your home loan report, to them the evaluate the best options for them, and help them get pre-approved without being turned down.

Once, someone sells or buys a home with most agents the agent no longer communicates with the client and closes down any further income sources. However, by servicing the client you build further loyalty.

Dean Jackson worked with local kitchen remodeling companies where he offered a free kitchen remodeling planner, then invited them t subscribe the kitchen ideas newsletter, invited them to attend a live kitchen workshop and Q&A session, and to take a kitchen assessment.

Dean Jackson has used direct response advertising to build a $50,000 a month income, working part time as a real estate agent, he loves playing golf and decided his lifestyle required a $50,000 a month income, and since he loves playing golf he did not want to work to many hours.

Compare that to what many real estate agents are doing, real estate is typically a very labor intensive business.

We are now in the digital age where Dean Jackson has brought those same ideas to the internet.

People love the idea of using the internet to build a $50,000 per month income in real estate, working part time, like Dean Jackson did but going from idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many agents  because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team where you will see how we worked with Jim Fleck who build a $3 million dollar Rea estate empire in his first 9 months 

I want to invite you to visit 

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