
A Quick Guide to Setting Effective Daily Goals

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Do you find it easy to set exciting goals, but you lose track somewhere along the way? As much as you want to lose weight or earn a promotion, you often find yourself back where you started. Setting daily goals may be your key to success. Hang onto your long-term objectives but use short-term goals to guide you towards your ultimate destination. Find out more about the benefits of daily goals and how to
use them.

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Stop Procrastinating Today by Changing Your Thinking

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Everyone procrastinates at some time or another. If we’re honest, we will admit that we’ve missed opportunities, delayed outcomes, and caused other negative consequences because of procrastinating. As you’ve seen for yourself, the old adage, “You snooze, you lose,” is real. Procrastination is a tough habit to overcome! Lucky for you, however, you can put procrastination in your past and move forward without having to worry about all those negative consequences again. Read on to learn more.

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Do you Know the 9 Mistakes Successful People Avoid?

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While there are a wide variety of successful people in the world, they share many characteristics. One of these is the type of mistakes they avoid. There are certain errors that significantly reduce the odds of success. Eliminate these mistakes and you’ll find your level of success increases. Read on to learn more.

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Going Green – Spring Cleaning Tips That Are Good for the Earth

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Spring cleaning is a popular time to get your life into shape. You can use the opportunity to make many positive changes to your home and life. You can organize, clean, and bring a happy and peaceful feeling to yourself once you're finished. In addition, you can take earth-friendly steps to do what's best for the planet while you're cleaning.

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Find Peace in Your Spring Garden

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Your spring garden can be a delightful addition to your meditation practice. It can be very simple to design a special space that will appeal to all your senses without requiring much time-consuming maintenance. These are some ways to create a garden that can improve your peace of mind come rain or shine.

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9 Reasons We Give Up

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We admire people that never seem to give up. Yet, most of us realize that we give up far too quickly. It’s not something we’re proud of, and it’s obvious how much more we could have accomplished with a little more determination. The first step is to gain some insight into why you give up before you succeed. Read on to learn more.

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See How the One Percent Rule Can
Change Your Life and Your Results

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Can a measly 1% improvement make a difference? It might not make a difference in a day, but regular 1% improvements can change your life! Sometimes we set goals so big that were too intimidated to even take the first step. For our purposes, we’re going to define the 1% rule as making a 1% improvement in every aspect of your life each day. Read on to learn more.

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Have You Ever Been Without a Problem? Discover Why That’s Good

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You’ve had countless problems over the course of your life. Maybe, you’re not even sure what to do with your life. Have you ever noticed that once one problem is solved, another one magically appears in its place? It’s not magic - it’s just that you can only recognize so many issues at one time.

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The Pomodoro Technique and How it Can Help You Accomplish More

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Would you like to get more done each day? Would you like to get a lot done and still feel refreshed when it’s time to go home? The Pomodoro Technique is among the most popular. This time management system has been around for over 30 years and utilizes alternating periods of work and short breaks to maximize how much you get done each day. You’ll also feel surprisingly good at the end of the day!

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Risk Assessment Isn’t Just for Businesses

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Businesses often rely on risk assessment to make decisions. You can apply a similar process to make decisions in your personal life. People often make decisions without considering the risks and rewards. You might be largely relying on luck to make the best decision. You can do better than that! Give risk assessment a try!

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